◸ TRIDECA◿ Hip Hop unit's Eunah

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Yon Eunah

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameYon Eunah
other names

— none


— teddy bear : she really loves hugging the other members when she feels in a really great mood

—  sunny : she's like a little ray of sunshine and makes everyone happy

birthday February 03, 1998 
birthplace Seoul
hometown Deagu
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean
languages spoken

— Korean : she's native, and speaks fluently with a little daegu's accent

— Satoori / Gyeonggi : since she's from Daegu, she speaks the satoori dialect fluently, and she learned Gyeonggi dialect (Seoul's dialect) but she isn't fluent but speak it well

— English : she learned english at school, and she is fluent 

— Spanish : she isn't fluent but learn it

face claim Apink's Naeun
back up face claim Mamamoo's Moonbyul
height & weight 166 cm & 50 kg

— With her fair, like light milks skin and her small eyes which winkles when she smiles giving you a cute eyes smile, Eunah is like a natural korean beauty, and  gives you a little ethereal appareance. Thanks to her small figure and her long brown hair coming to her shoulders, Eunah is more cute than y, but she knows it. Her round cheeks and her deep brown eyes will probrably make you fall for her fairy nature. She doesn't have a small frame, even if she isn't the tallest human in the world. She is quite slime, and haves curves at the right places and haves a very tonic body thanks to her many years of dance. But who say dance say scars, and she haves some little scars, one on her nose, and another one under her right eyes, but you have to watch her closely if you want to see it.


—  Eunah doesn't has any particular style in fashion. She dressed herself up depending on her mood and whatever she feels like wearing. If she's having a bad day, she wear clothes with dark colours like grey, white, dark blue and black, from head to toe. On the other hand, if she happens to be in a good mood, her feminine side would pops out. she would goes outdoor wearing blouse, skirts and dresses; feeling like a princess. however, short shorts including skimpy dresses and skirts are a big NO for her. Those are alright but not until the extreme short that when she bends down, you could see the little moons of her cheeks or her .  Eunah wears high heels sometimes but she loves shoes and sneakers the most.  


casual dress   x x x x x

casual shirt    x x x x x

formal dress  x x x x x

training         x x x x x



personality traits positive : charismatic, hardworking, loyal, kind

                                         negative : stubborn, messy, distracted, impatient


— Eunah is a bright and hardworking person. When she wakes up early and always helps wake up the others in the morning. She is always the last one in the practice room, and when she heard she'd debut she practiced longer and harder. Eunah sometimes overworks herself and usually has to be told to stop practicing. She is full of aegyo and can be really cute when she wants to be, but she is also very charismatic. Eunah is very good at both charismatic and cute dances/songs, and can definitely master both. Even though she might look only cutesy, everyone's always surprised at how she can dominate a stage. Lots of people tell her that she's cute, and when this happens she smiles and says "Thank you" but she'd rather be more unique than cute. She is a very loyal friend. Eunah will always try to settle any drama that comes up between her members, and is very sensitive to others around her. Even the smallest emotional moment can set her waterworks going, and not much will get her to cry. Her small emotional gauge is another thing that makes her so kind. Eunah is one of the most kind people you'll ever meet and holds a lot of empathy for others in her big heart. When she was younger, her dad died, so when other people around her made death jokes so casually, she sort of got mad inside, but never really showed it on her outside personality. She never let her hardships get in the way of training, but nevertheless breaks down sometimes when everything's overwhelming. Lots of people make casual death jokes, like "You're dead" or "I'm dead", etc. She thinks that if other people had experienced death, they would understand but if they don't, she doesn't hold it against them. 

