Quick notes 

  1. I don't speak thai, but I really tried to cobble together surnames that made some sense. If someone reading this does speak thai and the names I made up are nonsense, please let me know! <3
  2. In the relationship sections I switched the past and future segments, because I wanted to focus on how her opinions on people developed from her perspective. Just in case that's confusing, I wanted to mention it before we get to that part in the app :)




NewHaven | Vi | activity
How do I build a better future,                                          
 if I can't change the past?
who is she?
FULL NAME Tasanee Nanaorung — ทัศนีย์ หน้าหนาวรุ่ง
   Neeni. This is the name she mostly goes by.
  Neens. A cute nickname of the nickname, used occasionally by her family and closest friends.
   Serene. Former main nickname.
DATE OF BIRTH (AGE) june 04, 2019 (17) 
BIRTHPLACE Bangkok, Thailand
HOMETOWN Moncton, Canada (moved when she was 10)
NATIONALITY thai, canadian

GENDER cisfem, she/her (also comfortable with they/them)
(once she has that deep a connection with people, her attraction to them is not limited to any gender)

demiual, ace-flux
(fluctuates between "happy to participate, but not interested enough to initiate" and "completely uncomfortable")
Note: She has not figured any of this out yet. More on that in the trivia section.
  Thai. fluent (L1).
She was born in Thailand and their primary langauge at home was thai.
   English. fluent (L1).
Her father taught at an international school in Thailand and her family moved to Canada when she was nine.
   French | stutteringly conversational (L2).
Neeni took french in school and was not great at it. Since moving to South Korea, she has put her french on hold, because it was messing with her ability to learn korean. As such, her french is declining - if she put in the effort, she could get back to being a smoother level of conversational someday.
   Korean | semi-fluent (L2). 
Moving to South Korea to start training with BM when she was 16 was like being thrown in at the deep end of a pool. The only korean she knew at the time was a few random words she had picked up from kpop and suddenly she was going to High School in a language she didn't know. She's not naturally the best at languages, but being around the Korean language almost 24/7 meant she learned quite quickly. Though she still gets words wrong and struggles with metaphors and sayings, she can make it through everyday life and even interviews well enough.
is she pretty?
A7v0hMG.pngFACECLAIM Eisaya Hosuwan
(useful pinterest boards - credit not mine)
BACK-UP Urassaya Sperbund
(older, but has more pictures)
WEIGHT 52 kg
HEIGHT 161 cm on a good day
Neeni has plans for an elaborate tattoo, but because she is quite young, her parents have only allowed her to get a small part of it. A7v0hMG.pngRight now, she has a single violet on her shoulder (similar to the main flower in the picture). Violets are the symbol flower of New Brunswick, the state in Canada, that Neeni is from. In the past, as Siren, she pretends that the flower is a lilac to represent her part of Fortuna and she chose a five-petal one because those are lucky. The plan for the full tattoo is to turn the violet A7v0hMG.pnginto a wave of violets (and lilacs to remember her time in Fortuna), because she also grew up by the ocean and to add a betta fish, as those are the national fish of Thailand. After returning to the future, but before Cherie debuts, she wants to have the tattoo completed, so no one will try to call her out on copying Siren's tattoo.
Neeni's fashion is pretty simple. Jeans, Tshirts, Hoodies, Sneakers. Shorts in summer, maybe even a dress or two. Block colors, any fancier designs are seldom. Her makeup is subtle and although she doesn't like going outside without any makeup on, she is comfortable just doing her eyebrows, mascara, dropping a tinted lip balm in her backpack and walking out the door. She prefers backpacks over purses, just because that way the weight is on both her shoulders. She'll protest if the stylists try to give her a purse, unless it's for a photoshoot or mv and there doesn't have to be anything in the purse.
She does know a bit about fashion, though. Her sister learned a lot of fashion and makeup advice from kpop idols and passed that knowledge down to Neeni. So if she really has to, she can dress more stylishly, but will still heavily rely on the stylists to tell her what to wear. Just because she can walk and even dance in heels, doesn't mean she'll ever feel as comfortable.
what is she like?
A7v0hMG.pngoutspoken, compassionate, open-minded, welcoming, giving, opinionated, reckless, headstrong, confrontational, insecure
INFJ-A    Neutral Good    Gryffindor
The first thing you learn when you meet Neeni, is that she cares. A lot. About everything.
