Types Of Characters You Want More Of + Things you dislike in characters ( HELP )

Hi! Hope you're all well!

I need your help by telling me types of characters you want to see more of, and characters you don't.
Please don't list the obvious things like: mary sues, bad boys blablabla... And please try avoiding things others have already stated.
I really need you to be specific, and creative. What type of character pleases you the most?

This isn't only regarding AFF, I'm speaking in general.

I ask this because I am having trouble with some of my characters for my work, and figure, what better way then to ask others?
Be as specific as you want, but no bullying or harassing okay? Be nice!!



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Anti-heroines. Villains that are the heroes in their story. And intelligent people- there's a lot of intelligent characters but the way they are written makes them seem dumb. I need a really intelligent one!!!
1. I like characters who are relatable with. Like you can say, yes, people like this exist or the character is similar to me/ her.

2. I don't like characters who are too perfect.
I feel that no person is perfect. If a person is good, then we are seeing their good side. They have some bad side too.
So, the characters whose both sides are shown.
Example- a person is friendly and good to you, and you happen to get in a problem/fight and they ignore you.
This isn't a good example, but something like that

3. In a college/ high school au , I don't want to see just a kingka, queenka, nerd.
They are too many people too.
There is- a glee member, emo, clown, wallflower.
They have some interesting characteristics.
Like why is a glee so happy and not just a being a stereo type glee as told by the society. But something more.
Like they have problems/ pains in life, but choose to smile and be happy and solve those in that way.
Or emo acting like glee and pretend to be happy, but their speeches come out as depressing.

4. When idols are shown in a different way than usual.
For example, in a story, always yixing seems to be a good guy. But a author has shown him as someone bad or anything except good. ( I read one story like this, even though it felt weird imagining him like that, but it's refreshing to see something new.

4. Characters which aren't used. Like telling people about them. Person with a disability and telling people about them/ some low key characters.

5. Use of family and relationship with siblings/cousins. How are people's interactions different with friends and family.
Some families are fun, some are twisted.
Explore/ write/ include bits of them too.
I like when a traditional family in the end supports their modern children.

6. I like characters who don't shy to ask help.

7. Like if someone is showing a person's problem, show different ways to solve a problem/ recovery. So that people who actually suffered and are reading the story can try that.

These are many. I wish I could incorporate at least one of these. I hope this helps.
If you got any confusion regarding them, ask me I will explain.
(I have to save this for myself too)
Humans, no matter if real or not their are very complex their actions don't always make sense, their not always good or bad, and their emotions aren't easy ether. You don't have to write a walking paradox, but characters people can relate or cheer along with examples ( some might ):

Oh Sehun- a over all good student, just like the rest trying to graduate simple right? But life isn't a walk in the park. He have what you call... a smartass mouth that tend to get him into trouble Now it isn't on purpose....

Kim Taeyeon, and Byun Baekhyun- When you first meet them, they come as bland superficial even. To each other, that why their perfect but as the relationship grow both learn their fair share of "flaws" Taeyeon aggression, and baekhyun compulsive lying....

Lisa- if their one word to describe her, it would be particular. Some would joke, that she had OCD but in her eyes she just someone who know what they want. She know what she going to wear, what to eat, how to style her hair, and what she going to say every moment in her life is plan....

Some of the above, probably isn't original or well written but I feel like if you write it decently then your character would have something everybody can relate to. Characters are like colors to a painter, there so many mixes and schemes
That you could choose from
1. Characters with a purpose, motivation, or goal. More often than not the protagonist is just following the hero around, trying to get him to love her (basically the entire plot= good girl trying to win bad boy/alpha male over) I hate that. I want her to have her own desires, path and choices. Not for her to mould herself to the hero.

2. Resilient characters. Or in other words, Survivors, rather than Victims. Life is cruel sometimes, and waiting for somebody to come save you just won't do it.

3. Characters that carry a lesson. Likeability is irrelevant when it comes to characters' appeal. They could be real es, yet still remain interesting. And at the end of the story, they teach us something. Leave us with something. Whether it is through their developments, or their lack of.
Okay, I love character planning in general, so here are some of my favourite aspects and characteristics:

1. I love characters who are strong.
But of course that can mean so many different things -- not just strong in a physical sense. I like to see characters who are mentally strong -- maybe they're put in a terrible situation, something that would cause any other person to just break down, but this character has the strength to go on. Or they're placed in a situation where they're almost expected to compromise their moral compass, but they don't. They stand by what they believe in and act the way they believe in because they're strong. I like reading about characters who have been broken, but has the strength to stand back up. I like characters who smile when things are tough and is there to support others when they themselves are hurting.
I like to see characters who are strong in a quiet way. Not the most spectacular person, but you see them and you're like, that, that is someone I want to be like. Someone who understands themselves and acts without influence of others.
I don't like seeing characters who just break down and cry, and whine, and expect everyone to feel sorry for them. And solve all their problems. I like seeing a character cry. But I hate seeing a character cry over something and not do anything to fix their situation.

2. I also love characters who are broken.
I like seeing what tests the limits of human kind and how someone who has experienced this can come back from it. Be it with the help of others or by themselves. Of course, this brings me back to strong characters (which is why that is at the top), but I like seeing how some event changes the character, but doesn't make them into a whiny baby. I want to see how they cope and that experience changes them for better or for worse.

3. I love characters who are flawed.
Of course no one likes a Mary Sue. But people seem to forget what makes someone human and how important flaws are. I love seeing characters who have something about them that makes them a flawed human being and how that makes them unique, but don't define them. Instead, they make the character more interesting, make you want to know why they have this flaw, how its going to make them act. Such as someone who has a bad temper. Are they aware of it? How does this affect their relationships, their actions, their reactions to things. Someone who thinks before they talk -- just blurt out the first thing that comes to their mind. That may not be a huge, Shakespearean flaw, but its something we all deal with and I love seeing how it contributes to the character's situations and relationships.

4. I love characters who develop.
THIS. This is one of the most important things I think a character needs. This is the type of character I love to see -- watching how they change, how the events of the story made them a better person. Or a worse person. I love seeing characters who grow throughout the story, learn to see the world differently, maybe make a difference for someone else in their lives. Or a kind of person who is willing to learn. I don't like characters who started off as the badass of all badasses and remains that way thoughout the story. I don't like seeing a character who is about the same at the end as he/she is in the beginning.

I don't know if that answered your question, but I hope I helped!