I am back :'D



So it's been a long time since i logged into aff and i ing miss to talk again with you guys :'( I'm sorry, kind of busy lately... with school stuffs and pressure from teachers since it's my last year...*sigh* my university entrance examination is just barely two months left and i'm pretty sure that my wigs would come off anytime QvQ btw I'm also happy that i just got my exo's the war album and thanks to my 'duit raya' that i can afford it.also my trial examination had just passed and i was so upset with my results. i only get 3 A's out of 9 subjects that i apply wht the hell is this. it's not even half of it and i'm afraid that the real exam's result would be worse. and what's more than worse is i always failed in my additional maths (or you guys called it calculus) I was sooo ing stressed out. i'm afraid to face my future :'(


So i hope that you guys can wish me luck and always pray for me.


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