iismomo • momo • 8-10 rate


the basics.

name » Kang Hayeon

nickname(s) »
country bumpkin - a name the bachelors and girls calls her because well she is a country bumpkin

birthplace & birthday » South Korea & June 10, 1994

hometown » Hongdo, Sinan County

ethnicity » korean

occupation » farmer & cook


face claim » Chae Soobin

backup face claim » Jung Eunji


appearance » Hayeon may look fragile and skinny but this girl carries 25kg rice bags every morning and buckets loaded with fish and crabs daily at work. that only is enough work out to keep her in great shape, she may not have packs but she is tone from the work load. She is 167cm tall and weighs 49kg. she has long natural thick dark brown hair that is usually down or tied up into a clean pony tail.

style » Coming from a small island there was only 3 clothing store there. Most of all her clothes are dull colored. T-shirts, jeans or shorts, cardigan, and hoodies are her style of clothing, nothing too skin tight though. She doesnt have a sense of fashion at all, she's alays been to busy to even bother with dressing up or dolling up. It might be shocking to see her in a bikini or nice fitted dress for the first time because she is always hidden under big clothes.

one | two | three | four | dress that she'll prepare prob only wear once lol

" before anything, eating is a must "

" love has no rule said by the great Juna "




Cooking: 9/10    Cleanliness: 6/10     Sportiness: 6/10  
 Creativity: 2/10   Intelligence: 4/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 6/10     Musicality: 2/10


traits »
+ outgoing, caring, responsible, delightful, jolly, selfless
- outspoken, inexperience, frugal, slow witted, distractible, implusive


personality »

A sweet country bumpkin girl who is always delightful and jolly. Hayeon is a morning person and I mean she when she open her eyes expect a loud "GOOD MORNING!" with a bright smile even if her hair is a mess. You can always hear her giggling and laughing. People might think she over exaggerate her laughter and brightfulness but that is just who she really is. She is easily excited and amazed by even the tiniest thing like app filters. Coming from a small island she knew about smart phones but she never touched one. Hayeon gets excited going out and seeing new things since she's just use to seeing the large open sea, tall grassy hills, old people, and fishes. Hayeon is very much like a mother who takes care of people like they are her kids. She checks if you've eaten, if you're under the weather, if you're feeling down, or if anything happens she just has that motherly feel where she goes "don't worry my beef soup will cure you." She is helpful whether it's helping a contestant or heck she might even she checks up on camera man and PDs like "have you eaten? are you tired? want a chair? should i sit down so you dont have to follow me?" She has quite a tough boyish attitude but its charming and kind of cute in it's own way. Hayeon is a woman of her words and she is not afraid to admit her wrong doing or mistakes, she's responsible. even if it was not her wrong she will say it was her fault for not helping or doing anything. she makes people question their morals internally. ( there might be lots of cgi edits of holy light shining behind her with wings & a halo lol )

Hayeon may be all rainbow and unicorn but she's outspoken. She might say the wrong thing at the wrong time, she might talk back to people and escalate a situation, and she might speak of the elephant in the room by mistake. Hayeon doesn't hide her emotions, she's an open book, there is nothing she has to hide. Coming from the rural island, Hayeon is very inexperience. She doesn't know much about the high tech world or the world outside her island. She doesn't understand half the modern day jokes and slang, sports or hobbies, but that doesn't mean she's not going to try it. Hayeon is totally intrigue by everything that is about to happen and she will totally dive into trying anything whether it's eating, doing, watching what ever.She gets so excited about things that she can become distract easily. Hayeon is a very frugal person. Don't waste food, don't waste money. She has always worked hard to earn money so she knows that money does not grow on tree and it's hard for her to eat expensive food and wear expensive clothes. She seriously do not understand why people would ride private jets with lounges, she was totally suprised and almost fainted when she watched season one.

BACKGROUND » Born and raised in the Sinan County particulary Hongdo an island's population of 700. Her father is a fisher man who goes to sea for months and comes back to stay for a week only before going out again while her mother owns a small restaurant. Her mother along with her older brother Kang Haneul and her ran the restaurant alone. All she remembers from her childhood was playing by the ocean, going to school and going to help out at the restaurant. While growing up many kids hated the island and wanted to leave, but it was such a happy place for Hayeon that she never once thought of leaving. Most teens after graduating high school left the island to either Jeju Island to work or leave for Seoul for better education and life.

Hayeon loved the ocean and loved the small town's people. She loved cooking and seeing all the people in her communities stop by for lunch and dinner. Everyone knew everyone, there was no touch phone, or malls, amusement parks, or anyting fancy because there was no use for those on such a small island but she was content with what she had in her life. Eventually her brother left for Seoul for school, and he would often sent her gifts but she tell him there was no use in getting her a smart phone when the network connection on the island was bad, no need for a macbook for the same reason, no need for red lipsticks or make up when her sweat would run them down, no need for pretty clothes cause all the grease would get on it.

