Superstar SM cancels planned Girls' Generation event, developers say there's "nothing they can do"

If you're playing the mobile app game 'Superstar SM' then you will know that many people in the player base were really looking forward to the new theme packs and events for Girls' Generation's 10th-anniversary.


However, the people who were looking forward to this have been given the news that the theme packs and events have been cancelled.


On the official subreddit for the game, the developers posted, "Event & New Theme - Cancelled." When a redditor replied, "Event & New Theme - Cancelled...for this week right? (ఠ్ఠ ˓̭ ఠ్ఠ) It will be next week?" The developers said, "There is nothing Dalcomsoft can do... (╥﹏╥)."






Many of the players are upset as they saved their diamonds (in-game currency for purchases) to purchase the Girls' Generation theme packs.


One player, emailed Dalcomsoft and received the following response:


Many of the players are wondering if SM is purposely doing this and blocking Girls' Generation due to the ongoing contract renewal situation.


What are your thoughts on the situation?




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