DAYDREAM ⭐ vocalist, visual, rapper, Hyeon Eunji

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Hyeon eunji 
vocalist, visual, rapper
activity (8/10)
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birth name : Eunji hyeon / 은지 현
nickname(s) :
+ joker (
조커) - everyone - this nickname doesn't need an explication, she's just a joker, she loves telling jokes, planning pranks everything that is related to funny things
+ pig (
돼지) - evryone - she's a stomach with legs, she ate everything that is edible, so for annoying her, people call her pig when she's eating 

languages spoken :
+ english - 100% - fluent - she's borned in sydney so she speaks english fluently and speaks it at home with her family and with members who speak english
+ korean - 100% - fluent - she's grownded in daegu so she learned korean and speaks it fluently with a slight daegu accent

faceclaim : apink's naeun
back up faceclaim : red velvet's irene
appearance : eunji is the smallest human in the wolrd, only 155 cm for 44 kg, but don't tell that is front of her or she will hurt you really baddly. But seriously, she's really small, with her really small hands and feet, like she can't carry many things because of her small hands, so a lot of people by making her carries a lot of thing. She has some long brown hair, that she always let in her back or in a pony-tail. She has a little mole on her right cheek, but you have to watch her really closely to see it. She gives you a cute appearance thanks to her cute dimple that appear when she smiles or laughs. Her skin has slight peach color offered by the sun of sydney during her childhood, that gives her a little exotic charm.
style : if she describes her fashion style, she will probably says "boring and strange", but it's just her. She just puts what she wants to wear, but will always reminds you her. She has a style a bit "destroy", she really likes ripped jeans, band shirts, all that sort of thing, but because of that, people always think that she's a "bad girl" or a "punk" but NO ! it's just her style. If she wants she can wears a dress or a skirt, but she really likes being confortable in her jeans and shirts → 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Her practice outfit is pretty simple, like she just puts a legging with a shirt and somtimes wears a cap for her hair, she just wants to be confortable → 1, 2, 3. Her formal outfit is more colored than her basics outfits, she really likes having some colors → 1, 2, 3.
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personality traits (positive) charismatic, loyal, funny, sensitive, funny, passionate, likes challenge / (negative) easily stressed, pushes the limits, forgives not easily, rapidly infocus
personality expanded :

Eunji is extremely charismatic, with a knack for earning the trust of others. She knows how to be completely sincere, and help others to open up. Many people find themselves sharing personal information with her before they even know her that well. There is something about her nature that allows others to trust her completely. Eunji is good at communicating what she wants to people, and is also incredible listener. She's a naturally funny person to be around, and is often energized by conversation about various topics. Her way with words often causes her to have a diverse circle of friends, who all enjoy communicating with her.

She is an enthusiastic and gentle soul, which often make her rather sensitive. She is a strong person, but do have a rather deep sea of emotions inside of her. She will often becomes easily hurt by the people that she loves, and might become upset easily by their words. Eunji is also great at moving part this hurt though, and will forgives rather quickly. She simply haves a big heart and is constantly striving to connect with the world around her. Her sense of passion often makes her more sensitive than some others persons, but it is also what makes her incredibly special.

She is often viewed as fickle, jumping from one situation to the next, but she's actually fiercely loyal. When she finds people that she can truly connect with, she will stands by them no matter what. She haves a way of caring about everyone, but only feeling truly close to a select few people. When she finds a special connection she will stands by those people no matter what happens. She will often do whatever it takes to make their loved ones happy, holding loyalty to very high importance.

She cares about how she impacts others, and doesn't want to do anything to harm people. She tryes to be respectful, but it might take rather firm boundaries for her to completely follow rules set by others. She enjoyes pushing buttons, which often causes her to cross certain lines that people dislike. This can cause her to appear rather disrespectful, but she simply enjoyes pushing the limits. Crossing boundaries helps her to understand hersef and others better, and is simply how she explores her world fully. She doesn't want to upset people, but sometimes her needs to explore and takes chances, causes her to be somewhat disrespectful. When it is something that truly matters though, she will certainly be able to hold themselves back

When she's under high levels of stress, the normally outgoing and enthusiastic eunji may becomes guarded and strict. Instead of exhibiting her normal love of new ideas, she may becomes strongly focused on routine and order. She becomes overly controlling and desires to maintain a sense of order around her. She will wants things to be done their way and to be done properly. She normally excitable selves will no longer exhibit signs of her enthusiastic personality. She will loseq sight of her enjoyment in new ideas and will focus on proven methods and structure.