Her family and friends mean the world to her. Her parents taught her, that loving someone means going above and beyond to support them, to stand up for them if necessary and to be there for them. Neeni has carried that mindset across seventeen years, three countries and countless friendships. She loves fiercely and protectively and is a good person to have on your side when goes down.
Of course, day to day life is usually much calmer. Most of the time, Neeni is friendly and cheerful. She's not afraid to start conversations, even with strangers. Where some people see boring smalltalk, she sees an opportunity to brighten the other person's day as well as her own.
Not that conversations always go well for her. In fact, Neeni is equally likely to be involved in friendly discussion as in confrontation. Here is the other side of caring a lot: Neeni is very quick to speak her mind on topics she cares about. She openly advocates for things like mental health awareness, against things like discrimination and climate change. She puts in a lot of research and even fights her way through scientific papers just to make sure she can back up what she says. Still, those are topics that can quickly become controversial. She isn't always the one to bring up the subjects, but if someone else does, she stands up for what she believes in.
There's one thing that even people who find her obnoxious can agree is a strength of hers: anything she wants to say about you, she is just as ready to say to your face. Whether or not you like what she stands for, you can't deny that she does stand for something and is willing to stick to her guns.
Gen is born.
Neeni is born.
Gen (6) starts Primary School.
Neeni (6) starts Primary School.
Gen (12) starts Lower Secondary School.
Gen (15) starts Upper Secondary School. Gen comes out as trans.
Note: Neeni's sister, Gen, is a transwoman. She is described as having very traditionally feminine interests, which is not meant as a statement about all transwomen, since every transperson's experience is unique.
Even through I'm mentioning parts of her backstory before she came out, it feels weird to use anything but she/her for her. So even though I refer to her as Neeni's sister the entire time, people around her would have not known that until she came out. Similarly, both Neeni and Gen change their nicknames during this backstory, but I've decided to call them Neeni and Gen throughout the whole thing.
Neeni was the last addition to her family of four. Originally, she was nicknamed Serene, with the assumption that she would be graceful, classy and unshakable. Her parents tried to raise her that way in the beginning - the idea was that Gen would be a scientific go-getter and Neeni would float across the room to the sound of music. It became clear pretty quickly that that wasn't going to happen. Gen was the one who took to music instantly. Although she was very dissapointed that she was too small to play her mother's cello as a child, she found a way to enjoy the music by spinning around the room instead. What started as an awkward child flailing her arms to a beat soon turned into dancing along to kpop dance practices on youtube. Neeni, on the other hand, took much more after their father. He taught chemistry and biology at an International School in Bangkok and got Neeni interested in those science experiment kits for children. Conducting electricity through a potato, soaking eggs in vinagar until they bounce off the ground, dying flames by adding kid-friendly ingredients. Neeni got an hour of computer-time a day and spent most of it staring at wikipedia pages of animals and plants, trying to memorize the names of her local wildlife. Her first dream job was to be either a teacher or a tourist guide, so she could show people the wonders of the natural world. Which was how she found out about pollution and how big of a problem it is for nature. Upset by the idea that there were people out there who cared so little, she (along with her parents) joined local environmental groups to help with things like protests and clean-up initiatives.
School went well for Neeni. Because their father was a teacher, both Gen and Neeni had access to good schools. Neeni was a bright young student, energetic and enthusiastic. She liked interacting with people, made friends quickly and raised her hand in class a lot. Studying went well for subjects she was interested in, others fell by the wayside a little. Science and math went well for her, languages were alright, art class was a nightmare. Music was an interesting case: her voice was quite strong, so when it came to actually making music, she was pretty good - but she had a hard time caring about the theory aspect of the class. So her grades in music were always a bit low for the daughter of a professional orchestra musician. All in all, Neeni was great when she was interested and generally created a positive and engaged presence in her class.
Gen didn't get along quite as well. She was brilliant at music, dance and other artistic subjects. But for scientific subjects, it took her more effort to study and as she grew older and entered Secondary School, it seemed more and more like she had something on her mind that took up her attention to the point that she didn't have a lot of time in the day left to study. In 2026, when she started Upper Secondary School, she came out as trans to her family, who accepted her pretty quickly. Although Thailand was one of the leading countries when it comes to gender reassignment surgeries, legal and social rights were still not as good as they could be and after not quite a year, Gen felt like her transition had come to a bit of a standstill. In order to enable their daughter to live as herself and to grant her a new start in a new place as a woman, the whole family soon packed up and moved to Canada.
