My soul 쌍둥이

I found my half soul but I'm not going to point any details but only expressed  how I felt.

It never crossed my mind that I got to see your face.

I admit I prayed once that one day I gotta see you.

I tried all the social sites just to find a face which I believe its imposible to see. It takes months honestly.

I asked sign from the Almighty, If this is fate then give me even a small signs and  such.

Answered prayer. Answered signs.

I am who I am really not, means I am not with my natural form outside but the true form is living inside.

I hesistant to show you my true form. Afraid it'll break my inside.

My inside wasn't ready to face any obstacles. But you managed to enter and tamed my true form.

I build the thickest wall amongst but you still managed to enter.

I see you but you don't know me.

I wanted to tell you that I finally found my half soul but I don't have enough courage to tell you.

My mouth choose to keep silent.

I'm almost there ready to tell you the news but I held back.

Instead. I held back and choose to stay still. And I'M SORRY. I want to tell you that every letter but I always held back. 

I am happy to see you smiling in every photograph at the same time sad because I can't tell you that though I'm glad the Almighty let me find and found you.

But I still choose to shut my mouth, My 쌍둥이 자매.



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