On the island more then half the youth left while those who stayed were already married. Hayeon never got the chance to date or marry because she was just always so busy helping her mother. The old men around the island always ask her to become their daughter in law but their sons never wanted to stay on the island, plus she was no Kim TaeHee or Song Hye Kyo. Hayeon just loved going to the sea early in the morning for fresh clams, then to the farms for fresh greens, then straight to the shop. She never felt like love or dating was important.

+ swimming
+ eating! she loves eating
+ cooking for people, she loves seeing people eat for their reaction it gives her a warm fuzzy feeling
+ animals, she loves them

+ amusent park, she fell in love when she visit her brother once and she fell in love with roller coasters, loves the adrenaline rush feeling )
+ ice cream, her favorite treat to win her heart just vanilla though
+ kids, she adores them

+ vairty show, Happy Together & 1Day2Night

dislikes »
+ salty food like chips, fries, pretzels, burgers, hotdogs, & nonkorean food (she's never had them you can't blame her)
+ cigarete smell and smokers, she is always nagging the old men in the island to stop smoking
+ people who waste food, like please clean you plate! eat everything!
+ ghost stories

+ singing because she's totally tone-deaf
+ bug killers! just let them be

strong points»
+ cooking
+ drinking
+ strength

+ ambition
+ optimistic

weak points»
+ slow witted
+ inexperince
+ oblivious to when the mood is right or settling in
+ tone-deaf
+ lying she can not lie, like its so obvious as she fidgets her feet around and not looking directly at someone


trivia »
+ likes patting butts
+ has a thick jeollo-do accent

+ gets scared & jupmy easily but she finds it funny and laughs at herself

+ she thinks she knows and understands alot just because she watches Happy Together & 1Day2Nights, she'll act like she knows it all but then giggles and be like "i have no clue what i'm doing. Can you help me?" <-- that's going to be her charm as most of the guys would just laugh and help her out

+ skinship like holding hand or hugging might scare her a little
+ totally fascinated by app filters

+ could probably piggy back the guys

+ her mother is everything to her, like she doesn't ever cry but if its about her mother she'll cry for sure. she has such a confident, happy and strong persona but deep down she quite scared of this new world, leaving on her own, and knowing her mother is alone makes her sad too, she'll have conflicting thoughts that joining the show was it too selfish of her

+ she is a good drinker because she drinks a lot at the island with the elders, so bascally she sits and drinks eating dried squid and talking loudly
+ her mother is a Lee Minhyuk fan and he is the only person Hayeon knows and might be starstruck
+ she is tough but vulnerable




home is where your heart is.




LOVE INTERESTS » kihyun. hyunwoo. minhyuk

the reason you applied » Hayeon happen to watched a rerun of season one on tv and instantly thought it was a crazy idea. how can someone put random strangers together and how can love actually come out of this weird mess. BUT she was hooked once she started watching. Hayeon was a HoMi Shipper (Hoseok & Yumi ship name). When her brother came back to visit she went crazy on him asking him if he knew the show and he said he only heard of it but doesn't really care for it. He then told her that they are actually doing a season two and are looking for girls. For the first time in forever Hayeon thought how it would be if she fell in love like Yumi did. After talking about it with her mother she decided to apply for the show. She was super excited! but because she became so busy at the restaurant she was never able to finish watching the season so she has no idea how the show ended. dun dun dun who will burst the happy bubble for her?


strategy » Hayeon is very talkative and outgoing approaching people espcially the three guys would be easy and fine. Starting a conversation about anything is normal for her. Since she has a lot of questions she'll end up asking them about stuff she's interested in knowing. She gets super excited Kihyun's food, Hyunwoo's swimming and Jooheon's music. I think she's gonna stand out like a soar thumb with her looking at everything in awe with her round eyes. She is not very judgy so I think she'll like all the bachelor and treat them all kindly, since she doesn't really know how to flirt too. She is strong, totally comfortable with herself, and not your typical girl so I think the boys who look at her fondly.


The bachelors »