The family moves to Moncton.
Neeni (11) starts Middle School.
Gen (18) graduates.
Neeni (14) starts High School.
Their father got a position teaching science classes at a secondary school, which was fairly close to his old job. Unfortunately, their mother wasn't as lucky. In Bangkok, she had worked as a cellist in an orchestra. The only professional orchestra in the Moncton area that was looking for a cellist, was an orchestra that toured a lot. Even though it wasn't clear if she would even be accepted if she auditioned, she decided not to – the whole point of moving had been to be there for her daughters and touring would have complicated that. Instead she began to give cello lessons out of their living room and managed to build a decent base of students over the years. Although the income wasn't quite as good, it was steady and although the job wasn't quite as glamorous, she felt a quiet pride for her students.
Job changes weren't the biggest thing to get used to: It was quite the culture shock for the whole family to move from a thai megacity with an estimated population of 10 million people to a canadian city of about 71 thousand. But since the sisters had already gone to the International School their father had taught at, an english speaking country seemed like a good choice. Because of this, school wasn't as complicated as it could have been. Both girls were determined to make the most of this new place. After a year of reading up on local wildlife and environmental causes, she was delighted to hear that her middle school had an environmental conservation club. And so Neeni spent a lot of her afternoons and some weekends at the river or on trips to the coast to participate in ocean cleanups and similar activities. There she made a lot of her friends, including a few friendships that lasted through high school, long-distance trainee years – up until the whole time travel thing happened.
Gen had an easier time being herself here and anyone who was transphobic towards her was met with two teenagers ready to argue. More importantly, Gen found her place in her high school's dance team and even met a few fellow kpop enthusiasts. Neeni hadn't been wildly interested in kpop so far, but became roped into it. She dragged Gen along to ocean cleanups fairly often and decided to let Gen pick the music along the way, which resulted in a lot of kpop singalongs in the car. Because Gen had more practice at singing, she had the better voice and Neeni hesitantly took over the rap parts, because that was what was left. She was pretty terrible at it at first, not knowing a word of korean and having never tried to rap before. But because she wanted to bond with her sister, she put in the work to practice her korean pronounciation and was eventually able to fake her way into sounding like she knew what she was saying without actually understanding even half of the words. As for her rap skill – you can't practice something for multiple hours a week without getting better at it.
Neeni (16) auditions for BM Entertainment and gets accepted.
Neeni and her parents move to South Korea.
Neeni (16-17) trains at BM and attends korean High School.
By the time she turned 16, Neeni was sure of one thing: when she grew up she wanted to have a carreer that helped people. A noble goal, but not very specific. Trying to help the lives of marginalized people and trying to fight climate change... politics seemed the obvious option. But as far as she could tell, politics would mostly include talking to people who already agreed with her, being torn down by people who didn't and fighting tooth and nail for minimal changes. Important work, but very frustrating and made worse by the fact that she was so young that none of the people with the power to change anything would take her very seriously until she was much older.
Kpop was one of many ideas on the list, along with creating or working for various community centres, shelters or environmental intiatives. In fact, kpop was one of the ideas Neeni considered least likely to happen. But a few companies held auditions in Canada a few times a year and auditioning couldn't hurt, right? Honestly, if it hadn't been for Gen, she might have written off the pop industry as really fun and entertaining, but to vapid to mean anything. But kpop had meant a lot to Gen, who had found an escape from troubles, so many role models for feminity and a place she could belong in the music. And as she watched her sister flourish, Neeni saw the potential positive impact the genre could have first-hand and believed in the power of art. Rap was fun to her by now and sometimes she even scribbled a few lines of her own on the side of her school notes. So she viewed kpop as a chance to 1) rap for a living, 2) inspire people, 3) create and/or boost conversations that are important to her.
