[Giveaway] (Win fanmade earrings and/or necklaces)

Promoting two of my planned giveaways here:) 

Two of my favourite stories I've been writing for so long are about to reach 1000 subscribers! To celebrate the loyalty of readers who have been leaving great comments and supporting my stories with each new chapter. Interested subscribers who want to join this giveaway can pm me. The only conditions are:

Leaving comments on the desired story and being subscribed to it, of course  (Evaluation will start after the respective story reaches 1k subscribers so new readers also have a chance!)

being allowed to receive mail

Stories that are participating in that giveaway are 


Lamia Lupus

Additional designs can be suggested as well, just pm me the link and I will see what I can do!

The next picture is for references!

feel free to pm me or leave comments below when you have questions! Spread the word. (I also make other designs, feel free to ask about bands you like, I just can't give those for free^^;) 


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This seriously urge me to start reading Lamia Lupus again (>y<)
Wait for me!!!
woahh greatt
Is it international or for a special region only?