

( ♚ — Ares; ) This is Seunghyuk's stage name for his rap persona in the underground rap scene.

AGE — 22

BIRTH PLACE — Mapo, Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea

LANGUAGES — list each on a new line and explain how they learned it + their fluency in it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
♚ — Korean; ) Native / He was born and raised in Korea.
♚ — English; ) Fluent / Studied in school and was tutored.
♚ — Japanese; ) Fluent / Was tutored, because he wanted to learn the language.
APPEARANCE — Seunghyuk is 182cm tall and weighs 65kg. He changes his hair color of often, but as of now has dark blue, almost black hair. He has distinctive claw scars on his chest and neck and also had scars on his wrists and ankles from his doodles.

STYLE —  Seunghyuk dresses simply. He likes it when his clothes are both colorful and dark. He prefers the urban, street style of clothing. Closet
♚ Gemini + ISFP(mbti)
♚ + Charming; Considerate; Imaginative; Passionate; Curious; Artistic; Creative; Savage; Independent;
♚ - Unpredictable; Overly Competitive; Fluctuating Self-esteem; Guarded; Hot-tempered; Perfectionist; Inconsistent;

+ Seunghyuk is extremely charming. This shows easily through his live performances. He knows what people want and can deliver with expertise. He has a relaxed and warm attitude and this makes him more likable. He is imaginative and passionate. His heart is alive, unlike so many memebers of the modern civilizations.He is creative and artistic. His attention can be hyjacked by ideas that form from apparently nowhere and make him leave whatever he was doing in dust. He loves life and wants to make the most of it. He will never settle for doing something he does not like now that he is an adult. He is also very curious and loves learning new things. As a result of this he is highly successful at trivia games and quizzes. He is also very smart, intelligent and takes information in a stride. Even though he gets stressed easily, he can deal with stress very well and never lets fear and panic take over him.
- Seunghyuk is very spontaneous. He rarely plans everything and because of this he can be very unpredictable. He does not like long term commitments and does not like to plan ahead. He goes with the flow of life and improvises. Depspite ths he is overly competitive. He can get stuck on things that are really sillt, even to him, but he won't stop until he wins. He can escalate the smallest things into a real life survival show. Because of this he is a very lousy loser. He does not show it, but his losses affect him a lot.  He also has a very demanding self-esteem. If his efforts are not appreciated he might actually believe that he is bad at something. One can say that he believes negative comments more eaasily than positive ones and if his efforts are dismissed by someone he won't think positively of that person anymore.
PAST — Seunghyuk was born in a family of four. He lived with his mother, father and older brother. Their family was a happy one. Sure they had their problems, his parents bickered, his brother blamed him for hi mistakes and he was prone to nightmares, but that's all normal within the family. Things started to change when Seunghyuk started seeing things and his nightmares worsened. His parents decided to move to the countryside. The common villager life did help him out, but the nightmares and hallucinations did not leave him. He saw this black substance running down his arms and legs and down the walls of his room and almost every object he saw. Because he did not want to worry his parents, Seunghyuk kept his mouth shut about his worsening situation. He found relief in traditional calligraphy and drawings.

The first actual manifestation of Seunghyuk's powers occured when he was nine. What he drew was a mix of animals combined into one, that he kept seeing in his dreams. He kept drawing it the whole day, addign detail after detail and finally when he was satisfied with his work, the atrocious being he drew came alive.  Becaue he was sitting in the living room with the whole family present, that night became a tragic one. The creature first slashed at Seunghyuk and then moved onto his family. By some miracle, Seunghyuk survived, but the rest of his family did not. They were ripped to shreds, dismembered and disfigured. By the time anyone discovered them, the animal was back onto the paper  and Seunghyuk just laid on his back, unmoving, paralized and out of his mind.

PRESENT — How does your character live their life now?

TRIVIA — this entire section is dedicated to the little quirks and fun facts about your character. there is no minimum requirement or limit to how much you write, so go crazy! Ideas include: likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, fears, special talents/skills, ect.
FAMILY — tell us all about your character's family whether they be her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and whatever else you think falls under this category. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many family members you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.

FRIENDS — Like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! If your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, ect., that goes below, too. Don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! There's no limit to how many friends you include, but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

OTHERS — and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. Feel free to delete or skip this section if you think you have everything covered!
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc.

STRENGTH — how strong is your character as a shin? Feel free to include any experiences you think might help elaborate this.

STABILITY — How stable is your character as a shin? Feel free to include any experiences you think might help elaborate this.



NICKNAMES — list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
( ♚ — nickname; ) explanation

SUMMARY — give us a rundown of who your character's love interest is. Things to include can include but are not limited to: their background, likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, other trivia. You can also replace this section with personality instead, if you'd like. This is a scroll box, so don't worry if you write too much!
FIRST MEETING — how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP — explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION — and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and her love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — if you have any comments, questions, or whatever, then put that all here. if there's anything you wanted to add about your app that wasn't ask for/include in this or just something else you want us to know about your character, you can do that here too.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help!
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