She auditioned for a few companies, was rejected a few times and was extremely surprised when she got a callback from BM. It was only because her family had such a history with music performing and because of a lot of research into how BM treat their trainees, that her parents allowed her to travel to South Korea and see if she could become a trainee. Gen accompanied her on that first trip, to support her sister and also to see the kpop world up close. During Neeni's first audition in Canada, she hadn't been very nervous, because she didn't expect anything to come of it, except for a fun story. But here? She actually had a chance and she really wanted to do well, so she was extremely nervous. In an interesting twist, another auditioning girl started an argument with the sisters about lgbtqi+ pride pins on their luggage and by the time Neeni went in for her audition, she was worked up enough that she had no place for nervousness. Instead her anger transferred into a pretty badass and confident performance.
She was accepted as a trainee and was quickly moved into trainee dorms and enrolled in korean high school. In the blink of an eye, Neeni had once again moved continents and switched schools, only this time she didn't even really know the langauge. It was a lot to deal with at barely 16 years old and so she wouldn't be alone, her mother moved to South Korea, though she obviously couldn't live in the dorms with her daughter. Neeni's father's job meant he couldn't up and move so easily, but her mother was confident she would find cello students anywhere. He and Gen visited regularely, though. At least one parent was close by and could help if Neeni needed support. Because the family had settled down in Moncton quite nicely, the plan was that her mother would move back to Canada when Neeni was in her early twenties in about four years. After all, no one was expecting time travel.
Cherie travel back in time.
Fortuna debuts, thrives and ultimately disbands.
Queer rights hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows (hah) in Canada either, but South Korea was still worse and Neeni – who was used to standing up for what she believed in – didn't shy away from discussions or arguments. Her confrontational nature got her in trouble at school and even within the company every once in a while. And although activism was far more accepted and common in the kpop industry of 2036 than it had been ten years before, the PR team were a bit worried when Neeni was chosen for Cherie. But Brian Moon made it clear, that he had her back and even if PR would have to smooth over the occasional scandal, no one at BM would stop her from fighting for what she believed in.
And then, suddenly, the idea that "activism was far more accepted and common in the kpop industry of 2036 than it had been ten years before" comes back to bite her. Because she is now not just ten, but 18 years in the past. She isn't even born yet. Neeni, with all her bone-deep need to fight for a better future for everyone, is now being catapulted into the public eye in an time where open activism could tank the careers of her entire group or even company.
Besides... is there a point in trying to campaign for a better future, if all you can do is follow the predetermined path of Fortuna? How do you make things better if you can't change anything that happens?
A7v0hMG.png Because her stage name is Nova and the meaning of Chérie, her fanclub name is Lovestar - like lovehearts, but with stars, you know.
In Fortuna, her stage name is Siren and her fanclub name is Lightship. Lightships work like lighthouses, but they are more mobile which symbolises a flexibility and ability to go where they can help the most (streaming mvs, etc.). Also, because Siren implies luring people onto the rocks, the fans can be a guiding light for Neeni to remember who she is doing all this for and that this work - however temporary - means something to someone.
Kpop and Fortuna
Most of her kpop knowledge is thanks to Gen and was an especially big part of their lives from 2025 onwards. Gen's favorites went as far back as 2019 (because almost noone *just* listens to rookies when they first get into kpop). So Neeni actually knows most about the kpop world from years 2019-2036, which is extremely useful when it comes to time travel. She knows group names, might recognize a few faces. Can sing along and do the dances to some of the girl group hits. But her knowledge is limited - even though kpop had a major presence in her life, she was never the fan of the house. Most of what she remembers is stuff that was repeated a lot over the years: her sister's biases and especially iconic songs or moments.
Neeni holds a lot of respect for Fortuna in particular. Not only because they were some of Gen's favorites. It's how highly Brian Moon speaks of them. Whenever anyone tells him how much they appreciate his care for his idols, he brings up Fortuna as people who really helped shape who he is and that he learned to want to interact with the people around him in a way that is understanding, uplifting and kind. Fortuna have helped two people that are major parts of Neeni's life become better and happier versions of themselves. She feels like she owes them a lot.
Which is why she feels like the girls have been handed a huge responsibility when she realizes, that they are Fortuna. Some of the other group members may only see it as the responsibility to become the major players Fortuna were in the kpop industry, to make songs and learn dances that are that good, to be that entertaining and graceful during variety shows - to live up to the daunting task of becoming kpop legends. However, Neeni joined who the kpop industry mostly because of the significant positive impact she has seen it have and views being an idol as an opportunity to inspire people to feel like they can be themselves and to fight for social change. So she knows that it's important that they succeed as Fortuna, but also feels pressure to live up to being a part of that very personal change that they inspired in her sister and their CEO.
