Fans are angry at a Chinese modeling group who blatantly copied NCT 127

A Chinese modeling group has copied NCT 127 and it's so obvious that fans are beyond angry.

On August 16, a Chinese modeling group named Shanqi Culture released images with the word ''Monster'' on their Weibo page. The photos with animations pop with many colors, and also immediately make you think of NCT 127's ''Cherry Bomb''. As you can see, it's not an exaggeration to say the two group's concepts are exactly the same.

Chinese model group:


Weibo screenshot: "A lot of people who are influencers online, models, tend to give up their careers halfway because it's hard to continue such a career - but some tend to find ways to make ends meet and continue on."

NCT 127:


After complaints, the post has since been deleted on the model group's Weibo page.


Fans who are outraged at the blatant plagiarism, commented, "I know the 'Cherry Bomb' concept is pretty and all but why copy it like that??", "???? This is too similar to 'Cherry Bomb'. The cherry character is even the same. What is wrong with them?", "Why? Why do you have to copy NCT?!", "They have absolutely no creativity. It's like copy and paste... omg."



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oh mess the cherry thing is the SAME