PARK HYEJIN       is     afraid of the   dark.

PARK HYEJIN       is     afraid of the   dark.

boyqirl / gaby / 2/5

 who are you? 

 character basics . 

park hyejin

hye: they prefer going by this name because it sounds a bit more gender-neutral

march 4, 18 y.o.


 appearance . 

hyunjin (loona)

back-up: olivia hye (loona)


Fairly tall (+170cm) but they look smaller because they slouch, narrow shoulders, lomg limbs, awkward gait (would have looked graceful if they knew how to carry themself)


Just one cartilage piercing on either ear. Wnats to get a tattoo one day but too indecisive to go through with it.

 who are you, really? 

 personality . 


Hye is very good at putting themself in another person's shoes. They feel very deeply, whether it be their own feelings or someone else's; they cry very easily. Because they can relate to others very easily, a lot of people come to Hye to vent. They aren't very good at giving advice, but they are definitely a good listener. However, this does require a lot of emotional labor from Hye, but it is hard for them to say no when they can tell exactly how the other person is feeling.


Hye has anxiety. They worry a lot about things that don't make sense, and they know it doesn't make sense, but they worry, anyway. Hye seems like they are okay with meeting new people, but on the inside they are constantly worrying about making a good impression. And then they are constantly on edge, wondering if their newly-made friend will come to hate them. 


It takes a long time for Hye to come to a decision on something, whether it be what juice to get from the vending machine or which friend to side with in an argument. They like to be open-minded and take every argument into consideration but sometimes they really do just consider too hard.


Hye is loyal to their friends, almost to a fault. Because they are constantly worried they might do something to make their friends hate them, they will always try to be there for their friends, no matter what. Even if Hye's friends hurt them, they will still think favorably of them. Hye is kind of a pushover if it means making someone happy.


Hye hates conflict. They will do anything in their power to avoid it, even if it means compromising some of their values.

generally quiet; talkative when stirred up.

Hye does not talk much, but it isn't because they are shy. They only open their mouth when they have something they think is worthwhile to share. It is hard to follow their thought process sometimes. People get lost in conversation with them.

no sense of time.

Hye has big plans for themself, but it is hard for them to put it into practice when they have literally no concept of time. They know their goals, but being consistent in trying to achieve them is another story.

hates routine.

If Hye isn't being stimulated then they will immediately change something about themself. You never know what it is Hye will change, though. Sometimes it's their hair; other times it's the way they dress. Even little changes will satisfy Hye, as long as it's a change. They could be having a mental breakdown from boredom today, and then tomorrow they'll tell you they're fine because they bought a new pair of earrings.

 their friend group . 

what is their role in the friend group?

Doesn't know how to take sides when their friends are fighting, so they are often in the middle of things Not dependable enough to be the mom friend, but they do worry a lot. Usually the one to initiate and finalize plans because no one else will, and yet they still manage to be late to every single function.

what kinds of texts do they send in the groupchat?

They don't really send texts in the group chat. They are fairly passive and usually just read the messages. However, they will reply if no one else has said anything to a meme someone has sent or something like that. 

 why are you like this? 

 the past . 


(if another applicant is interested) Hye has had a crush on one of their childhood friends for years but is way too scared to tell this person because they have no idea how they will respond.

Hye was raised by a single parent, their mother, Eunyeong. Hye's father abandoned their mother once he found out she was pregnant, so Hye has never met him. They found out about this pretty early on in their childhood, because their mom didn't want to lie to them and thought it was important for them to know. Hye's mother didn't want them to think she was ashamed of being a single mother.

Hye's mom works two jobs. During the week, she commutes to the city and works an office job; her pay has pretty much stagnated because she refuses to work unpaid overtime, no matter how much it irks her boss. The only reason she hasn't gotten fired is because she does her work well. But only within office hours. Eunyeong's other job is as a waitress at a local restaurant. Hye wants to work part-time so their mom doesn't have to work on the weekends, but Eunyeong refuses to. She says that she wants Hye to focus on studying for their college exams and hanging out with their friends. Eunyeong wants to make sure Hye has a well-rounded high school life.

Hye actually likes visiting their mom at the restaurant. They aren't embarrassed about it and they enjoy making their mom's day. The restaurant is the default hang-out spot for Hye's friends.

Hye hasn't told their mom that they are nonbinary because they aren't sure their mom will understand the concept. They trust their mom and know she won't reject them, but they are still anxious about it.

high school life.

Hye barely makes it to class on time. It's because they walk to school every morning, even though it's a bit long. Normally, this would be okay, because they wake up absurdly early every morning. But they always dilly-dally on the walk to school. They have a few lates but they would never let it get so bad that it would affect their grades.

Hye isn't at the very top of their class, but their grades are above average. The way they achieve this isn't very efficient, though. It's really hard for them to pay attention in class because they just find the method of instruction so boring. As a result, they have to cram like it's the end of their life once exams come around. Pop quizzes are the bane of their existence and Hye bargains with teachers very often to make up for those.

Hye is in several clubs because they just can't decide which one they like the most. Because of this, though, it is hard for them to make a full commitment to the clubs they've joined. Hye is more of a filler member, but they do make sure to show up to each club at least once a week. Hye is in the gardening club, programming club, and ping pong club.

Hye rotates between friend groups (people they know in their clubs, classmates, regulars at the local restaurant, and their childhood friends). But everyone knows that Hye is ride-or-die for their childhood friends. It kind of puts up a wall between Hye and others.

 the future . 

what are their plans after high school?

Hye wants to go to school in a city, preferably a city close to home because they don't want to leave their mom alone. Hye's friends keep urging them to go for one of the three SKY universities, but Hye thinks it's too far from home. But their mother is adamant that Hye take whatever opportunity they can, regardless of distance. They are still fighting about it.

As indecisive as they are, Hye isn't sure what exactly they plan on majoring in. Generally, though, they plan on entering the design department of whatever school they get into.

what are they doing for the summer?

Hye has to visit the school once a week to tend to the courtyard garden, as a member of the gardening club. Besides that, Hye just plans on studying for the college entrance exams and hanging out with friends. They are still arguing with their mom about getting a part-time job, but so far it looks like their mom is winning.

 other things . 

ultimate pet peeve?

Any time someone points out that Hye doesn't look like they know what they are doing.

how is their physical strength?


how is their mental strength?

weak, especially under pressure.

greatest fear?

being hated by everyone they care for.

return .   turn in .


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