She changed her nickname from Serene to Neeni in support of her sister changing her name in 2026. Part of why she chose Neeni instead of an actual word, is because it sounds similar to the end of 'Serene' and mostly just because she liked the way it sounded. 'Gen' is short for gentle, so in a way Gen uses the nickname of a nickname.
She's still very much in the process of figuring out her uality. She sort of assumes that she's bi-/panual, because she's never felt... not-attracted to any gender. But then again, she's never felt attracted to anybody, either.
But she also doesn't have a lot of time in her life and has never been focused on romance or . So maybe that's something that might still happen for her? Secretly, she's toying with labels like grey-aroace. Despite her vocal and heartfelt support for the queer community, she's too scared to officially label herself as grey-aroace, because marriage and are things that are socially seen as something you would be "weird" not to want. So while she is supportive and uplifting towards other ace people, she's fighting internalised ace-phobia when it comes to her own identity.
Questions about her ideal type make her really anxious, especially because it's considered an easy question. You just say something generic like "someone who has a strong sense of humor and is a good cook". But for Neeni it serves as a reminder that this is something she's expected to know about herself.
(If Eunhye and Neeni are both chosen, she'll latch onto the "I want a cat" answer and try to steer the conversation towards ideal pets instead.)
is she what she seemed to be?
Lilac | Lead Rapper, Vocalist
TALENT TWIN: (G)I-DLE's Yuqi, if you can ignore the lead dancer position
(backup: CLC's Eunbin)
She almost went with Neeni as her stage name. Almost. But for all that she tries to be publically honest about her life, she wants to be able to keep some separation between herself and the stage. Just like Nova is a star that rapidly becomes brighter only to fade again over time, Neeni wants Chérie to skyrocket in popularity. And when the time comes? Every star burns out one day, and Neeni doesn't really want to still be doing kpop in her 40s. It is cosmic irony, that she chose the stage name of a fading star only to end up in a different group, where she will do exactly that. What does fit eerily well, is that Novas can be mistaken for new stars, but really are the same old ones at a different brightness.
TRAINEE LIFE: Training was rough. The intense competition between trainees made it a bit harder than usual to make friends and the language barrier didn't help. But she was only sixteen, new to the trainee life, the dorms, the school and the whole country and she needed a friend. She was closest to the other trainees that attended school with her, since they'd be driven to school together and take the same classes. But even then, it took a little while before she was able to have conversations with them. That took quite the toll on her, since she was usually one of the first people to start conversations and make friends and felt like the language barrier was isolating her in an already tough situation.
Of course there were some trainees that spoke English or Thai and a lot of them she did become friends with, which made it easier. By the time she knew enough korean to talk the rest of the trainees more easily, most of them were already in friend groups. Neeni managed to befriend a few people, who soon got to know her as a kind and fun friend who defended them when they needed it.
As for the actual training, it went alright. Neeni had already been good at pronouncing korean words she didn't know and that skill only got better as she used it daily. Rapping practice was definitely the highlight of the day for her, she got to do something she was good at without having to struggle to communicate. This feeling of security meant she really fell in love with rap during her trainee year and found a lot of confidence in it as it turned into a sort of safe space. Singing practice went alright, though she was only ever average at it. Dancing was fun as long as she could forget that she was being judged for it – when it came to perfecting choreography, she struggled, but she enjoyed the workout.
ARTICLES: I'm very bad at coming up with these, but considering how outspoken she is, I'm sure she gets in twitter fights every once in a while or something.
A7v0hMG.pngALIAS: Mali 'Siren' Thiaophanfai
มาลี  เที่ยวผ่านไฟ
(the nickname to her alias)
In a way, this is a nod to her former nickname Serene. Part of the reason, she dropped the nickname in the future was, that she was far too opinionated to be the unassuming golden child that the nickname would have fit to. Now, she's in a situation, where she needs to pretend to be far more agreeable.
Unfortunately, she couldn't remember if she had - in the future - ever publically said that her old name was Serene and so to cover her tracks, she couldn't go with that exact name. She came up with Siren based on pure word-association. And it fits pretty well, right? She's works using her voice, seems alluring and a bit mysterious. On a more morbid note, she does feel like she is luring her fans into a wreck - after all, she knows exactly how Fortuna ends.
