Drabble Trashcan? Yes or no.

I was thinking to create a drabble trashcan where I put everything I never get to post because I either start writing it but got uninterested or in my opinion runs around in circles or simply said all the things I think aren't worth posting. I'll even post all the prompts I've written but never got a chance to turn into a story and scenes from actual stories I wanted to add but removed.

The pairings will come from XiuHan, JongKey, OnTae, Heechul x Chen, YoonMin, EunHae, NamJin, BaekSoo, TaeKook, Vhope and Idol x OC

I was wondering if you guys would be interested in that. I mean, it's basically the "behind the scenes" of all of my work and I don't know. I think it would be nice for the content to be seen at least once... I wrote them for a reason. So, what do you guys think?


EDIT: I just saw that I have three HunHan stories and various things of female groups.


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I won't necessarily read it all (because I'm not really that big of a fan of other but two of those pairings) but as a person with several drabble collections (read: trashcans) I do recommend having one because it's nice to have a place to store all those things away, things you may feel is just good but just ... never really got the chance to be seen. ^^