wip 2/???  ☆ 신은재 is ready to save the world ! idk if collabs are a thing but we could!

colors  #706868   #aadded    refs one two three four




geonhee ☆ cam ☆ 70%


CHARACTER NAME: shin eunjae.

BIRTHDAY: 02/14/1994

BORN IN: jeju-do, sk.

GREW UP IN: seoul, sk.


FACECLAIM: lovelyz's jisoo.

BACK-UP: wjsn's seola.



HAIR: she typically keeps her hair at a medium length, just above her chest, thought it seems shorter as she always wears it in a ponytail.

CLOTHING: style? you can link pictures if you want.

PHYSIQUE: slightly taller than average and very lanky - think 120% limbs, fitting for the nickname her friends call her by, "bean sprout".

OTHER: another defining feature of the girl is her signature, round-rimmed specs. she's worn glasses since the second grade, and can't really see without them.



☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

☆ TRAIT - explain further here

✭ TRAIT - explain further here

✭ TRAIT - explain further here




CHILDHOOD: anything major happen that affected the way they act now? what was their home life like? did they grow up in a nice neighborhood? did they face any difficulties? explain here. it doesn't have to be their entire life story. i just need to know what shaped them into the person they are now.


HOW DID THEY END UP IN SEOUL: although she grew up in jeju-do and spent the larger part of her childhood there, her parents decided to make the move to seoul the summer before she entered high school, mostly in order to give their daughter better schooling. since it's been a few years, she's grown accustomed to the city.


LIFESTYLE: need a feel of what their daily routine is like














PARK AREUM / 23 - explain further here


NAME / AGE - explain further here

NAME / AGE - explain further here

NAME / AGE - explain further here

NAME / AGE - explain further here

NAME / AGE - explain further here




NAME: han sanghyuk.

AGE: 21 ( 07/05/1995 ).


the chapter of their story begins with a group project in eunjae's environmental science course.

something about researching the paris agreement, but the details are forgettable. she'd only taken the class her second year to fulfill one of her science requirements to graduate, so she naturally didn't care as much for the topic at hand.

enter han sanghyuk, bright-eyed first-year at the time who was an environmental studies major and all-around science nerd, taking the course "for fun". the two are then paired for the midterm project, the two opposite sides of a spectrum.

anyone could tell it wasn't going to go smoothly.

and it didn't. they bickered over the smallest details, sent passive-aggressive texts over how the work was divided up. it seemed like every time they met, sanghyuk had fresh complaints about the quality of her work, and frankly, eunjae couldn't care less. they ended up getting a b, which one was content with and the other was not.


"i guess s/he wasn't so bad after all."

the year after, sdlfksldkfadf akf 



MAGICAL CHARM: a small container of signature anytime milk mints that she carries in her purse.

WEAPON'S POWER: when activated, the mints become her shurikens which travel at top speeds and deal fatal damage to her opponent.

SKILL: eunjae yields the power of time manipulation - in particular, slowing down time - but due to her limited abilities, she is only able to use it twice a day, since it drains a lot of her energy. hence, she must use her skill sparingly and wisely.





CHARACTER DEATH: whatever the plot/story requires :")

PASSWORD: fur elise (dhirk remix) - mostly starting from the 0:22 mark. lol.


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