I'm Getting Frustrated (0 Readers)

No one reads my fics. So obviously no one comments. I have 433 views. Was my description so bad no one wanted to read? Or was it because of my writing?


First chapter got 46 views.

Second one got 1.

3rd and 4th: 0. 


Could someone please tell me WHAT I DID WRONG? I'd be more than happy if there was one person who would comment, even just "update please" or "this never reading your things again". I'd be also happy if I knew I had silent readers but I have no readers.


E: I dunno, maybe I'll just delete it. 

E: It's because of the prologue, isn't it? 


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LeeChaeYoung #1
(Sorry long post) I went to read your story to see what may be the problem. I'm posting my comments here so it's not on your story.

Honestly, your writing style is great. Nice and neat and very cut to the point. I actually really like it. I was able to picture everything and continue reading without getting confused.

I think the only thing that may have caused your story to not soar correctly is your attention grabber. You've obviously picked a great person liked by many so that's definitely not the problem. Maybe requesting a beta reader or thinking up interesting ways to introduce your character's personalities might help. =)

Patience is also key. If you're not passed the 6th or even the 10th chapter, and it's not a quick story, then remember that you're still very early in your plot. Your story hasn't unfolded yet!! So don't get discouraged!!

All in all, good luck. And don't let a situation like this bring you down. If the little views continue, take it as a writer's learning lesson, not as a permanent motivation destroyer. Lastly, thank you for writing and dreaming up a story for others to enjoy. =) Fighting!
I feel you...
I share your pain. ;; it's horrible and I've got absolutely no advice >.<
It is happening to me rn when usually ppl came after i posted foreword... But the last story got zero subs even after i posted the first chap. I question what's wrong with it hmm
I guess it's because it's not one of the pairings most people read about? You could give it more time and maybe then the subs and comments will come. It's frustrating I know. You never really know why people don't read something