  • jooheon » Hayeon think he is totally fun! She looks at him and wants to do crazy things too. He would be the person to teach her crazy weird things. Even if she thinks his music is too loud and noisy she'll probably scream and have fun since everything he does is so new to her. buuuuut she is kind of worried of how much money he spends it scares her. Hayeon think he is cute and squeals when he does aegyo. So hopefully he never stops throwing aegyo.
  • changkyun » Another person who spends money like it grows on tree. Hayeon is astonished. She also however likes having fun with Changkyun because he so carefree. She likes how he is also comfortable with himself. He would be like "i'll teach you everything child" as he pats her head like a puppy. So hopefully he takes her under his wing.
  • hyungwon » She attacks him with questions about the world. she loves asking and listening to him talk about different countries and about his travel agency. How can he be so t all, skinny, and handsome. She think he should be a model instead of a travel agency owner. So hopefully he doesn't get annoyed with her.
  • hyunwoo » Hayeon wants to have a swimming race with him. She wants to have an arm wrestle. She wants to see who can chop wood better. She wants to compare his guns to hers(even if hers are tiny). Hayeon can not believe a man like this exist. She is going to be really annoying and consistently talk with him making him uncomfortable and awkward because she is fascinated by how good of a swimmer he is. so hopefully he warms up to her.
  • minhyuk » Someone who seems to actually enjoy Hayeon's questions. They get along very well instantly just because both of them are talkative. Hayeon would be super interested in knowing about his filming and what goes behind the scene and such. Maybe he is the person who sets the mood right but she is totally oblivious to it. So hopefully he does not give up because she's naive.
  • hoseok » Hayeon was completely memorize by his beauty. but what she loves the most about him is that he loves to eat and she loves to cook so she's so happy seeing him eat. Hayeon heard models have to starve themselve so she wants to take care of Wonho even though he looks well.  So hopefully he doesn;t mind gaining a few kgs.
  • kihyun » Certainly they will bond over cooking and food. She is gonna be so mind blown when she taste his fusion food or any of his food. Hayeon think he is sweet and kind, even though the girls keeps telling her that he is surely here to just promote his restaurant she can not help but be drawn to him. She just has so many food questions! So hopefully he will enjoy seeing her over the top reaction to his food and stories.

this is paradise.



"So...this is season 2 of Bachelor's Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • (Internally) WOW IS THIS REALLY MIN YOONGI SITTING IN FRONT OF ME! wait who did he end up with? I really shipped him with that pretty girl what was her name Jo something. wait... why is he staring at me like that? OH RIGHT! He asked me something.

    "Torture? I think it may seem so in a way but the love that was also made was it not beautiful? I mean I really thought you....."

    Yoongi stares at her annoyed.

    "I meeeeean. Hello, Hi I'm Kang Hayeon from Sinana Hongdo. "

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • "Love has no rules." Hayeon says it with so much passion "Says the great Juna."

    Yoongi has a little hurt glistering in his eyes.

    "I live on an Island Yoongi-sshi. I live with old people and fishes. I just really want to experiences whatever Yumi felt. I want to feel Aejin's carefree love. Johanna's..." Stops and stares at Yoongi who looks away. " I just like to get off the island and see what the world has been up to and what it's got to offer." She smiles.

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • (Internally)wow...how can someone be so handsome?.....

    "Oh uh.....I honestly don't have an answer for that." She shrugs with a small smile. "I'm just humble I even got to come out to here for this interview."

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  •  "As long as it's clean money and I hope that those people know how to handle their money. It comes and goes but I've read that money has destory so many lives. One time I saw on the news that...." She stops as she sees Yoongi staring at her with the same look a couple questions back.

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • "Hopes and dreams." She looks down and for the first time since the interview she looks kind of stoic and almost sad which is alarming and makes Yoongi sit up more. "That sounds very nice and all but I don't really have any. My father is away most of the time so I'm usually just helping my mother out at the shop. She's getting older, and so I don't think dreams and hopes are my priorities at the moment"

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • "YES!."Hayeon said a little too loud and excited that makes Yoongi jump. "I did." She says calmer and smiles. "I only saw the rerun on TV though and I never got to finishing the season. I'm actually on the most exciting episode! I seriously cried when Juna left. I was so scared too of the whole haunted mansion! I felt so bad for Minseo as well she didn't mean to punch Seokjin! OH GOD! and You and Mi....." She says excitedly but looks at Yoongi first to see if she should continue. "A-anyways I didn't get a chance to finish the show." She sighs. "I have no clue what happened but I'm sure it all ended well, right?." She smiles brightly and Yoongi stares at her like she's crazy. Should he burst her bubble?

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • "Yes. You are soooo handsome and cool." She can not stop staring, she understands this must be how Mihoon and Johanna felt.

    Yoongi blushes but also weirded out.

    "Thanks for taking your time out to do this interview. I'm sure you're very busy." Hayeon says and it sounds like she was the one who did the interviewing. "AH! If anyone is visiting Hongdo please visit Kang Sea Food restaurant. Omma." She waves to the camera. "Do you think I'll find love?" She whispers to the camera with a small laughter that follows.

    Yoongi shakes his head and is ready to throw the paper up in the air.

last words.

comments/suggestions » AAAAAHHHHHHHH Here is Kang Hayeon! kekekek i hope you like her. i got so much fee;s writing and think what the hell is going to happen in this season.

scene requests »
- obvicously someone bursting her happy bubble and telling how season 1 ended
- someone is being completely flirty with her but she doesn't get it and just keeps talking
- Hayeon blocking people as she wonders into rooms like "Hyungwon just told me that in Italy there is a tower that is leaning! did you guys know?" lol something along those line.
- appearnce from previously Bachelor or contestant??? whaaa lol you know if a couple made it out of the show or to stir up lol


password » Kris Wu


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