张音花 IS READY TO FIGHT ✧ (๑╹っ╹๑) #8790D5#D587C1


BIRTHNAME 张音花, zhang yinhua
창인화! chang yinhwa, it reads. it's a korean romanized version of her chinese name, the one most commonly used. 
INNIE! yinhwa feels heavy on the tongue, or at least that's what some of her friends claim as they use innie instead, the aegyo version of the first syllable of her name. 
BIRTH DATE january 21, 1999
BIRTH PLACE seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN shanghai, china
ETHNICITY chinese-korean
汉语! naturally, mandarin is her mother tongue. yinhwa speaks with a disntict shanghainese accent and dialect having lived in shanghai for a majority of her life. her intonations are smooth and crisp, and she rarely fumbles for words, even when translating from korean to mandarin. 
한국! her mother is korean and admittedly, wasn't as fluent in mandarin as yinhwa is. she's been taught korean at home and speaks with an okay-ish accent, one you might find on a girl who indentifies more as a chinese than a korean. unlike her mandarin, yinhwa often fumbles for words in her accent that sounds just a bit off, enuogh to tell you that yes, yinhwa is a foreigner. she's quite good at reading and writing, much less in listening and responding; just enough to allow her to keep up with lessons at school. but if any teacher asks, no, yinhwa does not speak a of korean at all. 
ENGLISH! ew. disgusting. 0/10 would not learn again. unforunately, both yinhwa's parents speak decent english, better than anyone in their school. her semi-fluent english doesn't have that much of an accent (blame american tv shows).
FACECLAIM kim yerim, red velvet
BACKUP FC zhou qieqong, pristin
angsty piece of dies her hair stark black: it's unsettling how unnatural her hair colour is- despite mainstream belief, actual black hair colour is rarer than redheads, and against yinhwa's porcelain skin and her baby face, it creates a juxtaposition that deserves three pages in a john green novel. she's also quite tall for her chinese heritage, being 5'7 with an extremely lithe build.

in terms of fashion, yinhwa's taste belong in the streetwear section. bomber jackets, sneakers, skinny ripped jeans- basically anything that makes her look like she belongs on an grunge aesthetic tumblr page. in school. she likes to wear sweaters in the winter and cardigans in the summer, anything that basically covers up her arms (which is funny because she has the habit of pushing up her sleeves so ??? what's the point)

blunt, crass, deadpan, intelligent
tsundere, loyal, observant, independent
overachiever, grudgeful, stubborn

tl;dr: real life sherlock holmes gets trapped in the body of a chinese teen: sort of like freaky friday except much wierder. before anything, consider this: yinhwa was raised in china. it's a much different ballgame from the lax lifestyles of korea, and the level of sarcasm imbedded in the culture is horrifying. what's normal for her is considered blunt and crass by korean standards. or maybe that's just her- yinhwa, with the general lack of care and sincerity. she's not for everyone; far from that, she's a bitter pill few can swallow. but to those that get the time know her and to really get close to her; yinhwa essentially becomes a slightly annoying but loveable piece of determined to be by your side. if you text her at 8:37 pm, she'll text you back 8:36 pm. basically, yinhwa's basically that one person who isn't very loud until you become good friends with them, there's a total disconect from the yinhwa her year percieves her to be and yinhwa close friends know of. 
essentially, it all started in an open heart surgery conference, two surgeons wooing each other until they found themselves in front of an altar and two years later, out comes yinhwa. by jus sanguinis, yinhwa becomes a korean citizen with special clearance to live and function in china alongside her mom. everything is all and well- she's constantly topped her very chinese school, her parents love her, and her skin is clear. come 2015, her mom is gone for two (2) days, and in those two days- she walks into her dad having an affair with her mom's best friend, the auntie who always treated her out for ice cream. happens until it doesn't, until yinhwa finds herself with a newly single mom in korea at the start of a new school year.
currently, yinhwa lives in a two bedroom apartment with her mother not too far from her school. mom basically lives in the hospital as one of the department heads, which gives her the apartment all day. yinhwa goes to a korean tutoring club on mondays and tuesdays every week for 2 hours after school. it's also important to note that yinhwa is highly intelligent in science and biology

yinhwa is still currently pissed at her dad, who flies to korea once every month in an attempt to reconnect with her, begging for forgiveness. each month, yinhwa turns off her cellphone. what her dad did to them- unforgiveable. since then, yinhwa's had a sudden urge to burn all cheaters at stake, which is why she develops an immediate and rather overzealous interest in beating up jung jungkook's . not that being overzealous is a bad thing, but yinhwa's ideal revenge would probably be 'hire a crane to lift jungkook sixty feet in the air.' still, if there's any dirty job that the rest of the girls wouldn't want to do, yinhwa will galdly sign up.

- an entire year ahead of her class in terms of all the subjects that aren't korean related, immediatly dethroned the #2 student in their entire batch (blame china).
- speaking of which, probably inhuman bc she never gets distracted / never procrastinates at all, having to cope with the advanced chinese school system that basically forces students to study 6 hours a day.
- spouts english and chinese idioms translated into korean that basically no one understands, ever
- was v close w/ her dad but like,,, after the affair,,, bro,,, the biggest grudge against him and also why she
- rich as , don't let her apartment fool u this girl has the newest products and the hippest fashion bc both of her parents are doctors/high ranking doctors and her dad still sends her money every month in an attempt to make a connection 
- so good at math/science/biology it hurts
- indentifies more of a chinese than korean
- good at lying wink wink

CONNECTIONS pls add pilsuk and other characters whom are significant to the story! i do not want extra work jebal... let me live
format this however you like. if you're collaborating / adding another applicant, be sure to link their apps here too or it'd be hectic for me
back up love int
FULL NAME 이민형, lee minhyung
艺盟或! yi menghuo, it reads. mark's chinese name, and to be honest- one of the biggest reasons why yinhwa's ready to throw herself over board for him.
LOVE STORY format this anyway you like but be sure to include how they met, how they'll contribute to this story, interacts and so on


slight problem though. 

he happens to be jungkook's extremely loyal best friend.
ENDING u can give me a guideline or smth like that if you wanna live the ending up to me! but pls dont make it entirely up to me, i will cry
pilsuk's sister, jisook, will be hosting the interview today, please be nice or she'll kick your !
HI, CAN YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF? who are you to my sister? her ride or ride? her best friend for life? her sidekick?
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT JUNGKOOK CHEATING ON PILSUK? include how you feel about jungkook personally before this whole happened too!
WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST GETTING BACK AT JUNGKOOK FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE? be angry, think of the wildest! explore all possibilities!
DO YOU KNOW MOON JIAH PERSONALLY? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HER? moon jiah aka the girl jungkook is cheating with... sobs
COMMENTS stOP OK I DONT CODE but im highly allergic to very long apps (aka i accidentally swipe left and 3 hrs of work is G O N E)
SCENE REQUESTS anything in general but i'll not use all! 


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