stolen from my bffl, throwingpineapples

Are you named after anyone? 

no, but i have a great aunt and a cousin who were named emily.  they assumed i was named after them and my parents never did correct them lol

When was the last time you cried? 

...last night

also teared up a bit earlier because my mom called on her way home from seeing my great aunt, who's declining very quickly and reminds me so much of my grandmother.

Do you have kids?

my son

also a bunch of plant babies that i miss very much :'(

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? 

probably.  i'd find me interesting and want to analyze my brain.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?  

perhaps once or twice, under particularly vexing conditions.

What’s the first thing you notice about people? 

i hate questions like this because i notice a million things at once, even moreso if they're immediately interesting in some way.  it also depends on context.  i guess i'd say i notice everything, then parse through it for the intriguing or telling things -- usually all in the span of a few seconds.  lips, voice, speech patterns, and level of intellect are things i pay particular attention to, though.  

What is your eye color? 


Scary movie or happy endings? 

happy endings.  scary movies don't really do anything for me.

Favorite smells? 

okay, first of all, i am extremely offended jae didn't mention the new-book scent.  our entire friendship is built upon that olfactory foundation.

so yeah: new book smell.  really rich, dark soil.  cajun seasoning.  the chemical distress signal plants give off when they've been harmed.  cardamom, peppermint (oh god nothing calms and centers me more than peppermint), coconut, cilantro, cloves, garlic, strong coffee, cake flour.  fried porkchops seasoned with cajun seasoning (do n 't tease m e).  homemade jambalaya.  pepper sauce and pepper relish when it's cooking?  woodsmoke, sandalwood, pretty much anything that's reminiscent of a bonfire and chilly weather.  warm scents.  masculine scents.  smoky scents.  fear.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? 

cancun probably but wisconsin felt way more unfamiliar and weird.

Do you have any special talents? 

uhhhhh...investigative talents?  creative problem solving?  good with words?  pretty musical?  

Where were you born? 

mobile, al (roll tide???  go jags???)

What are your hobbies? 

writing, cooking, baking, reading, listening to music, researching weird stuff?????

Do you have any pets? 

a very sweet and strange dog

bunch o' cats and kittens 

a bunny

my grandpa has a bunch of hens and a rooster as well lol

Do you have any siblings? 

an older sister and an older brother

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

i mean i am grown but.  healthy?????

Who was your first best friend? 

my cousin who is ten days older and keeps tagging me in things on facebook notifying me that she's going to sell my organs to buy

How tall are you? 

bout 6'

Funniest moment throughout school? 

None Of Them.

How many countries have you visited? 

like 1.  but i got Plans™, ma.

What was your favorite/worst subject in high school? 

i took a course on the history of medicine.  that was dope af.  

hated any math that wasn't geometry.

What is your favorite drink?  Animal?  Perfume?

drink: water, coffee, and tea.

animal: dogs, elephants, owls, goats.  i also really like reptiles.

perfume: uhhhh i usually go for warm scents.

What would you (or have you) name your children? 

i don't like revealing stuff like this.  people will steal your names lol

What sports do you play/have you played?  


Who are some of your favorite YouTubers? 

i used to be SUPER into vlogs years ago.  that was a dark time in my life.  

What's your uality? 

i'm like a 1 on the kinsey scale.

Favorite memory from childhood? 

what's a childhood

How would you describe your fashion sense?

eclectic.  alt-fem.  really into more eastern-inspired patterns and colors.

What phone do you have? 

note 4.  i need a new phone.

Tell us one of your bad habits?

hating myself


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You tol babe
Plant babies...where are they?? :( but omgg your eyes!! Green eyes are my weakness lol
The SMELLS ohmygod i love you already lol. but tbh same for a lot of those.
Wish you'd expand on the petsss. How old are you? if you don't mind me asking lol. 6'????? jesus christ