In a rut

Man, it's been such a long time since I've been on here.


Reading back my blogs from when I was a freshman in high school (or an 8th grader, I don't exactly remember) made me cringe so hard.  My heart was rampant with girl crushes as a freshman.  Now being in my senior year of high school and going off to college, I still have occasional girl crushes but most of the time not really.  I am trying my hardest to work my off to have money and provide stability for my family.  Especially with college, my private university acceptance might not happen as I realised I can not afford it.  

I am in a college rut and I have no idea what to do.    Sorry for the rant, I needed to let it go after holding these feelings in.  


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Karenina_123 #1
Very relatable. I'm a senior in high school graduating in less than a month and I have no idea what I want to major in or have any idea what kind of job i want ugh