Someone explain this to me please T__T

I don't get how the roleplay works !

Like, you apply ? o__o

And what's uzzlangs ...

I've seen people post blogs like "application for ____" and I don't know how it works u__u

Sorry, I'm new at this so I'm completely confused x_x

Thanks in advance !


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In roleplay you kind of apply. You need to ask to be the idol/ulzzang or actor/actress before you can make whatever kind of account for them.
If you don't get what role-playing is, you just basically pretend to be that idol/ulzzang/actor/actress.

Ulzzang is a term in Korean that means "best-face". It means people who are good looking. (Pretty, beautiful, handsome etc.)

The blog post such as "application for ______" people are usually applying to be in other's stories. We call these "Apply Fics"
Apply fics are when the author is excepting OC's from other people to use in their stories.
In order to take part in a apply fic you must fill in a form about what your character is like and such and such. (Forms differ on the type of story and author.)
Leading to why you see many blogs as "application for ______"

I hope that helps somewhat. ^^