Lee Howon

To Lee Howon, It was a sorrowful day for inspirits today. I am still crying while typing this. It hurts so much when I saw those articles. But you know what, my love for you is still the same. Will never change even if you are not Hoya of Infinite. Even if you are Lee Howon now. It's okay. As long as this is what you want, this is what makes you happy. I'm fine with it. It's gonna be hard to watch Infinite on stage without you but I know somewhere in this world you are watching your brothers too. And I'll always support you in everything you do from now onwards. Because you were my Infinite's Hoya. Is still my Infinite's Hoya and will always stay as my Infinite's Hoya. #이호원_수고했어_사랑해 To Infinite, You'll continue as 6 but you'll always be on stage as 7 because Hoya is inside your hearts. Thank you for continuing for the sake of protecting Infinite. As long as there's Infinite, I'll stay as Inspirit. 6+1=7.. #인피니트_지겨줘서_고마워 From, Your Inspirit. 너의 인스피릿


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