? IT'S NOT YOU, IT'S DANIEL LIN  keeping u around bc i love u

NAME! daniel lin
OTHER NAME(S)! 淋稳海, lin wenhai
BIRTH DATE! october 7, 1996
ETHNICITY! chinese
FACE CLAIM! gallery isn't needed
BACKUP! list one to three
APPEARANCE! coming from a privilleged background, daniel's definitely got good taste. although he isn't opposed to wearing the occasional sweat pant and hoddie combo, he prefers to keep it formal with his jeans, occasional button↳up long sleeve, sweaters, and trenchcoats in the wintertime. come summer, and you'll find him in fitted t↳shirts, shorts, and trainers.

his hair is a natural shade of chocalate brown from years of sun exposure↳ and it's very thick and fluffy. he's pretty sure there was an instagram page dedicated to his hair at one point that he had to shut down. daniel is a giant at 6'1, taller than the average asian man and much cuter as well. 

↳ BACKGROUNDthe lin family is the human embodiment of exo's lotto music video, no joke. their extensive land holdings and highly succesful real estate company 'golden rainbow properties co.' is credited for having transformed china's landscape in the past fifty years.

in short, daniel is a rich kid↳ one with an actual house in shanghai's most exclusive gated community. he's the eldest son of the current ceo, and his twin sisters are five years younger than him. 

his parents aren't what most people expect: they're kind, and soft, and so in love that it makes him puke in his mouth. they're the best parents anyone could ask for, constantly supporting their son in whatever he pleases. 

↳ daniel is the biggest daddy's boy of all time, he calls his dad three times weekly on average in addition to their viber texts. he really does admire his dad and constantly talks about him.
↳ the lack of pressure actually made daniel embrace the company business, he's legitimately interested in the course he's studying and is looking forward to taking over the business.
↳ but that'll come later and his parents had to tell him to enjoy his youth for now
↳ daniel may come from a rich family but this boy is all about saving money, hesitant on pulling out his card unless it's completely needed (or unless he feels the need to treat yo self) will only splurge on food and helping friends (but will definitely chase after debt with an interest rate of 4.3% after one month)
↳ has a very dry sense of humour and a british accent from spending his formative years, aged 8↳14 in england attending the hurtwood house boarding school 
↳ everyone loves making fun of his slight british accent which pisses him off, making his accent even deeper (his accent and wording then becomes something pulled out from the queen's because it's that british)
↳ attended high school in switzerland's le rosey, the most expensive school in the world. graudated with top marks on his ib diploma.
↳ fluent in mandarin chinese, english, and french without any accents, basic in german and korean
↳ speaking of which, very drunk daniel is basically imcomphrendible since he speaks with a very strong cockney accent and randomly switches to french 
↳ drunk daniel is also the worst, he loses all inhibitions and becomes a tactless piece of hellbent on offending every single person with a twenty feet radius 
↳ good thing daniel can really hold his liquor though, he needs like 8 shots of vodka and four beers before he's really drunk
↳ finds rabbits atrocious and will not eat anything with celery or carrots in it, don't ask why (read: he has a permanent scar on his left hand pointer finger tip because of a bubby that bit him so hard when he tried to feed her celery and carrots) 
↳ hates margeritas on account of how damn salty they are. also hates pre↳gaming and eating food before drinking
↳ a feminist and an activist. his father taught him to respect women and how to respect other religion, background, and races and thus, he has largely advocated (and succeeded!) for making the campus a safer place for all, especially for women. there's a dedicated prayer room for muslims, status for hindu and buddhist practitioners, kosher and halal options at the cafeteria, and countless consent adovcation spread all around the campus, all of which he has a hand in putting up. he also has a habit of being politically correct all the time and will verbally not tolerate anyone who isn't. 
slytherin the executive gentleman snarker

charismatic, sharp-tongued, intelligent, brash, sensitive
judgemental, adamant, hard-working, humble, overthinker

consider this: daniel spent his formative years in some of the most expensive schools in the world, stuffed to the brim with rich, insufferable children who's favourite game is to see who can insult each other in the classiest way. chess, but for rich people essentially. what comes next is the direct result of such enviroment, paired with his natural good looks- daniel lin, the gentlean snarker accepted in not just columbia, but in harvard, stanford, nyu, dartmouth, and princeton as well. 

he's classy, very much so. he holds himself with a different air, one that dissapates the closer you get to him. he's rich, but doesn't show it ostentatiously like some of the kids on the chinese scene in new york. he has his parents who were there during his childhood to thank- their sacrifices the reason of his motivation. daniel's a little bit sappy that way, behind the snark is someone who truly cares though he may have a hard time expressing that having been exposed to the slghtly hypermasculine enviroment that was hurtwood house and it's single-gender dorm rooms. though he may not show it, he's always constantly thinking about- well, everything. either way, every single one his traits line up perfectly to form your favourite, effective student body president, the human representitive of a sour candy. salty at first, sweet in the inside
topic daniel lin

the junior from columbia? he's well known around the university scene

i'm at this part right now and our student body president is so drunk in a corner he told his best friend that he's a major "damp wellington beef pie" in the most british accent ever 


