Mini Hiatus

I will be taking a small hiatus for about a week or two.

I got back from Vegas after spending four days down there for my brothers wedding, so Im still catching up on some well deserved TLC. Plus, I had to run errands for my friend today so I STILL need my TLC to myself. (Def let me know if you want me to talk about my Vegas trip: I saw a strip show, my gambling, a waitress saying I look 9, being a bridesmaid, getting drunk, family, the insane amount of money I spent on food aka my damn 18$ omelet, the Wyn hotel and how ghetto it was, etc)

I move into my dorm on Saturday, 3 days, so I DESPERATELY need to pack my room up and wash any clothes that I haven't washed since moving back in (Yes, I still havent done laundry in that time).

School begins NEXT Thursday.

I have a birthday party to attend on Friday

and I need to spend some quality time with my best friend because she sent me a snapchat today, like exploding my phone with weird videos that seemed sketchy, but would tell me tomorrow; so I think I need to have a sit down with her and see what's going on while I'm still in town.

I am so damn busy these few weeks, but I will try to at least update my stories on my Google Doc so I have something to give when I come back. I might be longer depending on what I have going on for school and stuff.



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