Beautiful lightning ✿ C2C ✿ Taras

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birthnameHong Taejoon (홍태준)
other names

— Taras Hong (Τάρας)


— Globetrotter : it's like a virus in his family, and has lived at 3 different countries. It's a nickname that's used by his own friends and also his family's friends. The Hong family is known as an international family that moves around a lot and loves travelling.
— Tae : just a casual nickname used by his friends when calling him. It's informal and he's more used to hearing that than his full name.
— Taras : it started out as a nickname when he was living in Greece, but he decided to adapt it as his second name and stagename. Taras is a mythical son of Poseidon.
— Little monkey : this is mainly used by his friends from Japan but also by his fans, because of his funny and quite big ears.

birthday 27/08/1994
birthplace Seoul, South Korea
hometown Seoul, South Korea (1994-2003 & 2014-present), Kanagawa, Japan (2003-2009), Athens, Greece (2009-2014)
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean : native, he can't pronounce foreign words the korean way though.
— English : excellent, he has learned it since he was a young child, taking extra classes because his parents wanted him to.
— Greek : semi-fluent, he lived in Greece for years, so even though it was hard, he tried to learn that strange language too.
— Japanese : conversational, another place he has lived, so he had to learn yet another language and this one was the hardest for him, so he isn't that good at it yet, but wants to improve.

face claim (SPEED's Ki-O) NOW Cross Gene's Shin
back up face claim halo's Ooon
height & weight 178cm, 62 kg

— Taejoon is a beautiful, yet not that common appearance. Having a small face with perfect fair skin, soft either black or dyed silver hair. Sharp yet wide monolid eyes, a small nose and beautifully shaped lips. He definitely is visual-worthy, even though he might not be your regular flower boy with the double eyelids and perfect jawline. He has a great body and is known for his proportions, long legs and a well-toned yet skinny body. He has one complex that completely drags his confidence down the drain though, and that's his ears, who are quite big in comparison to his small face, and also funny shaped, that's where one of his nicknames originated.


— Except for when he's doing photoshoots or when he's being styled by the stylists, Taejoon's style is very simple. He isn't the type of person that cares much about his style and his wardrobe is filled with simple jeans, t-shirts and hoodies and he will wear whatever the he finds first, with his timbalands. That's literally the only pair of shoes he wears.


personality traits

— Positive: caring, hard-working, protective, sociable
— Neutral: maternal, determined, prideful
— Negative: blunt, envious, possessive, mannerless


— Caring and sociable: You got a friend in him, really, he's such a sweetheart who always wants to make new friends, talk to everyone and make his dear friends smile. He will always put his friends and family before him and whenever someone's down, he'll always be the first to try to cheer them up. He easily chats around randomly with strangers he meets on the street and has a big pool of friends that he randomly made.
— Hard-working and determined: his goals are never too hard to reach, that's what Taejoon believes, as long as he works hard, he'll get to his realistic goals for sure. He is determined to make it as singer and make everyone happy, and no one can tell him otherwise, because when people bring him down, he'll work even harder to get back up there. Taejoon often gets overly fatigued because he overworks himself, and then he'll become sick and have to lay in bed all day. When he can't chase his dreams, he'll be sad.
— Protective, maternal and possessive: he's the mom of the group, he even says so himself and is proud of it. It all started with his little sister having troubles, and he really protects her like an angry mother lion, and since then he has been protecting all his friends from lurking dangers as well, and takes care of them like a mom, babying them, but also nagging at them to make sure they behave and 'grow up to be good children'. But sometimes, Taejoon goes overboard and becomes really possessive over his friends, especially when it comes to love, whenever someone comes close to his little cubs, he scans them like crazy and lovers will have to get his approval.
— prideful and envious: Taejoon knows what he can do, and he is very proud of himself. When someone says he's not doing well, his pride will get hurt, and he'll be all grumpy and act dramatic about it. When someone does better than him, he'll get jealous easily too, Taejoon is really the type to get jealous easily, when it comes to love and friends too. Sometimes it might be a pain but most of the time his friends call him cute. He is jealous of the main vocal of the group. He used to be jealous of everyone because he's the worst dancer, but now he doesn't think so anymore, because he knows he just can't dance and will never be able to do it.
— Blunt and mannerless: Taejoon's big problem, he's not used to all the rules in Korea, in Greece it was all a bit more loose, honorifics? Never heard of that. He sometimes still thinks he can act like the Greek, so he's way more loose on the honorifics and curse words. He says what he thinks and does what he has to do, like burping after drinking a drink with gas. Completely normal, but in Korea it's unfit for broadcast, while it's actually fine as long as you apologise, right?


