Poem Challenge

saw this on Twitter and thought I should share with y'all.

here's a challenge 

write a poem

with four lines

of three words


have fun y'all 


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y'all did great. -high fives-
Hello my friend
how are you?
come here now
I miss you.
DeanZedd #3
Sorry, little memelord passing by
DeanZedd #4
Here's a little
lesson In trickery
this Is going
down in history
DeanZedd #5
This is a
Story all about
How my life
Turned upside down
We are dancing,
On our heels.
One wrong move,
We are doomed.
A quiet girl,
A chaotic mind,
Inside a world,
World of mine.

O.o how did I get in here. XD
You have came,
You go again.
Could have stayed,
Refused to wait.

what have i written xDDDDD
Seven of them,
Ikon they are.
Love them everytime,
Get ready, Showtime!

Forgive me.. But it looked fun XD
Witnessed my beginning
Like the sky
Read the stars
It's my name
DeanZedd #11
Hey now you
Are an allstar
Get your game
On go play
Here's another

A potato rolling
It ran away
Because it's doomed
To be chips

HAHAHA Okay bye XD
DeanZedd #13
Tried so hard
Got so far
In the end
Doesn't even matter
Here's a flower
It's a sunflower
Bright and cheery
Just like you

HAHAHA, Hi, don't mind a random potato rolling across here. Have a nice day ahead! ^^