Grammar 101: "Its hurt" & "It hurts"

Grammar 101: "Its hurt"
I have been seeing this lately at other's writing when the main character is crying or hurting, I just want to help and correct it.

1. Unless you are referring to an animal, or a body part,(internal or external body part) then you can use, "It's hurt." not "its hurt" but "IT'S HURT." with an apostrophe( ' ) 

It's hurt = it is hurt. 

It = An animal(without knowing it's ) or a part of your body or an unidentified living creature can only be referred to as an it, because you can't possibly hurt a thing/material/object and you can't call a person IT, especially a baby. Babies have gender. 

Example: "Hyung, look the bird. It's hurt! Let's help it."

"Hyung it's hurt, my heart is hurt."

"Ouch! My leg, my leg it's hurt! I hurt my leg. My leg is hurt."


2. If you are referring to a person being hurt and /whining over pain, the correct sentence would be; "It hurts" and NOT "It's hurt." Nor "its hurt"

Example: "Hyung, I can't. I love him, but it hurts too much. It hurts, it hurts so much I can't..."

"Sh*t, it hurts! I cut my finger. Darn it!" 


Please ALWAYS USE Punctuation Marks. They are there and exist for a reason. I hope that helps. 


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