How do you deal with stress?

How do you all deal with your stress?


I've almost reached a new limit of stress for me and Im only a month into school. I'm too poor to drink my problems away so my normal option is gone. I can't scream into the openness because of my neighbors. 


Do you have any relaxation song or even sounds that you listen to that makes you feel calm? Perhaps I should learn some mediation and burn some incense and just clear my mind. I found myself relaxed when I use to visit Buddhist Temples back in the day, but Im in an area where there are none. 


So let me know how you cope when things are so overwhelming. The only thing that is keeping me from exploding is saying "You'll feel fine after getting some sleep". 


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Try listen to soft instrumental music , listen to the sound of waves .. I think it would be good if there's any park or beach nearby where you can just go and have a walk breath in fresh air and feel the wind on your face . I also find it helpful to meditate . I usually spent at least an hour and half to meditate. Exercising is also a good and healthy way to release stress. You can go for a slow jog , cycle , play basketball since when you throw the ball you are actually releasing your stress , boxing , swimming.. You can also try yoga. Another way is to punch your pillow since its soft and fluffy you wouldnt get hurt or injured yourself. I hope that things get better for you.
I dont know maybe listening to music.but for me it help.if you want some i just recently listen to jeon jungkook version of lost star adam Levine song i know its old but its good.
I listen to music or take naps whenever I'm stressed. One song I find myself listening to is Lee Hi's "Breathe." The lyrics are spot-on to what a student would experience and they're good reminders that we need to spend time for ourselves and just breathe. Piano covers are also a great way to go. I tend to listen to piano covers of K-pop songs or OSTs

Napping helps for me, especially since I don't get much rest nowadays. A short nap (10-30 minutes) can make you feel rejuvenated. In fact, hugging someone helps lower stress levels :) Mediation helps as well. Just mediating for 5 minutes a day can really clear up your mind. It has helped me many times whenever I felt overwhelmed this past year.

I hope my comment is helpful in some way. School is tough but you got this! I'm currently stressed out from school and there are many times in which I want to cry, sleep, and vent out. Don't keep your stress bottled up. Talking it out with someone is important in addition to coping with it :)
try brahmari pranayam, it's simple yoga you can do anywhere. It helps me a lot. You can find exact procedure to do it on Google
Have you tried purchasing a stress ball? It's really helpful and it can't do any damage even if you throw it because they are normally made out of foam.