Apparently my passion for Kpop kept me from getting a higher grade... XD

I had my final exam for the semester yesterday (and the final exam in Denmark entirely) and I was talking about fan identities in Kpop. They told me I was really passionate about it, which was good, but that my passion made me focus too much on smaller details and not on the big picture. That kind of made me annoyed, cause they rushed me right when I was trying to make a point about the big picture D: 


Anyway, I got a 7 (the third highest grade) and I am doooooone!! 


Holy cow on a bicycle, this semester has been a trainwreck on drugs. I have been stressing so much ever since the middle of January I have had very little time to do anything else. I really hope I can properly get back to writing now..


Also, I wrote my first BTS fan fiction as part of my exam procrastination :D Go me! 


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Aaaah congrats! 7 is a nice nd good grade!
pilikpoplove #2