Don't follow strangers in Seoul preferably Hongdae

So. I have been watching YouTube a lot and of course this country I have visited a few times. South Korea. 

The city of Seoul is pretty much safe, but there are always people who will be sneaky no matter where you go.

I have come across several videos about cult recruiters in Seoul. Mainly in the Hongdae area.

Now if you don't know much about South Korea, preferably Seoul. Let me tell you, no matter if the people

are young or old they will not really greet you unless you are buying something. 

The people will not speak to you in English unless they want something from you.

Please keep this in mind when you go to travel to this country. 

I haven't personally had this experience, but I keep seeing these videos pop up about being recruited, approached,

or scammed by these overly friendly Korean citizens. They want money mainly. If they approach you.

Please keep things short and keep it moving. No need for you to deal or face anything you didn't come to Seoul for.


I will provide some videos for you all to view.

I just want travelers to be aware, be safe, and be careful.





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My friend and I was nearly recruited. We didn't get scammed or anything and they were indeed very nice but after we went the second time my alarm bells were ringing so I told my friend I didn't want to go back. At that time, mainly we were just talking about ancestry and stuff like that so it was mostly harmless. But yeah, be careful and follow your instincts. If your body tells you no, don't go. Seriously.