— However, just like every other human being on earth, Eunah has some negative personality traits as well. This might not be portrayed as negative, but once she has an idea she will stick to it and never let go until it is resolved. She hates it when people put down her ideas immediately without giving any reasoning behind their thoughts. She'll defend herself until she realizes she's wrong, and then she blushes and is suddenly quiet. You can tell when she's flustered because she averts her gaze and she is speechless for a minute or two. Her room is also very disorganized, but somehow she manages to find everything in that cluttered-up space of hers.  She doesn't like it when people try to clean her things up and mess her things up because her belongings all have a place, even when it might look messy, Eunah can find anything. It's not really OCD, but she still likes her messy room just the way it is without any changes. She gets distracted easily, but not too easily. Even if she is stubborn, something will end up distracting her, but she will get back on track no matter what. If she's caught in the wrong, she likes to change the subject and is really good at distracting other people as well as herself. When she is poring over a wrongdoing, she'll try really hard to distract herself so no negative thoughts don't come to her.  Being stubborn doesn't mean you're not impatient, though. Eunah is very impatient and hates having to wait long periods of time. That's why she wasn't sure she could be an idol; because training would take a long time and she woud have to wait so long; not even sure she would debut. 


— Eunah was born in Daegu, South Korea. She grew up learning Seoul dialect because her parents said it was useful for her future. When she was in 7th grade, she spent a semester in California, USA near the Bay Area as an exchange student, where she finally mastered English fluently and started to learn Spanish. She came back to Korea in time for her 8th grade year, and later moved to Seoul with her family. She enrolled in Seoul School of Performing Arts, in which she is currently in the 12th grade. Her best friend, whose name is Youngah, transferred schools to the other side of Korea when she was in 5th grade, and since then she didn't really come close to anyone until she entered Pledis Entertainment. For some reason, since she could remember she was terrified of elevators. Of course, living in South Korea, there were hundreds of elevators; but every time she rode one she still had a clenching sense of fear in her stomach. 

She has an older brother and a younger sister, both of which she would die for. Her brother is 2 years older than her, and her sister 3 years younger. Her dad died in a car crash when she was 9, and it devastated her family, although they picked themselves back up. This was a couple of years before she moved to CA for a semester. To this day, her mom takes care of her younger sister and brother, while Eunah moved out for training. She still keeps in contact with her whole family, and a day doesn't pass where they don't text or call one another. She is severely allergic to bees and once in 6th grade she was stung at school, and had to go to the hospital where she didn't go back to school for a couple of days. 

When she was 14 years old; in 9th grade, she auditioned for Pledis Entertainment. One of her friends showed her an application and she immediately knew she wanted to be an idol. Eunah auditioned by dancing to INFINITE's Be Mine, and rapping a remix version of 2NE1's I'm The Best. She likes doing powerful boy group dances and got accepted by auditioning with these two songs. 

She loves music and it originally came from her younger sister. Eunah would sing her to sleep, and seeing how soothing of an effect it had on HyeYoon, she decided to keep pursuing music. She also joined her school's chorus. Eunah was one of the most talented, according to her teacher, and her parents encouraged her dream. 



— Chocolate
— Math
— Dogs

— Books

— dancing/singing

— brain puzzles (she's not very good at them though)

— to outsmart her unnies

— being unique

— Winter

— fruit


— Bees
— jewelry
— Heavy makeup

— Elevators

— suffocating clothing

— needles


— Humming to herself
— using phone in bed (too late but ㅠㅠ)

— Wakes up early (contradicts ^^ but she can do it)

— Chewing gum

— bouncing her leg up and down

— biting her lip when she's nervous

— if overwhelmed she'll switch back to Busan dialect


— reading
— dancing

— singing

— talking with other trainees

— pretending she can cook XD she really can't


— loves strawberries
— Allergic to bees

— Studied abroad one semester in America

— would do anything for her siblings

— loves to read books and is a book geek

— likes to daydream and writes small story ideas down in a notebook of hers

— can play the violin

— favorite subject in school is math

— doesn't like doing homework, though XD

— Type O blood

— biggest fear is the people she loves getting hurt because of her

— easily guilt-tripped


Sister/ Park HyeYoon/ 15/ student/ bright, cheerful, impulsive, vague/ 9/10 closeness

Being the youngest, is very dependent on her older siblings but is closer to Eunah than Gihyuk as Gihyuk is almost always at college though he does look up to both of them. She's very affectionate and demands a lot of attention from those older than her, especially Eunah and is very clingy towards her. Initially, she was very happy for Eunah when she became a trainee but eventually realised how much she would be away from her and was very upset. Over time, she learns to deal with it but still calls her and asks her when she is coming home often.

