Contest Winner

Over the past year and one month I have held a contest, one in which I provided a bare bones plot idea on a first come first serve basis. The authors were to take the idea and write the story in their own way and surprise me with what they came up with! This was the first time I ran something like this and probably the last, just because it was a lot of work haha. But what came of it were six completed stories that are just wonderful reads, and I highly suggest going to check all of them out here at the Plot Prompt Contest.

In this small sea of diamonds, one shone more to my eyes. The prompt that was used was not one of my favorite prompts nor was it the one I was most looking forward to reading, but the author really took it and made an amazing story from it.

The prompt was simple. "Two warring magician's who are always causing one disaster after another. More of a comedic approach to fantasy."  To be honest I got the idea for it from watchin Topp Dogg's MV for, ahem, TopDog. I was expecting something funny, something lighthearted, something easy to blow through and a joy to the funny bone. What I got, though....


Sarissa took this prompt and from the bare idea, created an intense magical world and an adventure within. She did as I asked and added a comedic touch, but it wasn't heavyhanded at all. And in the moments in between, she built strong characters with a lot of depth to them, characters who I laughed with, grew frustrated with, and even cried with. Her story ran through my emotions like a hot knife through butter and she had me fully in her world by the end of the story. It's a masterpiece, blending so many genres and ideas into one cohesive and touching tale that I recommend to everyone who enjoys a good read.

So without further delay, here it is. Let me present to you the winner of the Plot Prompt Contest.


Zero Requiem



and pssst: In case my phone screws up the link (as usual) here is the copy/paste option


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I still think I'm dreaming.