She will often forgives people, especially when it comes to making smaller mistakes. She understands that no one is perfect, and will be capable of moving on from the error. She does however have a passive aggressive side to them, and might wants the person who hurt her to make amends for their mistakes. She will wants that person to prove themselves, and make it very clear that they are sorry and would do anything to ensure that she forgives them. When she knows that someone truly cares, she will forgives them for their mistakes. If someone does something that goes strongly against her moral code, then she will haves a hard time forgiving this action.

She's often the type of the people to push through their fear of failure. She enjoys taking chances, and will often charge head first into a new challenge. Se haves a way of coping with mistakes, and will search for a way to learn from her various failures. She understands that it is important to take chances, and that the only way to learn is to really try. In most cases Eunji wouldn't regret doing something, much more than she woulds regret trying and failing. She enjoys pushing herself and often lives with the mindset that things will work themselves out somehow.

She often haves a very enthusiastic and playful sense of humor. She haves a very colorful wit and often haves a strong enjoyment for the use of puns. She may occasionally offends people when she's really just trying to make them share in her laughter. She haves a way of teasing others, and that is actually a way of showing affection towards them. She enjoys her ability to laugh and smile at everything, even the darkest situations. Even though she isn’t always “silly” she does tend to maintain a sense of humor through anything. She haves a way of making even the dullest situations hilarious.

She's very passionate, and that isn't a quality that everyone possesses. There is something so beautiful about her ability to stay positive and strive to inspire others. She feels very deeply and works to make strong connections with people. She haves a way of bringing out the passion in others, and always strives to see the best in them. She loves to explore new possibilities and have a way of seeing the world that is very unique.

She enjoys exploring new possibilities and allowing her minds to wander. She haves an excitable and passionate nature, and that often causes her trouble when it comes time to remain focused. She becomes bored if she's forced to stay stuck on one topic, and will often loses track of what she was doing. She wants to be free to explore new and inspiring things in the world.

Eunji doesn't want to be seen as ordinary or robotic. She desires to be unique and be valued for who she is. Being just another face in the crowd would be a terrible fate for her, as she thrives on individuality. Although it is completely understandable, this seems like one of the most unlikely events possible for her. She's enthusiastic and exciting, and always have a unique way of making her presence known.



trivia :

korean foods, japanese foods, australian foods, street foods, all the type of foods, she loves preparing them, but she loves eating them the most
– she has a little turtle-shaped plush, that one of her brother won for her one day, and if you go to her dorm room, you'll drown into an ocean of plushies
– sunny weather is the perfect weather to go outside with friends at a park and eating ice cream (i'm pretty sure that she loves sunny weather only for eating ice cream)
– she can spend whole nights only for watching her favorite drama, with her popcorn and her computer on her bed
– that's something that she hides to some peoples but she really loves astonomy, the planets, the stars, the galaxys... her favorites planets are Jupiter because is the biggest one, and Pluto because is the smallest one 

– one of the hardest thing of the world, is to wake up Eunji, and the one who succed to doing that, will die in the next ten minutes because she will murders him to death she loves sleeping too much
– she hates the smell of coffee, the taste of coffee, everything that is related to coffee, she hates coffee
– she hates messes rooms, like if she sees that something isn't in is place, she will immediatly clean up all the room just because of the little object that wasn't on his table
– if she doesn't have any inspiration, she will start to being hard on herself and to think until she haves a headache
– she touches her nose, she don't know why she does that, but she does it, everyday, it's a weird habit

– she always reads something before sleeping, and during her trainee, she readed the dictionary twice
– everyday, at everytime of the day, she writes down some lyrics on a little carnet that she brings always with her
– she can cooks everything, but her specialities are gimbap and kimchi stew
– she loves listening to music, composing her own songs, writing her own rap
– she hates bugs, if she heard a little sounds, like one of a mosquito, she will screams and jumps everywhere until he disappears