Brother/ Park GiHyuk/ 22/ student/ sarcastic, stingy, amusing, energetic/ 10/10 closeness

Enhau and her brother aren't really like siblings. They're more like bestfriends. They always count on each other and together they've tried to get rid of the quietness and independentness witin their home. Gihyuk and Eunah have a strong bond. Inside jokes, going to hang out together and way more things are what they enjoy. They seem to be inseperable.

Mother/ Kim Minyoung/ 47/ reporter/ kind, empathetic, respected/ 7/10 closeness

Eunah and her mother have a very cliche mother-daughter relationship with one another. They are perfectly fine with one another, yet there are days where Minyoung's unreadable expressions drive her daughter nuts as she attempts to decode what her mother truly means. While their relationship becomes strained at times, she is the parent Eunah often runs to if she ever needs advice on just about anything. There's an unspoken trust they hold between one another to not discuss which was reinforced because of the death of her father.

Father/ Park Kyutaeg/ 48/ computer engineer/ intelligent, friendly/ 7/10 closeness

While Eunah heads to her mother almost exclusively for advice, she heads to her step father every time she needs a smile to be put on her face. He understands exactly what it is that makes his little girl happy - she does become embarrassed sometimes when his personality obnoxiously shines out in public. However, despite his over-the-top demeanor, Eunah appreciates the fact that he didn't want to replace her father, but just be there for her.

– Best Friend/ Kung Youngah/ 19/ college student/ outgoing, loud, bold / 8/10 closeness

Youngah isn't called Eunah's bestfriend for nothing. They've been through everything with eachother and their personalities are even somewhat similar. They've been dancing, singing, rapping  with eachother, and now that Eunah is a under Pledis as a trainee Youngah couldn't be prouder of her best friend. Basically her sister from another mister and her wifey for all reasons. They act like children when they're around each other and tend to have cheesy pick up line battles whenever they get together. Sometimes they'd bicker like a married couple over the pettiest things, then cuddle up like lovers later.  

— Close friend/ Chwa Hyerin/ trainee/ 19/  motherly, hard-working, cheerful/ 6/10 closseness

They trained together. Ever since their meeting in Pledis building, her and Eunah were always seen together. They got closer thanks to their age and that she isn't one of those mean trainees. She was actually the first ever person to approach Eunah in Pledis and is the only girl trainee to ever talk to her besides Youngah. She is always seen smiling, which always makes Eunah smile.



stage name Eunah
persona The Sunshine rapper

plotline+ position Hip Hop Team #3
backup  Hip Hop Team #4

talent twin

— vocal twin: Mamamoo's Moonbyul
— dance twin: Red Velvet's Joy
— rap twin: Mamamoo's Moonbyul
— others: Mamamoo 's Moonbyul

trainee years 5 years
trainee life  Right when Eunah wakes up she goes out to the studio. She takes her iPod and earbuds, a water bottle, towels, and a fresh set of clothes. Of course, in the morning, she starts with stretching. She does her dance practice with her dance teacher, and practices with about 5 other trainees. After a 5 hour long dance practice with a break for lunch, she freshens up and heads to raps. She trains with a coach for about an hour, then practices independently for 2 more hours. After that she goes to language class, where she ties up loose ends in Korean, English, and learns Japanese. As soon as she finishes language, she is free to do what she wants to do, most of which she spends training. Using whichever free practice room, or recording room is open to train all of her waking hours. She hardly gets any sleep, but she is used to it and her body has gotten used to only a few hours of sleep a day. 