— Taejoon was born just at a moment his parents were living back in Korea for a while, but their family was one of travelling and they got tired of living in a certain country pretty quickly, but for the birth of their first child, they stayed in Korea for some years so he could at least grow up in his home country, they wanted two children, so once the second child was 3, when Taejoon was 7, his parents decided that it was time to move to another country. They were going to live in Japan. Kanagawa, here we come! It was fairly easy for the young children to get used to living in a foreign country, they were prepared, and since they were young, they were adapting easily. Little Taejoon was in fact so popular, elementary school girls flocked all around him like he was some idol. He was quite the popular kid because of his voice. He had a best friend, who was just as clingy as the other girls, and that kid loved music, so he pretty much dragged Taejoon along in music class, and Taejoon followed like a puppy, even though he wasn't really that much into music at first, but the moment he held that guitar for the first time, he immediately got taken over by the virus. His best friend was naturally gifted and did quite well from the start, but Taejoon had a hard time catching up to her, and as his dream to become a singer grew, he became more hard-working and determined too. His best friend, Risako, also developed a crush on him, the type of adorable innocent child crush, but she knew his family well, and knew that she had to say goodbye to her partner in crime soon enough. And after 6 years, the time arrived. Even though Taejoon and his little sister didn't want to leave their friends behind at all, their parents decided to move, far far away this time, to the sunny Greece. But Taejoon promised Risako that he'd see her again, while she was crying her heart out. But the adventure was attracting him too, and he looked forward to the big move.

Greece, Athens, a beautiful city, and totally different from Kanagawa. It wasn't that easy to adapt to the brand new culture this time, because they were from a total different side of the world, but Taejoon loved it, the little handsome teenage boy loved Greece, the sunny country with amazing myths and stories behind it. He adapted so well that his friends even gave him a Greek name, Taras. But his little sister didn't do it as well as him, the shy elementary school girl started to get bullied by boys that were older and stronger than her. When Taejoon found out, he was furious, and felt a strong desire to just go kick their asses, and so he did. Taejoon since then grew incredibly protective over his little sweetheart, and the bullying immediately stopped, because Taejoon, who did Karate back in Japan, was so strong. He led a good life in Greece, practicing music but also seeking adventure and reading a lot about Greek mythology, because it fascinated him so much. But the urge to chase his dreams grew by the years, and he knew his best chance would be in Korea. His parents really approved of him, but he would have to live alone, so his parents told him he could only go live back in Korea when he was legal. In the end, Taejoon waited even longer, and only left Greece in early 2014 to become a trainee in Korea. The boy knew that he was good and also very handsome, so he immediately wanted to try out for the big agencies, but he only had to do one audition, because YG really wanted him as trainee.


— travelling
— mythology and fairy tales
— summer
— timbalands
— coffee, especially the greek Elliniko cafe
— sushi
— spicy seafood
— the outdoors


— instant ramen
— alcoholic drinks
— sitting still
— being trapped inside with good weather
— videogames
— starbucks, not tasty
— rubarb
— veggies like cauliflower and broccoli


— forgetting honorifics
— laughing at his own terrible puns and jokes
— texting every groupmember at least once a day when they are separated to make sure they are fine
— running his fingers through his hair
— wearing his cute apple print socks when he has to perform, it's his lucky charm


— guitar
— karate
— studying greek mythology


— he can write four different alphabets fluently
— his parents and sister have just moved over to Thailand
— he's itching to travel again and wishes to go on a world tour
— he is learning for a flying license and wants to become part of a flying club so he can fly around with small airplanes
— he barely uses the car, always goes through town with his bright red italian vespa
— YG put him out there since the beginning and has acted in three kdramas: High! school love on, School 2015 and Solomon's Perjury. They plan on making him act in more school dramas, just like Chanwoo of iKON.


— little sister • Hong Taehee / 19 / college student and waitress / 09/10
despite living apart, Taejoon and Taehee are still a dream team. She's a pretty shy girl, so Taejoon has always been dragging her along to make sure she's having good friends and having a fun time. He's incredibly protective over her, and she complains a lot that he's too possessive over her.


— Best buddy for life • Sugaya Risako / 23 / singer and voice actress / 10/10
Risako is the one that dragged Taejoon in the music world, as she dragged her best friend along everywhere, except to the bathroom. Their life consists of bickering, crying on the phone because they miss each other and exposing each other on broadcast, since both of them are stars now. Back when they were children, Risako had a crush on Taejoon, but that has faded away now, even though their relationship hasn't changed at all.