FAKE BACKSTORY: Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Mali became aware of kpop through Gangnam Style, forgot about it for a while and then came back to the genre and got really into it a few years ago. Her singing was nothing special, but she descovered she was okay enough at rapping that she might even become good at it, if she practiced more. Once she was decent, she auditioned for a few companies, but only new company BM really took notice of her elegance and quiet confidence. So she was thankful that they were giving her a chance and excited to be one of the first few trainees in a new company.
Life at BM
Because it's 2019, Neeni has to dial back her advocacy for most topics. And so Siren is a very different person. Siren is a badass in classy and elegant ways, without having anything to say, except how cool it is to film music videos. But she gives great fashion advice and makeup tips! Neeni repeats everything Gen taught her about those topics. Gen learned from kpop idols – including Fortuna's Siren. The only way Neeni can get through a day of being quietly graceful in public is by reminding herself, that she wants to be someone her sister can look up to the same way she looks up to Gen.

Keeping quiet about all the causes she wants to advocate for in public is extremely tiring for Neeni. All too often Fortuna spend their day recording for variety shows and Neeni is graceful and funny and classy and harmless. She does silly dances and talks about eyeshadow technique and keeps everything she is passionate about locked behind a bright smile. No cracks in the mask.

And then they get back to the BM building and Brian Moon shows up and starts nitpicking them and all they can do is watch as their schedules fill up with more practices. And Neeni, behind the closed doors of the entertainment building, can't keep up the act. She pushes back against Moon, insists that this is not the type of environment that people will want to work in longterm, stands up for the other members. But this is also pent-up anger coming out, so she's very confrontational about it (which is kinda fair, but in this case not productive). He doesn't respont well to being called out, especially by a seventeen-year-old girl and reacts condescendingly, which only makes her more angry. Maknaes usually don't stand up to their CEOs to try to protect their older groupmates, but Neeni joined climate protests while she was in elementary school and has spoken up against queerphobia since middle school and she isn't about to let powerful people profit off other people's discomfort.

Eventually she remembers that he is going to become the Brian Moon she knew from 2036 and that a big part of that was Fortuna. And so she slowly but surely settles in to a more patient approach - this is someone she knows can change - and if he needs her to be gentler and move slower then she can grit her teeth through his nastier comments. Over time, she learns to be less short-fused and learns skills that make her better at reaching out to people that don't already agree with her - pretty useless right now when she can't speak up anyway, but it is good character development. He learns to turn his idealism outward to better standards for the kpop industry and becomes more constructive towards idols and trainees.
Rap and Musical Ambition
  Her korean is only semi-fluent at the moment. Right now, she doesn't always understand the rap parts she is given, but has a fascinating talent for getting the pronounciation right. After reading a translation so she can get the emotions of her lines right, a bit of practice with every song and she can rap as though she knows what she's saying.
Because of the language barrier and the fact that she has only trained for about a year, it is pretty clear why the title of Main Rapper goes to Edelweiss. Neeni understands why she's the only person in the group without a main position. She's young, she's new to training, new to the language and likes kpop more for how it helps people than for the actual music. So she understands, she really does. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt a bit. Even for the most emotionally mature adult, being constantly overshadowed by friends can be tough. And Neeni isn't an emotionally mature adult, she's seventeen. She does her best to stay away from jealousy and generally holds a lot of respect for Edelweiss and hopes to learn a lot from her. But whenever fans say that she might be as good as Edelweiss once she's more used to the language and the spotlight, she could be good enough to be a second main rapper, she can't help but feel a stab of pride.
She was planning to ask if she would be allowed to make an english mixtape at some point, so she could show off her skill without the language barrier. Those hopes are dashed the second they travel back in time and become Fortuna. Since she can't voice a lot of her opinions, most of the songs she writes are unusable for her. For now. So although she doesn't like it, she realizes that she can use the years in Fortuna: when they get back to the future in eight years, she'll be much better at korean and will have more practice as an idol. So this is the new plan: bit her tongue, rap what other people write for her, use the time as free practice and write her own rap parts in Cherie once they get back to the future and she can say write about things important to her.