Training was nothing like Eunah had imagined. She trained in to improve her rap, and dance ability, and also tried to find her own colour in those aspects. She is very passionate when it comes to producing her own songs and her types of music. She always practiced her lyrical writing skills by writing some lyrics for the song that she's going to use in the monthly evaluation, and improve it by following the feedbacks the juries give her. She also learned how to compose song by observing the older trainees who do it. She usually observes them while she is writing her lyrics. it might not do much to her but she at least knows a little about composing and writing for experiences.

The hours were long, the training was intense, and a lot of the other trainees weren't particularly nice. She did make some friends, like for exemple Chwa Hyerin, another rap trainee. but the majority of them dropped out after their first contract ran out. however, like the trainees who now debuted in Pristin (not that they weren't nice to her but they have lost their friendships when they were in Produce 101). Eunah was determined to make it and to stand on the stage with her sunbaes. When it's the time for rap classes, Eunah is the one who always comes earlier to class than others. She is very diligent and puts all her energy and hard work through rapping. Eunah is not a born rapper. She knew she could rap but there are times when she was criticized a lot because she couldn't rap very fastly. She knew it too but she loves rapping so much that she never gives up even though she feels rather self-conscious towards other trainees who are a lot more talented. Eunah may not be an incredible rapper like CL or HyunA but she delivers songs from deep inside her heart. Her rap trainer once said that she has potential to be a great rapper if she works hard in sharpening her rap skills and maintaining her emotions.

predebut activities 

— did a cameo in Seventeen's Mansae MV

— did a photoshoot with others trainees


love interest Nam Joohyuk
back up love interest EXO's Sehun


— Joohyuk is a friendly person, always making people feel better about them when he can. He enjoys seeing people smile and be happy. he's also lively. This is the case because he's always telling stories and joking abot with his friends. Joohyuk's extremely untidy, loves to leave stuff all ober the place and walk away from it. allowing it all to become cluttered and messy unless someone eventually cleans it or he gets sick of seeing it like it is. Another one of Joohyuk's traits is that he's stubborn in whatever it is he's doing he doesn't quit. Be it acting or arguing with someone he doesn't want to leave it be until he's succeeded in completing it or winning depending ont he situation.

love story

— They first met at their first photoshoot for high cute couple photoshoot. Eunah was running late because of Trideca's schedule. Joohyuk was already done with his makeup and was already in his outfit. Eunah and her manager came rushing and she immediately apologized for being late. She went straight to hair, makeup and outfit. during the time she was getting ready, Joohyuk was doing his solo shots. Eunah finished getting ready and the photographer told her to join Joohyuk. When Eunah stood next to him and shifted her eyesight upwards. She got intimidated by Joohyuk's height of 188cm. She looked at the staff with a straight face then called her manager. "manager oppa! can you get my insoles!" the whole staff laughed including Joohyuk. She kept saying that she has no height. Then told Joohyuk to give her some height which earned a laugh from him. She jokingly told the photographer if she could like step on a chair or something or let Joohyuk sit down or squat. But surprisingly they had chemistry through out the photoshoot 


— dating in secret until they're both ready to tell the public 

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment Hi ^^ hope  I didn't do some mistakes and that you will like her

scene requets

— in weekly idol, Trideca's members said that Eunah is the best at kkap dance, so they made one of the performance team demonstrate a really cool dance to compare with Eunah's kkap dance.
— Eunah had a bad cold and had to lip sync, so she got criticized by netizens because of it
— Eunah feeling hungry so she volunteered to buy food. she snuck out of the dorm and came back with three bags full of junk and street food. she finished like most of it
—Eunah and Joohyuk going out to eat and catch up
— Eunah and Joohyuk showing their closeness at a variety show or social media 

password WJSN - Secret and for the fanclub name ^^' dunno...



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