I have nyctopobia.

*insert spoopy scary skeleton*

But yeah im deathly afraid of le dark.

For those who donut have this fear of previously mentioned , let me tell you. You are lucky.

My fear of the dark is so bad, i have to pop the sleepin pills and melatonin ers just to at least, at least, get five hours of sleep. ANd when I am awake at night, in the dark room, everything looks like its ready to murder me! My lamp, even my chanyeol poster looks like it moving in the dark. The corners of your rooms look like portals to hell.  Sometimes i stay up until its light out side in the morning because i cannot do with the darkness.

Its effected my social life even. At sleepovers, we are arguing about the light situation, during parties when we play hide and seek in the dark, BISH YOU WILL SEE MAH FAT RUNNING TO NARNIA SCREAMIN ' THIS !!"

People my age don't have a fear of darkness really anymore!! Here in this time of my life when I'm supposed to be a grown up, I need the frickin hall light on, ten night lights, and some sort of doggo by me

i swear sponge bob is me



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