– since a really horrible nightmare, she can't sleep without a little light in her room
– she's a teaser, she loves to annoy people by telling them bad puns, or getting clingy, all the annoying stuff, she loves it
– she learned to rap thanks to her younger brother, who, to memorize his lessons, recited them all the times and she started to recited with him, and she recited them faster and faster, and now she's really good at rapping
– she's the queen of aegyos, like her aegyos are the most cute aegyos in the world, and she knows that it annoyes a lot of people, so she always does it at in an unexpecting moment
– she's the worst dancer of all the fnc trainee, and she knows it, she knows that she's an horrible dancer, but she doesn't care, because if she wants to dance, she will dance and she practices really hard for succeed her dance routine

– she parts of the bagel line of the group, she's one of the sunshine and the most funny member of the group, during the interview, she always speaks when nobody speak and always wants to make everyone confortable
– her ultimate goal is to have her own mixtape, she has already few songs that she wants to produce but for now, she's really happy to debuting in SO DREAM
– she has some very unexpected personals talents, like yo-yo tricks, lip reading and some stage magic with cards
– her dream to become an idol started when she saw for the first time at a big concert (for congratulating Daejung for having is diploma) Super Junior performed and she telled that her bestfriend and they started to dreamed of becoming an idol together
– "you are boring" is the worst insult that she can heard

– her ideal type is someone who will beat her at her own game and keep her interested. Someone she can depend on to be there for her, but who also doesn’t give into her when she feels like being demanding. She needs someone who can bring excitement to her life, but she can show to him that relaxing can also be nice


background :

Even is she may be one of the youngest of DAYDREAM, she's the oldest of her family. Borned in Sydney, Eunji lived in a korean family where, exept her mother, everyone is a man. She haves two youngerbrothers, Daejung and Sungho. When her mother was pregnent, her parents thought that is was going to be a boy, but no. The 23 july 1998, a little girl was born. But it's not because she's a girl that she was considered as a girl. Her father raised her like a boy. He showed her how to fish, make fire, to build a hut... and even dressed her as a boy. When she was four, they moved in Korea, because of her parents jobs. Her father is a police officer and her mother is a florist, and her father has got an upgrade but he has to comeback to Korea.  Unfortunatly, she doesn't renember any signle memories of her life back in Sydney, because she was too young and doesn't spend a lot of time there. When she was in school, she has some hard time to wore the uniform, especially the skirt, because she doesn't want to and because for her it was normal for girl to wear pants. So a lot of people finded her really weird and she was like the "alien" of her school. Why ? Because she loves everything that boys love and didn't do all the things that girls do. She was really affected by this because she doesn't understand why everyone make fun of her. She always find herself responded to the bullies, not wanting to be hurt, but at the end, she was alone against everyone.
But later, in high school, she made her own little group of friends, and spent all her days with her bestfriend Sunghyu, who was a kpop fan. One day, after school, with her little group of friends, she was in the streets, doing some shopping, when a mysterious man started to follow her. At first, she find him really weird, until he stopped in front of her with a little card where were writed FNC Entertainment. He telled her how pretty she is, that she  was the perfect korean beauty. He then finished by telling her to audition to his company. She was really dubious, and after many discussions about it with her best friend, who went to audition with her, and many discussions with her parents, she finally accepted to audition. at the end of 2014, with Sunghyu, she went auditionate in FNC Entertainment. She still renember that day, because she was really stressed and messed up some lines, her voice was a bit trembling, and she's one of the worst dancer of the world, and miss the beat of the song. one month later, when the ring of the schools belled, she recived a call of her brother Daejung, telling her that they recived a letter from FNC. So, with Sunghyu, they ran to their houses, and Eunji didn't open her letter until Sunghyu opened her letter in her house. She was in her living room with her parents and her two brothers, all were stressing for her, when Sunghyu finally called her, crying. She telled her that she wasn't accept in FNC, so Eunji started to cry too, telling to her parents that Sunghyu wasn't accepted. One of her brother was hugging her, and her parents reassured her, telling her that it was okay if she didn't succed, but Sungho was curious, and opened the letter. A scream of joy frightened everyone, and Sungho screamed that she was accepted, and that she will become a trainee at the at the beggining of the year 2015. At first, Sunghyu was really mad at her, but with times, she learned to accept the fact that she wasn't accepted, and now they're still bestfriend.