— his children • Kim Dongmin and Jung Chanwoo / 16 and 19 / members of C2C and iKON / 08/10
Every younger trainee was Taejoon's kid, but these two are the little maknaes, so they are like his ultimate kids and Taejoon acts extra possessive and protective over them, and sometimes they find it annoying. Chanwoo has helped Taejoon out with acting before, and that actually makes them great friends, and they hope they can act together in a school drama once, even if they would be love rivals. Taejoon is very statisfied that Dongmin behaves well in the group, and they got along quickly, even though they sometimes bicker.


— best man •  Myron Joon / 23 / freelance writer / 08/10
"If I ever marry, you're going to be my best man," that was what Taejoon promised to Myron when he left for Korea. Myron is greek-Korean, so when Taejoon met him, it was like long separated friends saw each other again. While Taejoon is very focused on his goals, Myron is way more laid-back, and that sometimes causes arguments but they forget they are fighting quickly and make up after a short while. He's constantly travelling between Korea and Greece.


stagename Taras
persona cringey mom
fanclub T-crowns
fancolor Glaucous

talent twins

— SPEED Ki-O (or Junwoo if Ki-O is not strong enough, but I really like his voice)
— Produce 101 Taemin

training background

— Taejoon was just back in Korea after a long time, and hadn't lived there since he was 7, so it was quite weird for him to adapt to the Korean culture again. He got immediately pushed to the spotlight as YG got him a spot in High! school love on when he was only a trainee for a few months, and was also considered to be added in Mix & match, but they decided to keep him, because his dancing wouldn't be enough for iKON. He was a pretty popular trainee, not only among the yg stans, but among the other trainees too, and got known for his visuals, but Taejoon, working every single moment he could work, wanted to get known for his talent, and he's determined to do so.


— beautiful lightning



love interest Callidora Panagopoulos (OC, fc: Katerina Geronikoulou)
back up love interest Sugaya Risako


— Callidora is a very sweet and calm girl, and while she's pretty different to Taejoon in her ways of dealing with it, she's also very protective and maternal, and cared for Taejoon as he's her little brother, but Taejoon never liked that, because he wants to be the one who protects, not the one who gets protected. Callidora is also very grumpy and moody, becoming mad at the smallest thing and getting irritated pretty quickly, but she becomes her usual cheerful self just as fast. While she seems really mature, she can actually get surprisingly childish, especially in swimming pools, and when she's mad she'll also act like a child, making her quite fun to tease.


— When Taejoon was living in Greece, there was this neighbour, who had a beautiful daughter that was 6 years older than Taejoon, and he was totally smitten for her, with her beautiful eyes and expressions, sweet voice and caring personality, as she helped him and his sister with their Greek language. Taejoon knew it was impossible to get someone way older than him at his age, but he was determined to steal her heart now once he is at a reasonable age for that. Callidora knows that he likes her a lot, and honestly thinks it's adorable. Her parents owned a small cafe that specialised in their own freshly made elliniko coffee, the typical greek coffee. It was a very small and cozy typical greek cafe that attracted both locals and tourists. Taejoon loved to go there and was often just there to be able to see Callidora. She was the big sister he loved so much, and he still does, even though they have been separated for three years now.

Callidora inherited the shop at a young age, but she had big plans. Their elliniko coffee was famous around Athens, and she first opened a second cafe at the other side of the city, but the popularity skyrocketed, and their chain of cafe's are getting world famous step by step. It's becoming like a way cozier starbucks, but with only elliniko coffee, and she has made recipes of coffees that no one has ever tried with elliniko before. She has opened a few shops in foreign countries, but she's now going to expand to Asia, and open her first cafe in Seoul. Now she'll have a reason to visit her dear Taejoon. While he still really likes her in the same innocent way as when he was only a young teenager, Callidora is unsure of how she feels for him, because they have been separated. Maybe she'll stay in Korea for Taejoon, maybe it will turn out to be a huge bummer? No one currently knows.

relationship extras/trivia

— Callidora has a secret menu item that is named after Taejoon
— She is 6 years older than him, but Taejoon is the noona-killer type
— he has used cringey pick-up lines on her before, and then Callidora becomes all annoyed and she has slapped him before, gently.
— They bicker a lot, because Taejoon loves to
— Callidora calls Taejoon 'cupcake' while Taejoon just calls her 'Calli'.

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last comment woop woop! Finished him! I hope you like him! I'm still sad about SPEED and that Ki-O was only able to join them for one comeback like smh MBK did him dirty, the poor boy.

scene requets

— Callidora and Risako paying him a surprise visit!
— Taejoon nagging and being mad at his kids for misbehaving, then treating them ice cream.

password C2U (I I'm sorry) and B.I.G's Taola



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I'm sorry to bother you ;w;
I took a look at your galleries, and there aren't enough images for the character. Can you change your faceclaim? I'm really sorry if this inconveniences you ;w;