marvelous. livy. 7. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
yoon eunmi
"honestly i am as simple as quantum physics."
FULL NAME — yoon eunmi + 윤은미
• grace / grace yoon : grace is made up name eunmi made herself, it's a name she used while writing to her penpals.  later, grace became her english name when she arrived in australia.
• euntokki : a short for eunmi plus tokki which means rabbit. eunmi is pretty popular for her bunny teeth. 
• micasso : eunmi draws very well, picasso who?
GENDER — female.
UALITY — hetero.
BIRTHDATE — eleventh of december, nineteen ninety eight.
BIRTHPLACE — seoul, south korea.
HOMETOWN — seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY — korean.
• english ( fluent ) / eunmi's interested in many languages the world has and english is like the very key to many languages so eunmi learned english first. she learned and started to write in english from 8 years old.
japanese ( conversational ) / aside from having a huge interest in languages, she watches a lot of anime. 
• other language eunmi knew with a very basic knowledge of it: french and chinese

FACE CLAIM — jeon heejin of loona
BACKUP — nancy jewel of momoland
eunmi is rather small, for some genetic reasons and she has childlike facial features yet she's not very curvy for girls on her age. so some people might have assumed she is younger than she is actually is. her self proclaimied to be charming point is her bunny teeth and rosy lips. her hair is originally wavy with dark colors, she's currently keeping it long.  

HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 5'3 & 43

a gallery for more.
• just anything comfortable would do, most of the time, eunmi doesn't really mind what she is wearing, it's not like there's anyone she tried to impress.
outgoing. spontaneous. spring day.  trustworthy. selfless.
anxious. indiscipline. cold winter. easily offended. impulsive.
enfj. amity. gryffindor. lawful neutral. sagittarius.
• for starters, eunmi is very chatty. she is not very good at handling awkward situations or silences. she's probably the friendliest person in the neighborhood. she can even talk to taxi driver for hours. eunmi has always been unafraid of speaking her thoughts. she has a high curiosity level, some people find her annoying for asking too many questions. some people found eunmi trustworthy. as a good listener, you can always count on eunmi if you have too many things going on your head, eunmi will gladly listen to your complaints. eunmi's mother has always taught her not to think only about herself. so eunmi really did think about the other's feelings as much as  she thinks about her own. 
• though eunmi seems chill 24/7, eunmi tend to be worrisome sometimes. eunmi would feel anxious out of the blue with no logical reasons at all. it bothers herself too, but this habit is way too hard to fix. her parents's loves, spoils and freedom might have caused her to be indiscipline. eunmi don't really clean nor cook, but now that she lives alone miles away from her parents she will have to do that alone. eunmi is also not very goot at handling conflicts as she is always thinking of the other's feelings, she got easily offended at this kind of situations. eunmi is also the type to act first, think later which made her got into a lot trouble.   
miracles in december;
• born on winter, approxiamately nineteen years ago, eunmi was borne to a loving family. the yoons's financial are just okay, not too fantastic nor too miserable which eunmi is always grateful of. eunmi is the last children and has an older brother and sister. being the youngest, eunmi has always been the spoiled little princess. though, her older ones are sometimes envious of her and that makes them didn't get along very well especially with jiwon. her parents are the kind of parents who'd rather see their kids grow up nice than smart. although, of course, having your father as a teacher means you'd have to carry the burden and has to meet the expectation as the ideal and smart daughter.
• honestly speaking, the yoon parents gave their children freedom, they believed the yoon children are able to use their freedom wisely. especially when it comes to special talents, the parents would gave them their full support just like when eunmi said she liked drawing and has a special talent to it, her father is very supportive. and so when eunmi said she wanted to continue her study in the university of melbourne, her father is kind of surprised, in a good way of course. and when they have to sell their car for eunmi's entrance to the university of melbourne, eunmi's father didn't mind in doing so. 
• draws really well and draws a lot. she has her own drawing journal. click.
• hates any kind of coffee but sometimes would still drink it.
• sometimes couldn't stand the cold.
• has three hamsters at home, named one, two and three.
• likes to wear jacket backwards especially on winter.
• the ultimate animal lover! especially the fluffy ones like hamsters, rabbits, cats, puppies, deers.
• watches too many anime and sometimes get too carried away with it.
• has a bad immune, eunmi got flu and fevers easily and very often.
• couldn't tell which is right and which is wrong. #doomed
• has a dolphin laughter you'd not want to hear.
• collects doraemon dolls and stationery.
• right-handed but her left hand writing is not bad.
• sleeptalks!
• is not very friendly with bugs.
• allergic to dust and shrimps. 
• a strong believer of action speaks louder than words.
• father - yoon sanghyun ( 40 ) - high school teacher - wise, openminded. - as a father, sanghyun couldn't express his fatherly feeling as open as mina. though he still gave the best for his children especially to their education.
• mother - yoon mina ( 39 ) - housewife - loving, warm. - mina is probably the closest to eunmi. mina is very loving and understanding towards her children. she always taught her children to feel more than think.
• older brother - yoon jiwon ( 22 ) - bartender - mischievous, outgoing - jiwon is your typical mischievous brother who wouldn't let you live peacefully. he'll always find a way to annoy his little sisters. sometimes he can be very insensitive and blunt.
• older sister - yoon sunmi ( 20 ) - uni student, freelance writer - reserved, very private - sunmi is the complete opposite of jiwon and eunmi. she is calm and private. she doesnt talk much but does a lot more. she is very smart and is always willing to be eunmi's special tutor.
REASON FOR MOVE — nobody really knew eunmi's real motive in moving to australia. what her parents and her siblings knew was that eunmi wants to continue her study at one of the universities in australia. eunmi actually had one more reason to move. it's her penpal. one the 7th grade, eunmi's english teacher made the whole class wrote to a stranger, eunmi didn't know that the teacher really sent those letters. two weeks after, eunmi got a reply, it was written from australia. from jeno lee, it said. eunmi was half excited and half worried, but then she decided to write out a reply for jeno. and that's how they became friends, for over six years now. this is what eunmi wrote for jeno the last time, before going to australia.
SEOUL, JULY 26, 2017
12:09 PM
boo! jeno-ya! how have you been? things here have been chaotic lately. pft. the weather is getting worse, i hope you're doing great! and i have officially graduated from hanlim yay!!! its about time iim gonna be a freshman now lol. and oh anyways!!!! i have a big surprise for you. yes, y o u. you do know that we have been friends for like forever right? we have always plan to meet but not even once did we get to that stage. :"( so when you said that you're applying for melbourne university, i did applied there too, i hope you won't mind! i'll be flying to australia next month so be prepared! ! i'm gonna find you first! lol okay, can't wait to see you. i really really can't wait to see you. have a good day, jeno!
• university student. as stated before, eunmi did applied for university of melbourne, choosing graphic designs as her major. eunmi is planning to get a part time job, but her father wouldn't let her and told her to wait for at least a semester.
DAILY LIFE — eunmi started out her new life as a university student, she lives in a small home share with a group of six girls who also went to university of melbourne. eunmi would wake up at six in the morning, making herself simple breakfast and then leave for class at 8 in the morning. she'd do the chores with the help of her other friends. she'd grab lunch at the cafeteria with jeno since he is her only friend as for now. on weekends, jeno would take eunmi around, showing the beauty of australia, one thing that eunmi couldn't and shouldn't miss. eunmi would spend the evenings studying and doing her papers. then at every end of the day, eunmi would video call her family in seoul, to redeem the homesick.  
• first thing first, eunmi needed to find jeno as he is the main reason she came all the way from seoul. she is going to drag jeno around australia, he has to show eunmi the beauty of australia and he is not going to say no! he! can't! also because eunmi came as a freshman, eunmi has set a high standard on herself, because she wants to apply for a scholarship the next semester. eunmi wants to be on the top students list, known for her inovative brain and also her friendliness. eunmi would also want to get a job by the next semester so that she could go home with a bunch of gifts for her family members and friends.  
LOVE INTEREST — lee jeno of nct dream.
BACKUP — bae jinyoung of wanna one.
GENDER — male.
OCCUPATION(S) — university student, linguistic major. part time & freelance photographer.    
• most of people have a bad first impression on jeno. jeno has this piercing gaze and he is very quiet especially on a new environment. people thought he was mad or he doesn't want to talk to them.  that's why its hard for him to get some friends. although he doesn't talk much, jeno does express his feelings in many other ways, like photographing, writing. jeno is someone who lives in the moment. he doesn't think much about the future nor really plans anything. he is also gentle and observant, he's quick to notice something and reacts. 
• it was all started on the 7th grade when eunmi's teacher wanted them to write a letter in english, they didn't know that they would got a reply. eunmi was shocked when she got her reply, her father told her to reply back and so eunmi did as what she was told. months later, it became a routine. eunmi would wait outside the house for jeno's letter to come every thursday. they got closer even when they only got to know each other through letters. jeno even told eunmi every little thing he didn't tell to his real life friends.  
• they started sending each other gifts every christmas, jeno would get eunmi a new sketchbook or drawing supplies and eunmi would get jeno a new camera she bought with her own saving money. they basically grew up together, knowing each other's hardships, telling each other things from the most important to the most irrelevant and unimportant thing possible. if they were in the same land, they'd be the best of friends.   
• eunmi got her first phone at the 9th grade, she is very eager to tell jeno about it. on her letter she is asking for jeno to exchange numbers with her. but jeno, being the thoughtful man that he is, politely declined the request. he reasoned something ridiculous like, eunmi, i want us to keep sending letters, not texts, it is sure easier and faster but i am afraid the essence of this thing between us would go away, besides i would want to be surprised later when i finally can see your face. and so it was like that, until eunmi decided that she would go to australia, meeting her favorite person.
• and sure jeno is very surprised when he saw eunmi outside of his house. he was half confused and half excited. he is awkward at first, he is not used to having eunmi so close to him while talking casually like how they write to each other. but now that jeno got used to it, there's no second in the day where he'd want to be separated from eunmi.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS — crushing. both jeno and eunmi are actually crushing on each other. jeno have noticed this feeling of his earlier but still had no courage to tell eunmi. meanwhile eunmi, she's oblivious to her own feelings, she didn't know it was love, she thought it was the friendly kind of feelings, but why would she go all the way to australia leaving her family behind? yes, love, it is.

• on one christmas, jeno gave eunmi his baby picture.
• jeno actually did found eunmi's instagram, two years ago, he keeps on stalking eunmi's social medias without her knowing.
• jeno is into creative writing, he has a notebook full of poems for eunmi which he is going to show her later on.
• eunmi bought a photo album for them both and their traveling story in australia.
• eunmi and jeno have matching shoes.
• jeno never call eunmi with grace anymore, he stopped doing that at the ninth grade.
hello! i really like the idea of your fic so here i am applying! and i dont really write much so if theres anything lacking please let me know!
eunmi and jeno traveling! eunmi flying back to korea, leaving jeno!
eunmi meeting hyunmi!
replace with l/ireplace with fcreplace with l/i


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I always wonder why apps include that line under the personality traits, i don't get anything of it xD