Anxiety Rush

Early start of the college experience starts next week for me... and I'm not feeling so good about it :(

Honestly, I haven't stopped stressing over it since high school ended. Tossing and turning in bed, stress eating, attempting to ignore everything thinking that maybe it will all go away. My heart's been pounding and racing, practically trying to crawl its way up my throat and out of my chest.

Ever since I graduated, I've been doing nothing but THINK. I swear I've been thinking so much that I want to hit myself with a hammer xP

It's just... I guess you can say I'm scared. I'm scared of the new things that are approaching, lessons I'll learn, and many more that I need to know about that I don't even want to know of.

I feel like I'm starting kindergarden all over again... Like, what if I fail? What if I can't do it right? What if I don't become the person I want to be? What if I never reach my goals and dreams? What if people don't like me? What if I don't graduate? Will I fail? How will I survive? What if I don't make it?

The questions are infinite in my head.

I just hope things work out next week for me...

Fingers crossed, praying.



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suhoisbae #1
You'll do fine don't let anyone tell you you can't do it
I hope that you'l feel better. Try not to think too much . Take one thing at a time. All the best
I hope that you'l feel better. Try not to think too much . Take one thing at a time. All the best