☾ Moon Spell ; Partner Application ;

partner's name
partner's name
your character's name

(Please replace the black and white photos with your character & the pink with your partners character.)
Partner's Name -
Your Character's Name - 

Nicknames for her -
Nicknames for him - 

Reunion meeting; (how do they meet again now that they are adults)

Relationship in highschool - (interactions in highschool.)

Relationship now - (interactions, first date, kiss, etc.)

Trivia - (couple items, facts, the little notes that don't fit anywhere else.)

Future - (marriage, kids, etc.)

Rivals - (you do not have to have one at all. it is totally up to you.)

Scene requests - (go wild. the more the better.)
commEnts Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur at tortor ut nulla commodo vehicula ac in nisl. Donec pretium varius vestibulum. Integer dignissim justo non urna sollicitudin, nec cursus eros pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. Curae; Mauris dapibus mi hendrerit, posuere lorem id, commodo ligula. Cras vitae volutpat tortor. Vivamus non erat convallis, tincidunt lectus eu, porta nulla. Quisque ornare sed ligula in iaculis. Aliquam dignissim neque at neque sagittis, vel ullamcorper dolor cursus. Vestibulum consequat sem vitae tempor vehicula. Fusce luctus ipsum convallis, venenatis sapien aliquam, commodo felis. Nulla eu lacus tincidunt eros iaculis bibendum.





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SO SORRRYYYYY for a lateeeeeeee appp im so sorry BOWS BOWS
the trivia and scene req is still a bit bare, but i'd filled in the important parts!! (hopefully)