Playing the Part
After finally accepting that they are well and truly in the past and stuck there, she creates two word documents and shares them with the group. In the first one, she writes everything about kpop that she remebers. The first few pages are a general timeline of big events, the middle part is elaborations all those events and the last part is random anecdotes and misc. info about people or songs. The second document has the same structure - only this one includes everything she knows about Fortuna. The other members are invited to add to her collection of knowledge. The most important part of those word documents is the timeline - if you ask Neeni,  people tend to view the past as one big thing and focus on what happened, not when it happened. And right now, that is dangerous. The most important thing to her is that they don't slip up and reference something that feels like it happened in "the past" only to find out that part of the past hasn't happened yet.
Doing What She Can
As she begins to get along better with Brian, she starts to see within him the person he will grow to be. Eventually they start actually working together. Once she's in her early twenties, she helps establish financial programs to get BM trainees into good dorms and to hire tutors for those who need help with education. To prove she's serious, she sets aside a bit of her salary for tutors for trainees and eventually the company picks up the idea and creates The Fortuna Education Fund (just for within the company).
Neeni is hoping they can expand the program once she's back in 2036. Maybe something like a stipend for people who want to bee trainees or  generally pursue the arts while studying? Or maybe it would help give people the financial means to feel safe in studying an artistic field even though jobs aren't as guaranteed? She has a few ideas floating around and of course they need to take this one step at a time. But the idea is there.
ARTICLES: I'll leave these up to you and where the story goes. Maybe tabloids catch her glaring at or even talking back to Brian?
who's around her future?
Any members of Cherie that are young enough to have gone to korean High School with her, she probably already knows at least a little bit. Similarly, any members that speak english or thai at a conversational level, she is likely to have spoken to before. Because she is still so new to the company, she probably doesn't know most of these girls that well going in, but certainly hopes to learn a lot from them.
Although they didn't have a lot in common when they were kids, the sisters mean the world to each other by now. The grew close during their teenage years, mostly by spending a lot of time together and taking part in each others' interests. Neeni views Gen as a huge inspiration – after all, she is the only reason Neeni ever got into kpop.
Gen dances at the Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada in Moncton, which is a dream come true for her. She has a boyfriend, who is in university right now and works part-time at a cafe across the street from the theatre where the ballet company perform. The two also recently adopted a dog. Neeni hasn't had the chance to meet the dog yet and is pretty upset by the fact that she'll have to wait eight years before she can go back to the future and pet it.
Brian Moon was not the type of CEO Neeni was expecting. Sure, she had heard that BM treat their artists and even their trainees very well, but... She was still surprised by how nice he was. He cares about fair treatment and general wellbeing of his trainees and artists and she really appreciates that. He values her (and others') opinions and input, which shocks her, because she knows she can come across a bit strong – and besides, how many employers care about what their seventeen year old employees think. She was ready for an employees vs bosses mindset and a workers' rights debate, which turns out not to be neccessary at all. As a result, Neeni is ready to go to bat for BM and their public image when it comes to the treatment of artists.
For some reason she can't figure out, he seems strangely fond of her and her activism. When she gets in trouble with the PR team he backs her up if they want her to rescind her statements, or to compromise her beliefs to earn the forgiveness of the more traditional and less progressive kpop audience. Of course, there is still a carefully phrased company statement published that softens the blow, but more often than not, the actual opinion isn't redacted (though it is often stated that the opinions of individual artists don't necessarily reflect the views of the company).
Neeni's parents are both very supportive of their children. They moved to South Korea with Neeni one year ago, to be there for her while she begins her idol career. The plan is to move back to Canada in about four years. Her mother works as a cello teacher. Her father teaches at a secondary school in Canada.
who's around her past?
Funny, how easy it is to bond once you're the only people that know what's going on in a scary situation. Even though she can confide in and rely on anyone at BM, these five women are the only other people who really get it. Neeni just wanted to be friends, but suddenly finds herself in a position where she depends on the guidance of her groupmates to help her be graceful and elegant and uncontroversial.
