Please do me a favor by helping her

Annyoung guys!

A friend of mine MollieHenson is having some financial problem. Below is the extract of her original blog posts:-




Author: MollieHenson

Published: Jul 2, 2017

Tags: help

guys, look, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. 

we're struggling a lot right now, and in need of rent money. my mom is getting less and less money each month and we can't afford to lose our apartment.

if any of you are old enough or have any money at all to spare, I've started my first gofundme. I talk more about what's going on if you'd like to read more about it there. have no idea how helpful this would be to my family. 



EDIT: if you want to help me for free because you don't have money, sign up for this website. I get money for you signing up. If you need help, just ask. Also, it works in pretty much any country.

I lost some money so I'm back down to nothing again *sigh* life is so hard. I'd like to thank you guys for actually helping me though. 




Author: MollieHenson

Published: Jul 11, 2017

If it comes
Guys, listen. I know it's long, but this is very important. I went to city hall with my mother today. We went to fill out paper work for our apartment. You see, my mother gets housing assistance. That means that if you're disabled and are unable to work (like my mother), the state helps pay a portion of your rent and bills. Today we found out that without certain requirements my mom doesn't have, she may have to start paying full rent. And my mom barely gets enough money as is because she is without a job. So this means, when she gets paid every month, she has to give away our food and clothes money just to pay our bills. Keep in mind school is in one month, and my brother and sisters need new backpacks, clothes, and school supplies. And my brother needs new uniforms. 
between paying our rent and eating, my mom would rather feed us, which would result us in being homeless once again. We are struggling so much with this and long story short, we might lose our house. I'm so afraid. Now I know a lot of you can't donate to me, but would you PLEASE share my gofundme. Sharing would help get word out. Just one share on your instagram or twitter or any social media would really help us. I created it a week ago, and have gotten one donation; even a small bit would really help us a lot. Please. Please. Please. 




*Can you guys please do me a favor in spreading the word as well as clicking on the link provided in order to help her out of the current situation?*

Thank you.



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Can i repost it? So that many others can be aware of it...