hunters wanted;; Adrian Kwon Gyumin

character name;Adrian Kwon Gyumin
nicknames; Adrian Kwon – He never introduce himself as Kwon Gyumin since that his birth name. So most of the time he will introduce himself as Adrian Kwon. Adrian is his catholic name given when he born.
birthday; January 01 1990
ethncity; Korean
languages; Korean [Fluent] His mother tongue. He speak the language all his life.
English [Fluent] Mostly books are in English so he learn the language.
Latin [Fluent] He really good in spell and can read Latin really well.
Enochian [Basic] the language itself just for demon and angel. But somehow he got a touch on a book written in Enochian and since then been learning how to read it from demon he tortured.

face claim; Kiji Kush
back up face claim; Nam Taehyun

style;Adrian style is no differing to what he always wears. He is more comfortable with sweater and jacket with jeans. [Like the faceclaim itself] However, during fighting Adrian will just wear a inside pistol holder over his jacket. He prefer to stay comfortable in his usual clothing rather than try hard because he always the one gotten ambush rather than go for a hunt.  
x | x | x | x | x
SIREN / 6 - 7 / MALAY
personality traits;

Positive Hardworking, Fast learner, Know it all
Neutral Responsible, mysterious
Negative Possessive, Revengeful, Doesn't listen to people.


Adrian can be seen as a Hardworking person. He is the one who try hard to earn his name and skills. He always works hard in every aspect from fighting to knowledge. He is ‘Know it all’ person. All due to him read all the books he can from Man of Letters hideout. Ask him anything and he got the answer. But not all question got answer tho. Fast learner or can be seen lean to genius side. He just needs to be taught once and he got it. In most of the time but he also have things that he need to learn a few times before he know it.

In neutral aspects he can be seen as responsible person. He takes care of thing he need to. That makes people lean on him and respects him. He is also mysterious as he never talks about his past or himself. He mostly doesn't want people to know about him so much as he always says "People judge me by style and my past.  It's better for you to not know"

Possessive can easily be seen on this guy. What his is his. He doesn't share and he won't give it. The one thing he won't give out is Siren. His action toward her is more like he owns her. He would easily hug her and pull her to his side no matter what people looks like. "I own her" he said with his eyes. A person who things people can live with revenge alone. He is quite revengeful and due to this he active to become what he is now. This side also makes if you're on my bad side I will kill you. Or if you do something to my precious, I will make sure you suffer. He is the type who doesn't listen to people. He does what he wants and doesn’t like to be lead.


Have you ever heard about Men of Letters? If you did it basically sum up Adrian background. He is a legacy of the so called Men of Letters but he doesn’t know the fact of it. Let’s start the story.

In the middle of 18 century the base of Men of Letters is built in South Korea. To keep the books and record of copies from two other base in America and Britain. The base itself is served for extra record rather than functioning itself. Due to that five people hold the position of managing the place itself.

Time passed and things changed. Due to limited knowledge from the other side of the sphere about this base, it stayed unknown. And the five of them died due to old age leaving legacies that stayed unknown about this base function.

Cain Southwark, Michele Duncan, Hedrick Jr. Watson, Vincent Sinclair and Xander Thompson.  The name of the people who step their feet on Daecheongdo after the creation of the base to take care of it. All of them now dead leaving their legacies. All of them is no hunter and just possess the knowledge of the unknown and keep it. At that time the world of supernatural itself is not known to people and the basically a few hunter in South Korea and none of them associated with Men of Letters. And out of them one of the name is need to bring forward. It is Cain Southwark.

Cain Southwark after gotten the position as the leader of the four and taken care of the base, he is the only one who never leave the island. He meet a lady and married her at the age of 39 and blessed with three children. Died at the old age of 110, he give the key of the base to one of his child as the other four already dead during a massacre when they go back to America and then no one sent to the base due to no know the existence of it.

The key travel down the legacy without anyone even know what the use of it except “A place when you need it in tire situation” And that situation never comes.

In the year of 2004 at the end of the year the situation comes to the people of Daecheongdo. The demon got the news of the base and try to get into it to get information of Men of Letters. The army is led by Baal, one of seven princes of hell that try to gain the favor to rule the hell after achieving the found.

The army of Baal possess the people of Daecheongdo in trying to search for the base. And thru the search the find out that Adrian family hold the key to the base as well as know where the base located at. At the time Adrian is away from the house playing with his friend, Hwan, the army come seek for the location. However there nothing they got as the key gifted from his grandfather to him passed his father since he is no lineage of Southwark blood.

Adrian at that time aged 15 years old. He go back to his house to find his family murdered. He run to his Hwan’s house which just her neighbor to find he in grasp of a demon. Adrian charge forward and save him before both of them running. Through that demon on his tail chasing him, he run, hiding, fighting and do all he can to survive.

He remember the place mentioned by his grandfather and both he and his friend headed toward the place to see a few demon stand by there waiting for him. They notice both of them and they run. This is the time when a group of hunter come crashing the place as they notice the change in the island. They come as a helping hand and try to save as many people as they can.

