Infinite 30 Day Challenge - Day 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17 -


Day 6: Best dancer in Infinite
The obvious answer to this question for most would be Hoya. For me though, when it comes to the best dancer in Infinite I would have to say it would be Dongwoo.
When I watch Infinite performing I always find my eyes wandering to Dongwoo during their dance choreography and I'm always blown away by his powerful moves.
I have to admit though that I am guilty of rewatching the entire performance again just to focus on Woohyun to see if he flashes his abs at the camera >.<
Day 7: An Infinite member you want to be BFFs with
This is probably the easiest questions so far and I've found myself thinking it a few times while watching Infinite videos.
If I had to pick an Infinite member for my BFF, it would have to be Sungyeol!!! XD
He always has a way of making me laugh, even when he's not trying to be funny and I don't really know how to describe it but he just seems to be the type of guy that I would really get along with.
Day 8: An Infinite member you want to go shopping with
Owwww, I would say Sungjong but then I remembered Woohyun and his close relationship with SHINee's Key and that made me re-think my answer.
If you're a SHINee fan then you will know that Key is famous for his fashion sense and if I were to go shopping with Woohyun then there would be a chance that Key would show up and since Key is one of my biases in SHINee, It would be in a win - win situation.
I also love Woohyun's sense of style so even if Key weren't there, I think I could learn a few things from Woohyun.
Day 9: The member you think is most easily shipped
Of course I think it's the maknae, Sungjong!
I think the reason is because he's the youngest of the group, so that's the main reason for why he's the most likely member to get shipped with any one of his hyungs because they all feel comfortable around him.
He's also the member that I think has the prettier looks within Infinite so I think that kinda gives Sungjong a unique edge that gives fangirls a reason to ship him with someone.
Day 10: Your favourite OTP
I really want to say MyungYeol (Myungsoo and Sungyeol) but I can't because the Couple WooGyu (Woohyun and Sunggyu) have recently caught my attention and I just love their interactions.
In Sesame Player, I mostly picked up on Sunggyu's and Woohyun's "bromance" (especially in Episode 2).
I've been a er for the two of them ever since XD   
Day 11: An OTP you don’t like
I don't think there is an OTP that I don't like. Everyone has their favourites and they all have their pros and cons but to not like one kind of takes the fun out of being a fangirl, right? or am I alone on this one?
So I don't think there is a definate answer for this question, sure there are OTP's that I enjoy seeing more than others but that's just my personal choice.
I don't dislike any OTPs.
Day 12: Your favourite Infinite quote/interview
Probably Woohyun's quote during Sesame Player when he was refering to Sunggyu.
"A Kim Sunggyu without me is like chopsticks without a spoon, Like thread without a needle"
To this day, it still makes me giggle when I rewatch that part on Sesame Player. 
Day 13: The member you think is funniest
You'd think it would be Woohyun because of the amount of times I've mentioned him above but when it comes down to the funniest member for me, it would probably be Dongwoo.
He's always manages to make me laugh, even when you can tell he's trying to be serious, or even when he's not trying to be funny.
Sunyeol is a close 2nd though XD
Day 14: Your favourite variety show cut
Probably the first episode of Birth of a Family, when infinite went into that yellow box and the dogs came out.
Sunggyu looks so scaired through out the whole clip but I was finding it really hard to feel bad for him because he just kept making me laugh from his reactions.
Not only was it funny but it also showed me how good the other members of Infinite are with dogs and that's one of my weaknessess, I obviously love the variety show Birth of a Family; but that clip from Episode 1 will always be my favourite.
Day 15: An Infinite member you’d kiss
All of them?...Um probably if I had to choose one it would be my bias Myungsoo/L. 
Come on, what girl doesn't want to kiss her bias? Besides, his lips are one of the many things I admire about Myungsoo.
Day 16: An Infinite member you’d play the ‘I Love You’ game with
Okay, I just had to google the I love you game because I'd never heard of it before. Maybe it's just a game in America but whatever.
So if the 'I Love You' game is where you call someone up and try get them to say I love you to you then I'd probabyly want to try it with Sungyeol.
Since he's known for being childish, I think he'd probably be the easiest to get to say "I love you" and he seems like he can take a joke and find the fun in it.
Day 17: An Infinite member you’d date but in secret
Probably Hoya, to me it seems like Hoya is the most mysterious member in Infinite and he also seems like the type that would want to keep relationships like that kind of private which I have no problem with.
Also I probably wouldn't want to get killed by the many, many fan girls who would want my head on a silver plater if and when they found out I was dating one of their oppas.
I am such a failure.
I knew I wouldn't be able to keep on top of this but I still did it.
I'm finally up to date though but on Sunday I'm off to Paris for the week to see Music Bank Live so when I come back I'll have even more questions to answer.
Oh well, it'll give me something to do XD


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i love all of your answers XD and i feel the exact same way about the best dancer XD