↳ oh lmao nevermind someone just told me he's from england and went to le rosey 

our student council president whos usually formal forgot his coffee today and accidentally offended the prof all within the first two minutes of the day by calling a big fat old ugly bald head eagle but its ok bc hes the star student lmao

im gonna SCREAM i guess this our council pres didn't know i understand chinese and he was whining on his phone to his dad about how much he misses him??? my crush on him just got 100% bigger 

let me tell y'all about this piece of who was the only one to do the 12 page essay our prof assigned when he was sick for three weeks

daniel lin is a ing angel, it's eid for us muslims and he made sure there was an emergency bed for anyone who felt faint from fasting during school

he's the chinese boy my parents want me to date


LIFESTYLE! short run through of your character's average day, please include their living arrangements (house, apartment, dorm, roommates if applicable) and financial standing.



goes to mothering columbia university majoring in (you guessed it) business

RICH AS like damn daddy get me a sugar daddy like daniel

LOVE LIFE! their romantic history. so here mention stuff like their view on love, how they pursue relationships, what kind of partner they are, or whatever you feel is relevant. however, if in your case you don't wish to have a love interest of any kind or don't think their history and view on love is relevant enough, delete this section.
LIFE! same as above except with . (eg you can mention stuff like tinder.)
ffdsfRELATIONSHIPS! any significant relationships both past and present, any format.
INTEREST! diana korkunova / Диана Коркунова
BIRTH DATE! december 8, 1996
HOW YOU MET! just for the record, diana is not asian. but technically she is, being of kazakh descent even if her mothertongue is russian. upon arrival at le rosey, she's automatically pitted with the other asians, and that includes daniel lin- the chinese boy from england. 

eventually, they rise the ranks but that's not before the two become best friends, bonding over their shared sense of humour and similar lifestyle. diana was poised to be the next ceo of one of russia's biggest fashion conglomerates who was the eldest sister to a wild and ruly family who spontaenously went to disneyland and who's parents reminded daniel of his own. they're close enough that even her parents view him as the chinese son they never had, and in turn, both sides need to buy another seat on their private plane. 

but it's not just that. they were two asteriods heading for the same target, travelling the same path. they loved business- loved what they were doing, loved sharing knowledge with each other. they'd talk about the future sometimes, trying to keep it as close together as possible but they don't even have to try; promises of being each other's best wo/man at their weddings and raising their children side by side. it doesn't even occur to daniel that the person he's been describing as his ideal type was sitting in front of him, not until it's too late and diana is happily in a relationship with a wasp from new england. .
HOW IT HAPPENED! daniel tries to bitterly swallow the sight of diana and this white kid snogging faces at the le rosey graduation after party, so he knocks back a lot of shots in the process. but everywhere he goes↳ diana won't leave him, literally. by the end of the night, they're both drunk as hell and daniel's british accent that diana always admired is strong and so is he when he sets her down on top of the bed.

they don't know what they're doing, but daniel wakes up to the biggest mistake of his life. he leaves even before she wakes up, knowing that he ed up really bad. he then begins the rythmic process of deleting every inch of her both physically and digitally, swithing phones and quietly explaining to his just as remoresful father why he couldn't see the russian girl who had obviously taken his son again.

it's all good from here, eventually daniel just represses the memory for a solid three years until one ???? day, he catches a glimpse of her again. a little online stalking turns up diana korkunova, a famous instagram model with over 7.3 million followers who's also chronicled her transfer from paris' ecole de la chambre syndicale to new york's parson institute of design. just as ironically, he goes out for a drinks with noah and four of his other friends, and that's when daniel knows he's truly and well ed.
HOW YOU'LL DO IT!  , a play in three parts chronichling daniel's attempts to reconnect and re his best friend is a must see on broadway, but just as easily accesible at a local penthouse party he didn't know diana would be attending. well, as he's thrown to the wall (diana was a lacrosse player so he's not surprsied at her arm strength) by the woman herself, he's aware of how good time has been to her. she's more beautiful in real life, he thinks, and nope↳ he never got over her, and that realization is the only thing he can think of as diana starts screaming and cursing in french then eventually russian. 

daniel is on the verge of being drunk daniel, but it's good enough anyways s the only thing he can say is, "well, doesn't this remind you of something." that gets him is a black eye. apparently, diana also moved onto shotput and javelin throw during college. 
HOW IT ENDS! how will this plan end up?
ALIAS! here
COMMENTS! and any questions?
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