Ahh , i actually have a lot of things to say  about this and that . But let's not talk about those unimportant thought.

So , when I went to class , my lecturer be like 

"This subject A is easier than subject B that you guys learned last semester. While this subject C is harder than subject B obviously."

Upon hearing that particular statement , the class filled with groaned .

Why ?

Because no one got A in subject B last semester!!!!



And then the lecturer start giving out the assignment for this semester.

Apparently , in subject C , we need to make puppet , and nursery ryhmes.

me after hearing that :


"Your senior's assignment before this is a musical theater , and after them , your other senior do story telling , and for your class , you guys need to make 5 nursery rhymes with the suitable dancing step" her words.





p/s: I'm just whining because I cant tell other people what's Im keeping inside my chest . So i be whining about other unimportant things.




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You can do it!!! FIGHTINGGGGG.
So youre still in college.. kekeke im an ED studentend btw.. and i know them feels and frustrations guuuurl! Hahahaha but if its not aligned in your course then i empathize with you but IF you have the same department as mine then you have no choice but to it up! Hahahaha have a nice daaay~ you can do it Au-nim!