‹ IXT › Blue // U4

replace with fc 120*172

  운 본임  

birthname. Oon Bon Im

– Bon Bon :: People called her that growing up
– Zoom :: Her underground name

date of birth. November 19, 1997 (19) 
birthplace. Incheon, South Korea
hometown. Incheon, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
nationality. Korean
language spoken. 

– Korean :: fluen :: Mother language



personality traits.  Independant, solitary, kindhearted, realist, awkward around strangers


Bonim basically raised herself. She never really had people to rely on so she learned to rely on herself.  It was better that way because she didnt need to keep track of others, she ate when she was hungry and she slept when she found somewhere to sleep. She liked being alone more than being with others. 
Even though she is a loner, she is still kind. She would take bags for the elderly or offer an umbrella to people in the rain. She has a kind soul that doesnt like to see people worse off for wear. She doenst however think she can fix the world. She knows this are bad off, but there are always worse things that could happen. 
Bonim is weird around strangers. She never really got that interaction as a young child so she never learned what to do. She usually just avoids new people but when she has to interact she will stand back, looking at anything but their faces. 


Bonim basically raised herself. Her father left when she was just a baby and her mother isnt really the kind of person who should be raising a child. She was the one who took care of her mtoher when she came hoe drunk or passed out with a lit cigaret on the couch. Childhoods are overrated though, right? 
Up until the age of nine Bonim spent most of her time alone. She didnt really make friends at school, her neighbors avoided her and her mother was gone all the time. She was out one night a lot later than she should have been but her mother brought a friend over and she didnt want to be there. She ended up in a crowd with a stage in the middle. That was the first underground rap battle she saw and she liked it. They were able to vent their frustrations and emotions. 
When it was all over with she searched the crowd for one of the rappers that was on stage. She eventually found one named TBar. He laughed when she first asked but once he realised she was searious he explained everything about underground rapping. He offered to show her a few things and she accepted. It probably wasnt a good idea but she told him where she lived and he said he would stop by. 
After that TBar started mentoring her. He acted like the older brother she never had. She was thirteen when she was in her first battle and it was against TBar himself. She did well and he clearly let her win, but it was amazing, she wanted more. 
As she aged, she got better and better at rapping and soon she didnt need TBar to set things up for her. She took on the stage name of Zoom and started battling. By the age of sixteen Bonim was one of the best underground rappers in Incheon. However, that was also when life threw a bomb in her lap. 
She was headed home one night after a battle when she saw a young girl sitting on her neighbors steps, crying. She stopped and asked if the girl was alright, but then the girl unloaded all her problems onto Bonim. Just as she was about to leave the girl she thought back towhen TBar took her under his wing and helped her so she deicded to take this girl under her wing. 
Turns out that her dad was the local drunk, and thats saying something with Bonim's mom. The two spent the night together and the younger, Ryusi, ended up sleeping right next to Bonim the entire night. 
Over the next two years Ryusi and Bonim got close, so close that Bonim started introducing her as her younger sister. They would go to battles together and the two of them would work as a team.
They had it all, sorta. Everyone knew Zoom and Smoke in the underground world. They were making money in the battles and they had eachother. They both lived out of Bonim's apartment because her mother never noticed Ryusi. 
One day Ryusi dropped a bomb in Bonim's lap. She wanted to audition for an entertainment company and leave the underground. Bonim was so shocked and upset that she left.
She didnt talk to Ryusi for a full week. It gave her time to think though. Where she was, she really didnt have anything at all. She wasnt going anywhere, she had Ryusi but no one else, she wasnt really living. She decided that if Ryusi wanted to audition that they would do it together. 


face claim. Yoon So Hee
backup face claim. here

appearance. Bonim is 159 cm tall and weighs 49 kg. She has long brown hair and a sweet face. She has a noticible scar on her right knee
style. Bonim commonly wore more girly, sweet clothes to her battles but at home she wears much more relaxed clothings. She tends to lean towards darker colors too. She has a very tomboy look