relationships :


+ father / hyeon Joonho / 57 / police officer / warm, hardworking, honest, considerate / Eunji and her father have a typical father/daughter relation. But because of his job, he's often not at home and when he's finally at home, he's tired. He raised Sunghyu like a little boy, teaching her a lot of thing, and somtimes he regrets the fact that she wants to become an idol, because he will not be able to see her as often than before


+ mother / hyeon yeonseo / 56 / florist /  calm, gentle, organized, helpful / Eunji's mother is the most kind and lovable person of the world. She was the one who help her when she wants to audition to JYP, she always visited her during her trainee, sent her foods and clothes, only for seing her daughter succed


+ brother / hyeon daejung / 16 / high school student / active, caring, cheerful, loyal / Daesung and Eunji are really close, so close that people think that they're best friend and not sibling. At first, her was really worried when he saw thet she will become a trainee at JYP, and call her everday after her practise, and the weekend, he paid her meals with Eunji for congratulating her


+ brother / hyeon sungho / 18 / high school student / leaderly, optimistic, reliable, familial  / Sungho always thought that his older sister will become a teacher or something like that, so when he learned that she want to become an idol, he tried to reason her, but when he saw her rapped, he was so proud of her. He's the type of brother to always protect her and being a bit intimidating with her friends, but all cute with her.


+ best friend / park sunghyu / 20 / college student / bubbly, confident, outspoken, excititing  / Sunghyu was the first person to be kind with Eunji, and they immediatly become friend, then best friend. They have the same dream, becoming idol, but Sunghyu wasn't accepted at fcn, instead of Eunji, so she was really jealous of her and didn't talk to her for like a month, but regret and sent her a text with a million of criyng and heart emojis. They're really complet the others, and can  live without the others


+ close friend / wang suji / 20 / trainee / kind, discret, calm, sensitive   / Suji and Eunji was part of the same rap line and Eunji made the first step and started to introduiced herself to her, because she finded her really kind, and became friends. Suji defended her when Eunji was bother by others means trainees, and Eunji will forever be  grateful to her


+ close friend / jeon chaebin / 16 / idol / funny, simple, loyal, kind / Eunji and her are really close freinds because they were together when they were trainees and have a tons of inside jokes and talked to each others as they're sibling. Eunji is her unnie and will never let her down.


+ close friend / Kim YeongGyun / 18 / idol / funny, naive, fearful, spontaneous  / hwiyoung and Eunji became friends when she was still and trainee and that one day he saw her in a practive room and find her funny because her movements were everything exept dances moves, so he helped with her dance routine. Since that day, they always bickered each others in a friendly way, mostly because of her short height

replace with love interest 85x85
all i see
love interest :   Kwon SoonYoung (hoshi)
back up : lee seokmin (dk)
occupation : idol (seventeen)
birthday : 06151996  


personality : Soonyoung is  naturally good at smooth-talking, making hard to say “no” to him. He knows  just how to work a conversation to his benefit or guide it in the direction he wants it to go. He is often so smooth with his delivery that most people don’t even realize he's coercing them.

Being close to soonyoung means you will rarely be bored or simply allowed to be content. He wants to shake things up and enjoy making life thrilling. He is often good at seeking out ways to make anything fun and new, even if it is the slightest adjustment. If you are someone who helps him comes up with creative activities, he will cherishes your friendship. He can often be hot-headed, but as long as you don’t take this too personally things will be great between you.

He thinks about others more than he expresses, he just isn't fan of constant emotional expression. He enjoyes being around people who are emotionally strong and capable of containing themselves. When he's around people like that he often is capable of sharing a lot of themselves. He enjoyes being able to chat and will often be good at listening to their friends.

love story :  

