Stuff that has happend..

Okay so I am single again.. Why? My effing ex bf was fudging cheating on me thats why!!!! Yes i have anger issues that i need to take care of.. >< I'm writing a new story called 'My New Family' and it's something that happend to me irl :D and i have only Ahjussi (James), Unni (Jaeri) and my niece (Tiffy) to thank for that cause they are like my second family, my new family and i love them like my own real family^^ Okaaaay this is to cheesy for me to write so i'm going to stop now xD Aiish i am not a cheesy person... >< Lol kay thanks byeee!! /Jowjow!


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kpopartist12345 #1
Cheesy cheesy!! Lol :D

That jerk!? *kills your ex bf*
Gracia #2
I hate that guy, i'll kill him...again...
LOOOOL Love chu <3