name. ahn taeho ▹ 안태호
▹ ashley. he gave himself this name even though literally no one asked. he says this is his english name.
▹ noona. showing up to your first day subbing immature middle schoolers with a full head of pink hair and a pretty face was possibly not the best idea, taeho realizes. the male students endlessly that day, though he naturally played along and doesn't mind the nickname (he even introduced himself as ashley to make things easier for them).
birthdate. january 30, 1995  22
birthplace. bucheon, sk
hometown. bucheon, sk
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
▹ korean. 100%, fluent. 
▹ english. 10%, literally knows how to introduce himself in english (as ashley) and that's it. 
faceclaim. choi minki, nu'est
backup. jeonghan, seventeen
height. 179 cm, 5'10
weight. 58 kg, 130 lbs
▹ lanky and scrawny.
▹ pink hair (like the picture), though he dyes it blonde halfway into the year.
▹ pretty flower boy (◕‿◕✿)
▹ he's 100% leg. his legs are long and slim and pretty.
▹ showed up to school on the first day in adidas trackpants, which is apparently "not professional" so now he has to wear jeans.
▹ wears weird t-shirts that has questionable english on it. has like 6 pairs of trackpants he wears on a daily basis. exhibit a.
▹ questionable fashion sense all in all. exhibit a, b, c.
▹ but he looks good when he actually tries. exhibit a, b.

184 x 288

pos  social bold observant flamboyant
ditsy impulsive imprudent ostentatious  neg
 the entertainer aquarius hufflepuff
if the word extra had a human embodiment, it would be ahn taeho. he has an endless greed for making people laugh and will do the most just to entertain. he loves being the center of attention and frankly, can't stand it when the attention's not on him. no one's sure why he chose to be teacher rather than standing on a stage. he's rather scatterbrained and makes dumb decisions that ultimately do no good for him.
▹ inspired by ahn hyungseob + choi minki
▹ would 101% dance pick me in front of 100 people if given the chance.
▹ the kind of person to have self-depricating humor and laugh off his insecurities.
▹ but stages a self-intervention at 3am to cry over a tub of ice cream.
▹ he's doesn't seem like much on the surface, but is actually very observant.
▹ and likes to use what he notices to try to make people laugh.
▹ have i mentioned that he's Extra™
▹ wouldn't hurt a fly
▹ tl;dr just wants to make ppl laugh and be the center of attention.
background. his mother once an actress and model, it's clear where taeho got his extravagance and looks from. she retired her career since it was on the verge of collapsing anyway, and married a civil engineer. although his original career goal was to become a celebrity, those dreams were crushed once his mother told him of her not-so pleasant anecdotes. instead, he was urged to follow in his father's footsteps. however, his average grades wouldn't allow success in such a competitive field, so he settled in becoming a civil servant. he moved to incheon to study education at inha university.  
SCHOOl. inha university, education
lifestyle. since becoming a sub at gujeon middle school, taeho resides with his parents once again and relishes in the unfamiliar joy of having his laundry done for him. he manages to show up to school on time, purely thanks to his meticulous sister. he generally makes up lesson plans on the spot, since he's not one to make or stick to plans. he usually spends his free time on weekdays running errands for his parents or playing video games. his weekends are usually spent with his family or catching up with old bucheon acquaintances.
▹ he always tries to thwart her gags and jokes.
▹ doesn't like having the attention stolen by her.
▹ she literally has sparkles in her eyes when watching him do gags. he's her role model.
▹ she went along with the pranks in the beginning but stopped after she realized his humor was High Quality. doesn't appreciate any slander against anymore from that point on.
▹ he sees potential in her. guides her on How to Be Funny (but not too funny cause he wants to hog the spotlight).
▹ what a weirdo...
▹ also kinda scary so he avoids her.
▹ she always has some sarcastic remark to his antics and he gets jealous when she she says it out loud since she steals the attention.
▹ he can't tell when she's being sarcastic and gets confused at everything she says.
▹ she lowkey has a crush on him... because he's pretty.
▹ and is extra sarcastic to him because of this.
▹ doesn't know how to deal with her feelings.
▹ takes middle school too seriously
▹ always gets the highest grade in class
▹ comes to school with top quality lead pencils and college ruled paper
▹ studies 24/7

▹ minjae gets annoyed because mr. ahn doesn't actually teach his class.
▹ hates his antics and groans all the time.
▹ taeho sees minjae as his 'final boss,' but he will make him laugh by the end of the year.
▹ nakjoon flirted with him at first and taeho played along cause he thought it was a joke... but it wasn't. but taeho is flattered nonetheless.
▹ taeho calls him oppa jokingly!!! cause he flirted with him after all.
▹ he's just embarassing and nakjoon likes to roast him about it.
why do you want to be a teacher? 
"do you want the real answer or the pretentious answer? well, i'll give you both." he clears his throat and straightens his back.

"i would like to be an educator in order to improve the prospect of our nation's future society. the key to success in the future lies in our hands, and i am an advocate for this." he says, properly enunciating every word. "but honestly, i just like playing with kids. i mean, i hear my mental is age is 8."
how is it being a sub?
"it's fun, i like playing around with kids. they're not mature enough to find my antics lame and they're not young enough to be confused at everything i'm doing." he nods, "maybe middle schoolers would be similar; i can only pray."
why did you agree to be a sub for the rest of the year?
"i thought it'd be nice to be back in bucheon, i didn't really mind the fact that i'd have to be in charge of middle school kids. how bad could they be, i thought a couple months back."
how do you plan on showing the kids that you're in charge?
he blinks, "i don't? hey, i'll step in if they're doing something illegal or against the school rules, but i don't care otherwise. these kids can undermine my authority all they want, i'm just here for a good time."
as a teacher, what sort of relationships would you like to build with your students?
"a fun one? i mean, i'll do my best to try and help my students but i'm not the best at that sorta stuff. i'm just here for laughs and gags."
being a teacher is extremely different to just being a sub. are you sure you're ready?
"yep, positive. i'm so positive, that i'll do 50 push-ups to prove it to you." he gets out of his chair.

"mr. ahn, this isn't necessary. i believe you- oh he stopped at 3."
class. 2-e
backup. 3-b
experience. taught at an after-school program for elementary school kids. although, it was less 'teaching' and more 'playing' with the kids. he also subbed for a few elementary schools.
thesubway.com.kr. ashliy95 (yes, he mispelled it. no, it was not on purpose. he's really just that bad at english.)
▹ doesn't really teach his class? but shh everyone gets a good laugh, so no one has to know... until minjae rats him out.
▹ so he actually has to teach the class and is struggling
▹ but he's a super chill teacher.
▹ the kind of teacher to just say 'alright everyone, self-study' and he'd just play games on his phone until the day ends.
▹ he's planning to be a daycare or elementary school teacher (explains why he's not that great at teaching)
▹ specialty in teaching is art.
▹ would've been an artist but the unstable salary is... no bueno.
comments. fun times only allowed in this classroom!!!
▹ the class getting immensely frustrated bc taeho isn't ever offended by their pranks.
▹ minjae ratting taeho out
▹ minjae at art class but taeho encourages him.
▹ taeho and minhee collab gag concert stage in the middle of class.



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