6 members Infinite


A 6 members Infinite, something that's going to take me some time to get used to. Believe it or not, time does that to you. I’m not saying I will forget the 7 members Infinite, the truth is that, only 6 of them are with me till the end. The end might be soon, with the boys fulfilling their obligation to the country in the upcoming few years. It might be forever, with Infinite remaining strong even with their consecutively absence due to army service.

Am I sad? Am I devastated? Sure. Surprise? Not really, in both cases of their contracts unsuccessful renewal and who is the one not renewing. Common sense tells me if a contract takes that long to negotiate especially for a group who is reputed having a good relation with the company, then something is amiss. I believe the renewal discussion should have started long ago. No company will give up their breadwinner so easily and I think Woolim will do their best keeping Infinite alive. I have wished my hunch is totally wrong but sometimes, things are just meant to be.

As for who is leaving, seriously it doesn’t shock me that the person is Hoya. Way before any of these contract renewal stuffs, I were once asked who do you think will be the first to leave Infinite and I answered Hoya. The reason being very simple, he is the most ambitious member of the group. He is not satisfied as being the best dancer in the group. He is not satisfied as being named as someone who can dance and rap. He wants to prove that he can do everything; like singing, acting and even emceeing. And being in an idol group just might have too many restrictions and considerations.

Is it a selfish act? Yes for me but it doesn’t mean this is something wrong. Everyone has the right to choose their way of life and we must learn to accept and respect individual’s decision. I have hope that at least a short contract for a 7 members Infinite to be signed till Sunggyu heads for army but I guess it is no longer possible. Hoya is not even going to be an artist under Woolim, I can only guess he has other better prospects.

To all inspirits, please continue to support the new yet old 6 members Infinite. I know I definitely will.


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