+ The weekend finally arrived, to the hapiness of eunji. She promised to Sunghyu that she will pay her a meal and a karaoke to congratulate herself for finally debuting in DAYDREAM. A cap on her head, a mask covering her face, she left FNC building, her scarf flying because of the cold wind, she quickly crossed the crowned streets to a cashier, to pay meals for her bestfriends and the tramway. Due to the winter, she ran to the tramway but during her race, she lost her ticket for the tram. She tried to tell to the tram controller to leave her because she already paid for her ticket but lost it. The controller refused, telling her that if she didn't have a ticket, she had to get out of the tram. She started to getting angry when the person behind her asked if he could pay for his ticket. Then Eunji walked away to let the man go and fetch his ticket. She was really surprised when she saw a hand with a ticket streching toward her, telling her it was for her. She raised her head and saw her sunbae, Soonyoung. She already knows him, they were introduced to each others after her debute. He smiled and told her to take the ticket. Still surprised, she took the ticket and bowed at him. She was very awkward next to him in the tram, when she received a text of Sunghyu, telling her that her brother was sick and that she has to revise for a test, so the karaoke was canceled. Sunghyu let out a sigh and a little cry of anger, when Jongdae patted her shoulder asking her if everything was okay. At first, she told him everything was fine, and she was a little exhausted, but after Soonyoung insisted, she tell him that she was supposed to find her friends for congratulate the fact that she had passed her trainee test. So naturally, Soonyoung told her to invited him, for thank him because he paid her ticket. She initilly refused but he insisted again, until she agreed. That's how during a winter night, Eunji spent her friday night with Soonyoung in a small restaurant, and since that night, they have become friends.


+ They have a really friendly relationship, well, only when they're with a group of person. Because when they're alone, their relation is more than friendship, but not really a lover one. Thanks to the fact that they're personality are really similar, and they're really good to hiding their feelings to their friends, because the way that they act with each others, is the same way they act with the others. They love telling jokes, puns, teasing everyone. But (it's going to be cliché) they will fall in this classic case "oh no I'm in love with my friend".

Writing a new song, telling a joke, rant her day, everything is a good excuse to eunji for calling him and for spending times with him. Even if their conversation is very platonic, their behaviors towards the others aren't really. Swing his arm around her shoulders, slightly hit his torso when he makes a funny jokes about her height, smiling to each others, cuddling while watching the tv, wanting to have more than just their simple friendship. They didn't want to ruin things between them, they prefer to let things happen naturally. When people are around them, they are a little distant, and wouldn't show their feelings for each others, a sort of cute shyness between them. They would act like they're just really good friends, and that's the truth, that's what they are, really good friends. 

The harder things for them is to letting people think that they're too similar to be with each others, having to refrain themself to hug each others, feeling the other close to them, all they can do is looking from far away, and secretly smile to the other. Teasing and laughing with the other is the only thing that they can do without looking suspicious, but even for them, their relation is hard to define. They know that they are more than friends, but showing affection with words is really hard to do. They have a really hard time to tell to the other their feelings, and prefer to letting their actions speak instead of their words.

trivia :

- Hoshi really likes to hugs her, because of her small frame, he feels really manly

- hoshi calls eunji peach, because of her skinstone, eunji tries to come with a nickname too but she's really bad to giving nickname to people

 - their first kiss, will happen when they finally have times to see each others, they are with chaebin and woozi in one of the pledis studio, and... they wil be alone for awhile and this happened naturally

- the fans know that eunji is close to some idols, and they would ship her with hwiyoung, before shipping her with hoshi

- during one of their Vlive, the fans will ask to the girls who's idol is the closest to their ideal types, and eunji wouldn't answer to the question until she saw one comment with #J.shi (their ship name) and she will start to blush and laugh really loudly

- there is a video on the social media where you can see chaebin eunji and hoshi dancing and fans start to call them "the dancer trio"

- eunji once on a instagram post wore one of hoshi's shirt but only a few fans noticed it

- eunji's younger brothers will meet hwiyoung and hoshi, and they were really intimidate with Sungho cold behavior and were really surprised when they see how cute he was with eunji, but eunji's brothers really like her friends

ending : right now, they're really happy with their actual reliation, they're really good friends. Even if Hoshi shows a lot of support for the debut of DAYDREAM, they're still friends, and don't want to change things now. But one of them (dunno who but wathever, but maybe when DAYDREAM isn't considered as a rookie group) will finally confess to the other, and they will tell to the members of their group, not wanting to hide it any longer, and it will be reveald it to the fans.

