[COLLAB] THEILA-8 (An AFF Writer's Project by Amekel) Check It Out!

Sup peeps! Hope you are all having a wonderful day today!

I’m making this blog post to inform you all of this awesome collaboration story which has been put together by Amekel called THEILA-8 (LINK).

A stumbled upon this project a couple days ago in a discussion post where they were asking for authors who might be interested in getting involved. I am one of those peeps who was interested and I decided to join up! I’ve always kinda wanted to be a part of like a collaboration fic like this, or work on a story with someone, co-authoring and stuff, and I saw this as my chance to do so. Also, the reason behind Amekel making this is really awesome too: to get more authors movin and get all us peeps inspired and involved in some great story making together.

The whole jest of it is that each person a part of it will be writing their own separate story line for their respective character/OC/face claim while also making sure to follow with the basic story line which is pretty much this:

The story takes place in the future with a corrupt government that has got the majority of society brainwashed with the way they are running things. Topics like communism and such play part. The different characters are all part of a huge gang called THEILA-8 who is against this and has not fallen to the lies they’re being shown. And so, they are to fight back and fix it.

It's pretty cool! There’s already two chapters up and everything. Plus, who knows, if all goes well, there could be the possibility of more collab stories like this in the future having to do with different genres.

So, come on over and check it out! Not just for me, but for all the other amazing peeps that are going to be involved as well! Many different writers with many different styles coming together, sounds great, no? And maybe get involved too if there is more room! I’m not entirely sure how many peeps are involved at the moment or more can be accepted, so, you’ll have to ask Amekel about that. But yeah, support awesome collab fics!


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Sounds dope. Gonna check it out (〜^∇^)〜
*sheds tears* I'm so happy you like this project TT thanks you for the post~!!

Currently there are five writers participating, and any other writer can join too whether you want to stay and complete the story with us, or just write a chapter of your own. Please inbox me for details if you're interested!