wip? more like rip.  ー s c o o p s o f l i f e ( jung insik ) #6edfef #f99563 #3cb6c9

scoops of life
jung insik
“no offense intended, but that's just my honest opinion.”
 ー (this is where you’ll put a short introduction to your character. think of this as an interview and the question is “what can you tell me about yourself?” no limit but at least four sentences should be good.
the sarcastic part-time worker/barista who's studying to be a law school student ?? possible love interest being actual law school student older than him who frequents the cafe ??? who knows oh well rip. extremely honest and blunt, but that's what's good about him. if u go to him for advice u'll receive some real talk lmfao.
the basics.
geonhee ー cam ー 75%
full name · jung insik.
nickname(s) ·
· 서의 아빠 seol's dad. jung seol, aka. literal ball of sunshine, is insik's 2-year-old samoyed. he's absolutely in love with her and takes her pretty much everywhere he possibly could. those who aren't as familiar with insik still fall in love with seol and hence associate him with her, leading to the creation of the nickname seol's dad.
· 정알바 part-time jung. a nickname that arose from him working at scoops. 
date of birth & age · february 7, 1995 & 22
ethnicity · full korean.
hometown · jinju, south gyeongsang province, korea.
languages ·
· korean. pretty self-explanatory, considering he was born and raised in south korea. his standard korean is fairly impeccable despite moving to the city later in life - thanks to hours of practicing pronunciation on end. sometimes, he'll find himself slipping back into gyeongsang dialect as that is after all what he grew up hearing and speaking.
english. he's got a limited grasp of the english language, mostly from being forced to study it in school and needing it for necessary exams to attend law school.

faceclaim · lee joon, actor.
back-up · yoon siyoon, actor.
about insik.
favorite ice cream/coffee flavor · rocky road/pure espresso (choose a flavor you absolutely love or one that reflects your personality.)
back-up ice cream/coffee flavor · coffee/americano.

personality traits · (at least five traits in total; positive, neutral, and negative. quality over quantity.)
personality · (elaborate on those traits, please. at least two paragraphs of four sentences or more. quality over quantity.)

background · (this section isn’t really important. something brief will do, about four sentences.) life hasn't always been kind to this kid. he's moved around a lot. hundreds of miles away from home. pursuing dreams.
future plans · (if your character is in college, what are the plans after graduation? if your character is already working, are they thinking about marriage or eventually moving out of the city? etc. whatever you can think of that could potentially be used in the story to help move it along and will help us understand how to write your character. quality, please.)

family (press shift+enter if you want to add more; can simply put n/a if you don’t want to add family members. the same goes for the friend(s) and other(s) section. you don’t need to go in complete detail with family members.)
· father · jung hojun ; (dob) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)
· mother · hwang misun ; (dob) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)
· (relationship) · (name) ; (date of birth) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)
· (relationship) · (name) ; (date of birth) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)
· (relationship) · (name) ; (date of birth) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)
· (relationship) · (name) ; (date of birth) + (age) · (personality traits) · (how do they interact?) · (how close are they?)

· (press shift+enter to add more. unlimited.)
his visit.
how did you find us? · (can be simple or can be extravagant. whatever fits your character.)
are you a worker or a customer? · part-time barista/worker.

worker jung:
what is your typical shift? · 9pm-2am. days?
how is your relationship with your coworkers? · (this includes your relationship with the founders/managers. you can also include your own concerns and what you would like advice on.)
how are you with customers? · (self-explanatory)
"i'm doing all this work for little pay. what should i do? i can't keep working long nights." · (how would your character respond to a concern like this?)
loving you.
love interest/ideal type · (if no current idol is to your liking, please describe your ideal type. there will not be any age changes. OCs are welcome.)
how would they interact · (make it fun. make it awkward. whatever you want.)
· (press shift+enter to add more.)
type of relationship · (lots of flirting, etc? bickering spouses? what?)
closeness · (on a scale out of 10)
ending · (happy, sad, doesn’t really matter?)

LOVE INTEREST / IDEAL TYPE · (delete this section if you choose to not have some type of love triangle, etc.)
comments ·
questions ·
scene suggestion(s) ·
· (press shift+enter to add more)

secret flavor · puny god. ngl this scene made me laugh a lil too loud in the theater.


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