:D :D

​​​​​Im going to write again. 

I thought of writing some stories about Daejae again! I have the ideas for stories and the ways they are going to be, it's just that exams are in less than a month now. I can't just update a preview for a story and let you guys wait and all, unless it's fine with you guys. 

I might start writing after exams. And I need focus on exams again, and then exams, and then exams, and then and then another one.. AAA I have no idea how to balance life and time and everything im interested in. It's frustrating. 

So.. Please wait for me ;; I want to write again, to improve my English and my writing skill.. I LOVE WRITING AND HAVING CREATIVE MIND. It just depends on my mood— I think I can't balance life because im lazy most of the time.. It's my fault after all— BUT I PROMISE. SERIOUSLY. I WANT TO WRITE BEFORE I NEED TO FOCUS ON EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS. I have one last exam for this year which is the one I mentioned at the very first.. 

I envy everyone that manages to write so many awesome fanfics... Everyone of you is like my senpai.. I want to be like you guys so bad.. ㅠ ㅠ 


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all that matters is ur passion for writing and thats good enough