강두리 IS READY TO FIGHT ✧ (๑╹っ╹๑)

boyqirl • gaby • 5/10
NAME 강두리 (Kang Duri)
 곰도리 (gomdori ; roughly translates to teddy bear) only her mom calls her this. she gets really embarrassed when someone finds out and calls her by that name (she secretly likes it, which is why she hates when people call her that because she doesn't want anyone to know that she actually likes it!!!)
BIRTH DATE 01/29/1999
BIRTH PLCE Gyeongju, South Korea
HOMETOWN Gyeongju, South Korea
 Korean - self explanatory
 English - She only knows really basic phrases. English is probably the class she has the lowest grade in and it pisses her off so much. For some reason she just can't pick it up.
FACECLAIM Joy from Red Velvet
BACKUP FC Kyla from Pristin
APPEARANCE She is pretty tall and she's proud of it. She is 170 cm and she isn't embarrassed to reveal it. She also won't think twice about wearing heels. If people are bothered by her height, that's their own problem. Her body type is on the Thicc™ side (the only reason she ever wanted a thigh gap was because she has that problem where her thighs chafe in the summer when she wears shorts/skirts which is super annoying). When she was younger, boys always made fun of her, calling her "Amazon" and "Giant" and stuff like that. But it's okay because she's really comfortable with herself. People are intimidated by her because of her height, but also because she has a lot of piercings (4 on both ears). She got them because she thought it would be edgy (but she cried for every single one lol). She had her hair bleached but it was against her school's dress code so reluctantly dyed it brown. Her hair is shoulder length right now.
FASHION STYLE She dresses just like Kim Bok Joo (so basically kind of like a middle-aged dad who just discovered UNIQLO). She loves to mix and match patterns but she refrains from doing so in public because her family often tells her that the stuff she wants to wear just doesn't match. (Think of a pink argyle shirt with blue and green checkered pants...yikes!) So only her pajamas have funky patterns. She wears minimal makeup because she has sensitive skin. So she usually just puts on some lip gloss and sometimes mascara, if she has time in the morning. But for fancy occasions she can really go all out, so people get really surprised whenever they see her at fancy events.
PERSONALITY genuine / quirky / self-assured / imaginative
She's honestly the realest person you'll ever meet. She puts on no airs. The way she acts around her best friends is the same way she acts around people she's just met. People are really comfortable around her because she is super honest. She really says everything that comes to mind. People would call her blunt if it weren't for the fact that it's so obvious that the things she says hold no ill intentions. Somehow the way she says it comes off as really tactful. She loves it when people come to her for advice. She is a classic Aquarius because she loves to do things her own way (it's really fun to think up all the different ways things can be done). She is really innovative and creative but in a way that makes people think she's a bit odd. She walks to the beat of her own drum. To some it makes her endearing, and to others, she just seems really weird. But people can't deny that she has some sort of personal charm that draws them to her. It's really fun to talk to her. It's not that she thinks she's always right, but she never questions herself. If it's the way she wants to do it, then she'll do it, regardless of what other people think.
CURRENT LIFE She grew up in Gyeongju but she moved to Seoul right before she started high school because her parents are divorced. She lives with her mom (her dad left her mom for another woman). She works at Honeybee Cakes. She goes there to work after school every day, with very few exceptions. Her mom doesn't like that she works so much, but her reluctance slowly died down once she saw that Duri's grades weren't dropping despite how much she worked. On the weekends, she's usually baking or studying. Occasionally she will hang out with Pilsuk and the crew. She works so much and yet she doesn't like to spend money, so she spends a lot of time at home. She doesn't have any siblings, but she doesn't feel lonely because her mom always makes sure to spend time with her when she can. Her dad visits her sometimes but she always locks herself in her room when he comes over.
  • she can fall asleep literally anywhere
  • obsessed with honey. she puts it on everything (slathers it all over pieces of toast, in her cereal, every time she bakes she adds it to the recipe even if it doesn't make any sense)
  • she works at a bakery called Honeybee Cakes (it's an actual store in Seoul; look it up on instagram @honeybeecake !!). she's a cashier because they don't trust her with the recipes (explained below)
  • loves to bake, especially cakes. she always experiments with recipes. people are reluctant to try her creations because of all the strange combinations of ingredients but somehow it always ends up tasting really good (and yet the place where she works still won't let her bake there!!)
  • she cries really easily (her facebook timeline is full of cute animal videos and she always cries. she's not ashamed. she cried on the subway one time because pilsuk sent her a snapchat of a really cute dog she saw on the street)
  • she is obsessed with studio ghibli movies. she owns every single movie on DVD and keeps them on a bookshelf in her room, in alphabetical order. whenever people come over she suggests they watch one
  • very, very studious. she doesn't come off as nerdy or anything, and she's not a teacher's pet. she's not even naturally smart. but she loves to study. when midterms and finals are coming up, she spends all her time in the library. her friends know not to bother her because she is super focused and scary at this time.
  • related to the last point: she has a bullet journal full of cute little doodles. the first page is full of doodles of all her friends. every time she meets someone new, she draws them on this page.
  • since she's pretty tall, she always makes it a point to stay in the back at concerts and stuff like that.
Duri and Pilsuk were in the same class in their first year of high school, but they were nothing more than acquaintances (thinking back on it, Duri now suspects that it's because Pilsuk might have been a bit too intimidated to talk to her since she is so tall). The two became close in their sophomore year of high school, when Honeybee Cakes opened. Duri immediately started working there and it became Pilsuk's favorite place to go after school, so naturally they started talking. The exact moment when they really became friends was when Pilsuk came into the store looking really down and Duri offered her some free cake. When Duri had a break, she sat down with Pilsuk and they talked about their troubles. After that, they became really close. They have a routine where Pilsuk comes to Duri's house every weekend to try one of her new cake recipes in hopes of it being sold at Honeybee Cakes. Eventually, the clique joined in because they started to wonder where their precious friend went every weekend! Now every weekend, the gang comes to Duri's house for some tasty snacks and of course...they watch a new Studio Ghibli movie every week! Duri is dreading the day when they run out of new ones to watch.
