Nasty Writer's Block


I feel sooooo terrible because everytime I log in to write something, the most I can get out is 2 words or 5 words. I don't know where my writing ideas are gone but they've just disappeared //sniffles// I haven't faced like this situation ever in my life. If any of you guys writes and knows how to tackle with this problem pleaseeeeeeee help because I really wanna write xC

-Love, Minzy.


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I feel youuuuuuuuh author-nim. I felt bad when I'm having writer's block but what can we do (;´ຶДຶ `)
I tend to leave them a while and coming back after a few days to clear out my mind. In those days, when I'm getting ideas, I will wait for a bit more until I have a lot of ideas so that I can write handful of storyline once I sit down.