The whole surviving takes about two days and killed about half the population of the island [mostly done by demon] including Adrian’s family and his friend family. Baal the leader of the army chased to the hell and the island safe for a certain time. Due to this Adrian and Hwan who lost their family comes into the wings of the hunter named Chae Woojin to learn everything from A to Z about hunting.

They took five years to learn everything and sharpen their skill under him. Mark the years both of them free to go but always keep contact with Chae Woojin. Adrian and Hwan comes back to Daecheongdo to check on their old house and mark the resolution of their motive; to seek revenge. This is the time when Adrian remember about the old place his grandfather mentioned; the place they miss a change to go and the place in which before demon waiting for both of them.

Both of them enter the vicinity and this is the time when Adrian notice why the demon is here and searching for what. He start to learn the whole history of the Men of Letters and learn more about everything regarding supernatural being.

Took both of them five years with torturing demon and everything they can to get the location of Baal. Their destination is an island called Anma located at South Jeolla Province. They go to the place to find the whole island is now belong to the demon itself. Using their knowledge they manage to take their revenge and killed Baal for good but with a price of Hwan own life.

After the revenge and Adrian lose Hwan, he turn off from hunting due to both of them decided over a talk and a drink that after they killed the god forsaken Baal, they will live a normal life. Adrian open his own tattoo shop in Seoul but then later after a certain while not just human comes but demon comes to seek for his life. He got his name, his face on the black list of the demon.

He know he can’t pulls away from this life.

relationships; (relation|name|age|interactions)

Ownership: Siren Kwon Nana: 23: He saves her when he takes a revenge for his family. And since she lost everyone he takes her on his wings. Due to him being black listed she got the flash of it and he taught her everything for her protection in case he not by her side.

Mentor: Chae Woojin: 52: He is the one who takes Adrian and Hwan under his wing and teach both of them how to hunt. Adrian always keep contact with him and if he called Adrian for some operation, he will come no matter how busy Adrian is.

BFF: Jung Hwan: 27: Adrian best friend and the one who experience the same thing as Adrian. Both of them took revenge on Baal and he died on the operation of his suicidal to takes Baal life forever from this world.

main hunting tools; Guns with devil trap carved on every bullet.

weapons;Guns of many types, daggers

skills; He learns Judo since him 5 years old. The place he living got a dojo just nearby his house. He and his friend is one of the star trainee at the dojo. He gain his 5 dan when he 14 and even compete for school tournament. Beside that he well versed in knowledge of all spell and including the use of blood sigil all learned under Chae Woojin and most of them learn by himself over reading all books collected by Men of Letters.

life style: Outside hunting Adrian is a tattoo artist. He never finish his high school and become a tattoo artist when he pulled out from hunting after his revenge.

first experience; His first experience is told in the background. Too much to retold again. Lol.
do you believe in supernatural beings?: At first I don’t. Well everything is just a fragrance of fantasy that director inflict to people heart to makes everything fun. But later when I experience myself I belief in it. There nothing you can deny when everyone around you died because of this supernatural being, right?

do you believe that there is a hell or heaven?: Where demon comes from if not from hell? But as for heaven, I read book like a lot and I found it exist and that book is not a lie. So I belief.

what do you think about your parents hunting these things?:My parent don’t as I’m the one who started to hunt. But I’m a legacy of Men of Letters that way unknown to my own family.

how do you feel about hunting yourself?:At first I did for surviving but later I did for revenge. Well revenge is sweet when I got to pay back. And later I pulled out from this world to be found demon got me on their black list. It makes me know once in I will never get out.

can you kill a normal human possessed by a demon?:Yes. I did. A lot of time. Do you expect the one being possessed might be alive? No. Well mostly yes for a few hours. After that all of them will mostly die. These demon never take care of their meat suit and if I exorcise them the one possessed will be die by the time. Why makes some bad effort exorcise them?

how do you feel about magic and dark arts?:Magic and dark arts? The one used by witch? I’m so not fancy about it. They are pain in the . I encounter a few witches and I killed all of them. They are bad and the hell with their skill.

would you make a deal with a demon?:If I got something to protect I might. But till now I haven’t done it. There nothing that I need from making a deal with a demon. And they sure not trustworthy.

if the creature is evil or not, will you still hunt it?:If they are evil of course I will hunt it. If not. If. I never encounter one without evil in their eyes. If that happen I wonder what I will do.
likes;Tattoo, cigarette, wine, peppermint, relaxing night with stars, accessories

dislikes;Demons, witches, early riser, rude people

habits;Doodling, cares his hair, cracking his finger, his lips, biting.

hobbies;Practice shooting, reading, and gaming

trivia;He carries two pistols in daily basis. One is revolver one is tokarev. He hides a few safe bullets on his clothing. Three inside each of his shoes, one wear as necklace and last one on his belt. He has a lot of tattoo on his body. All precaution against demon and anything alike. A small knife is hidden on his jacket sleeve in case he needs it. His nails always colored black by Siren.
 comments;:Phew. at last i manage to finish this. takes quite a long time. hope you like him 

scene requests;nope. go wild


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