Let it go

"Let it let it go

cant hold it back anymore."

i think I'll sing this line whenever I felt like crying. Lol. 


-Thought of this at 4 Am. 3 hours of sleep then i woke up suddenly at 4 because something been bugging me. It's eating my whole being and I don't know what to do that i have to clutched my chest and sigh repeatedly. All kind of curses wanted to be thrown. (Sigh) 

Screwed. Totes messed up.


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Jamless_seagull #1
Let it all go. Dont hold ur emotions and resentment in for too long. Its better to let those out instead of keeping them in and letting them hurt u from the inside.
If u need anyone to talk im here. I know its a little awkward, a stranger offering help and all but I don't like watching people suffer. ;-;