Does anyone have a FanBook account?

I've made a FanBook account and I want to follow some of the users here I saw draw. I saw mizusora and MyHappyExoBubble (I hope I got the username right) and I subscribed. If there's anyone else who draws, I'll subscribe ^^

I decided to upload my drawings too. I uploaded only one for now, hopefully I won't lose motivation for drawing. Here's my account: LINK


Anyways, life's hectic, but it's good. I've discovered some things in all this mess (about myself) and honestly, while everyone else around me is under stress and paranoid whether they will enter a uni they want, I don't really care. I mean I do, but... That... It doesn't mean everything to me. I got into a fight with one of my friends when I told her, "Don't limit your happiness to only that //entering that one specific uni//, find some other things that make you happy. Will you really let your world crush down just because you might not enter that one uni?" And then she just stopped talking to me, she said I don't understand her. I do, really, I know why that one uni means to her so much, but I don't want her to fall into depression... She has that tendency. Eh.

Anyways~ Today was a really good day. It started off bad, kind of. But I feel great right now. I feel so nice, mom, I feel so nice. lol

Hope you all had a nice day, too. ^^


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