They have been in the same class for the past two years, and Duri likes to talk to everyone, so it was kind of inevitable that they become friends. For some reason, whenever there are assigned seats, they always end up being seated next to each other. They were study buddies until Pilsuk started dating him. Duri didn't want to interfere with their one-on-one time. When Duri found out that Jungkook cheated on Pilsuk, she felt really betrayed that one of her friends would act in such a way. But even though Jungkook is her friend, cheating is unforgiveable to her, so she has been avoiding him lately.
do kyungsoo
do kyungsoo
FULL NAME Do Kyungsoo
Kyungsoo is a pastry chef at Honeybee Cakes. Duri has a huge crush on him because, unlike the owner of the store who constantly tells her no when she tries to introduce her recipes, Kyungsoo takes the time to stay after hours with her and try her recipes. It's not like she has any trouble talking with him. They get along pretty well. But Duri is way too shy to pursue him because a.) he's a college student (only a year older tho) and b.) he's a college student. She is afraid that he won't even bat an eyelash at a high school girl like her. What if he just sees her as a younger sister or something? She's pretty sure of herself but when it comes to love, she has no experience. She has no idea how to go about it!
Kyungsoo gets along really well with Pilsuk, too, because he always lets her and Duri get the first taste at any new cakes he's making. Lately, Duri has been talking a lot with him because she is really stressed out about Pilsuk and Jungkook.
He's just really kind and understanding and she can't stop gushing about him to the entire clique. Normally, everyone would be annoyed, but her friends can't help but be happy for her. Heck, the whole crew didn't even know she was capable of liking somebody! (She's a pretty weird gal, so they thought she didn't even think about stuff like romance). In the several years that she's known them, she's never talked about boys so they are really happy that she is confiding in them about it. They all want her to go for it.
ENDING I would love for Duri to confess to him eventually. Maybe with a cute little cake (omg!!!!). On his birthday she gives him a heart-shaped cake and he gets all excited like omg u made this what's the recipe!!! And she tells him the ingredients and one of the ingredients is LOVE and he's like WHAT and she just panics and is like UH YEAH I LIKE YOU and then she runs away and then you can decide what happens next??????? ahhhhhhh!!!! but if you can't find a way to insert it into the story then just having her gush about him to her friends is good enough for me :)
pilsuk's sister, jisook, will be hosting the interview today, please be nice or she'll kick your !
HI, CAN YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF? Sure! I'm Kang Duri. I love Pilsuk. Your sister is really cute! I love to bake and I'm really thankful for Pilsuk, my dear taste tester! Also, just realized this once I started talking, sorry for never saving you any cakes... I always make sure that Pilsuk brings some home for herself when she visits me but I never save a slice of cake for you! I'm so sorry! I'll be sure to [further conversation redacted due to length]
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT JUNGKOOK CHEATING ON PILSUK? Honestly...I feel really betrayed and hurt. Jungkook is my good friend so I am super disappointed in him. But I can't forgive cheating. I mean...my dad cheated on my mom a few years back, and it really affected me and my family. I know Pilsuk and Jungkook aren't married or anything but you know...he betrayed her trust. If you actually like someone, you don't cheat on them. You just don't. It really hurts me to say this but I can't forgive him. I don't hate him with a burning passion or anything, but I don't even know if I can be friends with him anymore.
WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST GETTING BACK AT JUNGKOOK FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE? We have to mess with him. We have to get him really good... You know...I don't know if he thinks we're still friends or not, but we can use this to our advantage. Maybe I can bake him a cake. You know, a cake for him in these trying times. It will be the best cake I have ever made. The best. And it's gonna have laxatives in it. Not enough to kill him, but a good amount, you know? Or I can give him some of those sugar free Haribo gummi bears. Have you ever heard of those tiny monsters? Have you ever read the reviews for these things on Amazon? Apparently they give you the s. And not just any s...like...s from Hell. His sphincter would be done for. We gotta do it. Maybe we should just go for it and give him both.
DO YOU KNOW MOON JIAH PERSONALLY? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HER? Yeah, I know her. We're in the same class. Umm...she doesn't come off as a bad person. We worked on a group project together once and she finished her part first. I want to believe that she didn't know that Jungkook and Pilsuk were dating when they went out together but...come on. Almost everybody in my class knew. So that's just my wishful thinking. She's just as guilty as him, then. Yup. Haha...
SO... PILSUK IS REALLY SAD RIGHT NOW, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO CHEER HER UP? I've been bringing her cake! I mean, I always do, but I've been working extra hard to make sure it tastes good. And I'm trying really hard to make a recipe book full of my best recipes. I'm gonna make it really cute. I can't wait to give it to her. Food is better than boys.
OKAY, THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSES! Yeah, no problem! Thanks for listening. I'll be sure to leave Pilsuk with an extra slice of cake just for you! Don't you worry!! 
COMMENTS i love the whole concept of this fic. i mean, come on...it's not centered on romance, but rather on friendship. THE POWERFUL BONDS OF FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN GIRLS TRUMPS ANY ROMANCE EVER. i mean i'm still a huge romantic that's a er for fluff. but this concept is just my cup of tea, and i'm gonna take a huge sip.
SCENE REQUESTS nothing in general, besides the ending between kyungsoo and duri! but only if it fits with the story. thanks so much.
PASSWORD "don't worry about it!" (whenever someone asks her what she's doing/why she's doing something)


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