shine so bright



stage name : J.A (it means "JUST A" because A is the first letter of the alphabet and that she's just the first in all the category and it's was a idea of her mother who one day tell her that she was the first in all the category)
position : vocalist, visual, rapper
back up position : vocalist, dancer, actress
persona : the charismatic visual / even if she is just a pretty face and that her dance abilites aren't the best, she knows how to shine and to dominate  on stage thanks to her charismatic attitude

vocal twin : heize
dance twin : twice's jihyo
rap twin : heize   
trainee years : 2 years
trainee years expanded :

The first days as a FNC trainee were pretty hard for her, because of the pressure on her shoulders and the fact that if she's not good enough, she can quit the FNC, so Eunji did everything for still being a trainee. She was in the rap part and the vocal part, and tried to join the dance part but her dances abilities are really bad. The first days, she has no one to be with, because her best friend Jiwan was mad at her and because she was from Australia and not Korea. But thanks to her friendly and funny caracter, she maked some friends, like Hwiyoung who is in SF9, (plotline The Dance Machine), who was in the same vocal line as her, (plotline The Beast), who was in the same rap lin as her and Wang Suji, another rap trainee, but didn't forget her purpose, debuting in a group. The first time that she saw the others trainees dance and rap, she felt really bad compare to the others, and started to readed a lot of books for improving her writing skills. She's still remember her first test, she rapped, sang and dance for the first time in front of all the trainees and the teachers, and arrived third at the rap, and one of the last at the dance test. One day, at an rap test, she failed really badly to rap her song, because really hurted and the rap that she choosed was supposed to be rap with a high voice (it' was a song of HyunA) and it's almost cost her place as a trainee. At the end of the day, she was crying in her bed because of that, and since that day, she stayed every night in the practice and studio rooms to improve herself. She was skipping meals for spending more time in the rooms. At the end, her abilities really improve, and she started to learn from her mistakes. But because of her progess, a lot of trainee became really mean to her, started to telling that she was the favorite of the teachers, and that she's just a pretty face so that's why she was still a trainee while her dance abilities are the worst of all the others trainees. Life wasn't easy for her, so she started to spend all her days and nights in the studios, and she composed her first song "No Way", that she rapped at one of the test in front of all the trainees and teachers. Everyone was chocked of her performance, and they aknowleged her passion and abilitys
Eunji's rap voice is somewhat pretty deep and she seems to sings and rapping at the same time, but it's really attractive. Her writing is really particular too, she likes using metaphor and all that sort of figure of speech, and she likes telling stories through her rap. Her flow ins't slow, but isn't really fast either, even if sometimes she would rap fastly, and always gives energy to the songs. Her dance is one of the worst of the group, her movements are very slow and not precise so she always dances in the back but she will do everything for improving her dance skills, like spend a whole night with the choreographer. Her singing voice is really surprising too, she have a very sweet voice,
mmddyy : 07.23.1998
city : sydney (1998-2002)
city : daegu (2002- til now)
here : korean
replace with your character or aesthetics 85x85
what is your opinion on being an idol : for me being an idol is being a model and that's what i want to be, a model, for showing that with hard work and determination, you can realise all your dreams.
is being an idol worth it? : well that's a hard question *laughs lightly*  but i think that if it's your dream, of course it's worth it, i'm sorry this is a terrible answer *bows and laughs*
do you get along with your members? who in particular? : i think that we all get along pretty well, but i'm pretty close to our cute chaebin, we traineed together so, i guess it make us closer, well i hope thta she feels that way too
ending notes : hi and hello there ^^ so here is my little eunji and i really hope that she will be good enough and fighting for your story
questions? : none

scene requests :
+ daydream interactiosn with others idols
+ eunji and hoshi showing their closeness on variety show
+ members telling that eunji haves can do the kkab dance on weekly idol and she will do a riduculous dance
+ eunji and others members disputes
+ eunji having hard times dealing with the haters beacause of her pretty face
+ 365 show, after shcool club, knowing brothers, vapp live
+ daydream emisson (like exo showtime)
+ eunji having a dating scandal with hwiyoung because of their closeness and because they were spotted late in the street, but fnc will deny it
+ daydream having a special performance stage
+ and... maybe daydream winning rookie of the year ?? and eunji being a cry fontaine

password : fanclub name... dreamers
debute song... laboum hwi hwi
replace with aesthetics or your character 85x85


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