
Can I rant here? I have this friend that.. Ugh! I am just so pissed off.. Okay.. Here.. I have this friend who follows and unfollows me on Twitter depending on my post.. I HAVE FREAKING ADDED A WARNING ON MY BIO THAT SAYS "FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK" to let the others know that I post stuffs that they or they may not like and all.. I mean I don't mind if she unfollows me but to tweet something like "I don't like you, I'm gonna unfollow you now"(but not saying my name.. I check my followers from time to time) is what gets on my nerves! Seriously, if she doesn't like me tweeting in my 'immature fangirl' state, then she should just unfollow me completely and not come back anymore! Like CAN I NOT POST OR TWEET WHAT I HAVE IN MIND?! PRETEND?! WTH! I am posting it here in AFF coz ugh! I am soooooooooo pissed off right now! I don't need followers like that! I have been like that back then and I WON'T CHANGE THE WAY I AM JUST COZ OF THAT! >_<''


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Oh my god, Pinoy ka pala! =))))))))))))))))))) Anyway...
I'll speak in Tagalog okay?:D
Pabayaan mo siya... wala naman siayng magagawa sa pagiing fangirl mo. Alam kong osbrang nakakairita kasi may ganyang rin akong mga kaibigan pero fact is, wag mo nalang sila i-entertain. psh. Haters to the left as they say. May rights ka rin mag rant dahil naiinis ka and factually, di rin maganda yung ginawa niya. Just ignore her :)

ps. Okay, I know ang late ko na like -_____________- Pero still, I just wanna share it:)
@dcjen4suju Aw thank you! *hug.back* I know right! I mean I am not the only immature fangirl in this world anyway.. XD
it's ok sweetie. we still love u very much *hug* but that's soooo rude. It's ok if she unfollow u but to say that is just SO IMMATURE!!!! Go ahead and say what's on your mind, we have the rights to do it. It's our opinion anyways. Just ignore her sweetie :)
@crazy_gurl I am just super pissed off with her.. I mean I'd rather have her tell me personally that she doesn't like me being an immature fangirl.. I hate it when people make me feel like I shouldn't say what's on my mind.. What's Twitter for anyway?

And yes! I did lots of EunHae/HaeHyuk trolling! Hahaha! The pics are just tooooooo precious for me! ^^
just ignore her then..^^
it will be waaay better than goes pissing off when that person doesnt even care...
why not use your time to stalk more eunhae? i bet it will be more happier ^^

cheer up !
Tama! Ang sarap magmura! Twitter account ko yun e!
Haha. I know just how you ayokong gumawa ng isa pang account para sknla. Bhla cla s buhy nla.