– likes
Junk food
Spring time
– dislikes
– hobbies
Bird watching
– habits
She snacks when she is bored
She watches birds to releave stress
– trivia
She knows how to cook
She has a ridiclously high metabolism
She is always hungry
Potatos are her favorate food
She hates when people drink
She is a big fan of 2NE1 and Big Bang
She has a pet dog


– Oon Bae Jae :: Mother (27) / n/a / selfish, greedy / 4/10
Bonim had to be the parent with Baejae. The two of them never saw eye to eye on anything

– Sip Ryusi :: Mentee/younger sister (16) / Trainee / Opinionated, needy / 11/10
Ryusi and Bonim are sisters, no matter what anyone says. They are always there for eachother, no matter what

– Lee Tae Byun (TBar) :: Mentor (25) / n/a / clever, controlling / 8/10
TBar helped Bonim through out her childhood. They were like siblings. The more they grew up though they drifted a bit

   extra section title

plotline. U4
backup plotline. here

stage name. Blue
persona. Rap star
talent twin. 

– vocal twin :: Kim Minji
– dance twin :: Kim Minji
– rap twin :: Kim Minji
– other :: if any

trainee years. 11 months
trainee life. Bonim tried to find the best clothes she owned for her audition but she still felt underdressed compared to the others. She was anxious about being in a crowd this big but she was going to stay. By the time it was her turn she had all but bounced her legs into numbness. 
Both Bonim and Ryusi were accepted that day and they started training. 
Honestly, Bonim hated it. She had to work her way back up the totem pole and so many of the other trainees looked down on her. She couldnt count howmany made jokes and remarks about her weird name. And she didnt have people to turn to. She didnt want to drag Ryusi down with her, she just had to stick it out. 
Turns out that sticking it out was a good plan. She wasnt even there a year when SM announced there was going to be a new group debuting and Bonim was one of the members. She shoved that into the other trainees faces and it felt great. 
predebut activites. Underground rapper for 10 years



please introduce yourself. Hey guys, this is your rap star Blue. *waves*

what do you feel about debuting in a group with such a concept. Honestly, its kinda like a cop out. SM doesnt want to work with what they picked so they just removed the member and try again

how would you describe your relationship with the other ixt members. I really havnt gotten the chance to really get to know most of them. They all seem chill enough

briefly describe your relationship with the nct members. I like hanging out with Yuto and Taeyoung. They are both weird people but I like them. The others I havnt really gotten to know

name one sm artist that you look up to. Xiumin. Not sure why, he just is a greatsinger, dancer and he acts...I dunno

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  Nakamoto Yuta  

back up. here

– Dork, weird, funny, dedicated

love story. 

– Bonim and Yuta started off being friends. Nothing more, nothing less. They were label mates and maybe would preform together. 
It wasnt until after ixt debut NCT and ixt had a stage together. While they were practicing Yuta and Bonim bumped into eachother and both went after the other. After fighting it out they all called for a short break. Everyone was tired and cranky, it just took the two of them to snap. 
A few days later Yuta showed up at their dorm with food and an apology. The two of them ate and tried to talk it out, but it didnt exactly work. Bonim ended up storming out and not coming back until he left. 
The two of them activly ignored eachother and if they were forced to be in a room together they would face the other way. 
It got to the point that the two leaders decided something needed to be done. They set up that the two of them would 'accidently' get locked in the practice room late at night when no one would hear them and they would be 'found' the next morning. It was way too extream but they were still gunna try it. 
The two of them spent the first part of the nightfighting and blaming eachother but as the night wore on they got tired of yelling. When the leaders came in the next morning they were sitting side by side, leaning on eachother fast asleep. 
After that they were being more than civil to eachother, friendly even. They would sit together to eat, complement eachother and Yuta would share his coffee with her. 

status. here
ending. here

   hyunglovesoppa : amand : 8/10

last words.  hello?

scenes requests.

– here
– here

password.  ixtsperation

ixt Rain (Like NCT 127)
ixt Smoke (more mature, NCT U)
ixt Sun (more child like, NCT Dream)



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