Taera's surface layer of cheerful friendship is very similar to Neeni's everyday interactions with friends. They probably get along fairly well, though Neeni might not have yet realized the hidden difficulties Taera goes through. Neeni carries her heart on her sleeve, while Taera is more likely to detatch from tough times. Taera never got the chance to find out who she is at her core, Neeni is very secure in who she is – but is now in a situation where she isn't allowed to be herself. Maybe Taera can help Neeni learn to adapt a bit better and Neeni can help her doubt herself less and realize how much she is worth. After all, as long as she realizes that her friend is taking on too much in the name of suffering for the greater good, Neeni will absolutely step up and try to get people to understand that it is valid that they need help, but that doesn't mean they can offload their stress onto one 19-year-old. And that it's great that Taera wants to help people, but she deserves better than to lose herself just to help others.
In the past, they start off on the wrong foot. Somehow, she expects him to be the same guy she knows. of course, she knew that Fortuna helped change him, so pre-Fortuna Brian Moon wasn't going to be as great of a boss. But she didn't think it was this bad. He's insensitive, selfish, money-motivated. The way he expects perfection from the trainees is harsh instead of constructive.
Neeni fights with him for quite some time, but eventually tries a more patient approach and gets through to him. Over time they both learn to be more patient and kind.
I'll add proper text to this, once I've talked more with Dani :)
These two are almost perfect foils, even down to their stage personas. Grace is passive and unoffensively likable, Sowon is a confident wild child. Nova is outspoken and ready stand up for her beliefs even if it is sure to land her in hot water - Siren portrays herself as shy, quiet and maybe even a bit vapid, so that there is an excuse for why she bites her tongue so much and only speaks up about really safe topics.
Interestingly, they understand that their time in the past is limited and eventually come to terms with the finality of that. Eunhye finds her confidence and makes plans how to better her life in the future. Neeni struggles with the realisation that she can't change the past, but over time decides ot use the time to become more patient and learn new ways to communicate – skills that she, too, will have use for in the future.
can i ask you some questions?
 — Her first thought is that someone is pulling a prank on them. Like someone hired a bunch of actors that look like younger versions of the staff and gave all the other trainees the day off. Good prank, probably expensive too. And then it just keeps going. It involves more and more people. The other trainees and the older versions of the staff don't come back. The outside world doesn't look like 2036, the news shows things from history books. Neeni doesn't want to believe that this is real, but after a while she has no choice. It terrifies her.
The next step is finding out, if they can actually change the past. If only she remembered enough details about Fortuna to be able to really experiment.
 — It's a massive responsibility. Neeni is worried that she won't live up to Siren's legacy and is almost happy, that Siren doesn't have a main position in the group. The task of becoming kpop legends is a scary one and she doesn't know if they can influence the past – for all she knows, failure could break the space-time-continuum.
At the same time, she has the chance to be one of the people that moved Brian Moon to make BM a great work environment. To be one of the people who will become a safe space and a source of inspiration for Gen to explore who she is. Neeni sees this aspect of being a part of Fortuna as both a scary responsibility and a great honor.
 — In 2036, Neeni is used to being outspoken, sometimes even controversial. And now she has been dumped years back into a less-progressive past, while still being a public figure with millions of eyes on her. She has made it her life's purpose to fight for a better future and now struggles to live in a situation where everything is predestined and she's expected to go through the already-written motions.
 — If you asked Neeni, she would say: "Are you really asking me, if I want to stay in a time where my sister isn't truly happy yet?"
who's her lover?
Feel free to matchmake!
Neeni has a lot on her plate by learning to be more patient with people and by keeping up the act of being Siren. I don't think she needs a romance, but it would be cute! Tulip or Daisy are probably the best options age-wise within Fortuna.
When love calls me, I will be running swiftly,                   
 to find out just what all the fuss is all about.
is this the end?
 — We've arrived at the end! I hope you like her and find her interesting to write about! <3
 — The quote at the love interest section is from the song Love is a Wonderful Colour by The Icicle Works.
 — I originally wrote her to be Iris, but throught that her being the Maknae would add an interesting factor if some people think she's too young to take seriously when she speaks up. There might be some references to her being a singer, that I forgot to correct to rap – if I missed something, I'm sorry! On the bright side, I could easily rework her to be Iris or a different plotline, if you wanted me to.
 — Let me know, if you need more info on her personality. I usually struggle with personality sections, so I hope I managed to get across who she is in the rest of the app as well.
 — The girls hyping each other up so they won't have stage fright.
 — Brainstorming everything they remember about 2018 and Fortuna.
 — Will add more tomorrow :D


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