Huge rant coming through orz
So, basically, I'm not afraid to actually write this down. I'm biual and that's what my rant is about today. I live in India and it annoys me to no end when I see the blatant discrimination going on here. Like really. And it's not just my social space who're like that. It's my own parents too. They have no idea about my uality, but they carry the same general ideas.
For example, one day, I asked my Mom, "Ma, what do you think about the LGBT community?"
And she answered, "Huh. Stupids. If it were one of my children, I'd be very dissapointed."
When I asked her why, she said, "It's not normal. It's something like a disorder right? I'd be ashamed if my child got together with someone like that. Even I have wishes of having grandchildren and all." I told her about how couples can adopt children and they's still be the same, to which she said that "It wouldn't be the same."
I don't blame her of course, because she's actually a really nice person. It just that the society brought her up in a way to make her believe that the LGBT+ community are bad people. If only she knew, hah.
As for my Dad, when I asked him about them, he just shrugged and didn't discuss much because he sisn't deem it necessary. He said something negative about it, (what I can't remember) to which I argued. But, it was in vain, because he just said, "Just because you know terms like LGBT and things like that or because you have the same genereal view about it as every other youngster around, it doesn't mean it's right. Do you know how many people have been assaulted by these people? Don't live in a fantasy."
But unfortunately, my father wasn't realistic enough to realize that thousands of people are still waiting for judgement for being victims from straight men and maybe even women. Some haven't even made news. Being gay, lesbian, bi or transgender doesn't automatically mean that we are rapists. If anything, we are generally very affectionate. (Or so I think OTL) But yeah. I'm not blaming him either. My dad's generally an open person, but again, society brought him up that way.
And it's just the same around my friends. Well, I do have a handful of them who support me after knowing my uality and I love them for it. Seriously. <3
However, there are people at my college who are, well- A little more than against the idea.
There was this one class where we had to find a suitable combination of men and women for a stable marriage. (Yes, we did this using an algorithm OTL). My teacher had written a combination of men in a set which I silently cheered for to my friends and they were like... "Uhh... Why is your brain always in the gutter?" (I mean, they're not wrong, but still orz) I asked them what was wrong with what I said or did, but then she said, "It's okay in countries like America or other Western countries, but it's just wrong here." I told her that it seems wrong because we all use our 'culture' as an excuse to not accept a minority community and that it's probably because the majority is basically close-minded. She, unfortunately took offense and said, "Well, basically, people in America are so free that they are even willing to put their parents in jail." At that time, I couldn't argue with her because class got over. But now, thinking about it, at least the children have the right to tell the court that 'Yes, my parents are abusing me and I want out from this situation.' whereas here, children die because of our so called 'culture' of respecting elders to the point you let them abuse you. I do believe in respecting elders and anyone for that matter. But once you don't get that respect back and it crosses a line, you cannot just sit back and keep being the world's biggest doormat. Respect is different from slavery.
Anywho~ I'm drifting away from the topic.
What I meant to say was that, Indian culture is actually really beautiful with the way it binds people together despite the diversity. The Gods we pray may be different, our dances, languages may be all different, but our values stand the same. Unity in diversity is what I believe is our culture. Not an escape route to deny a community. What happened to the unity in diversity there?
And then, one of my friends, who is actually the sweetest angel I know, honestly. I asked her about her opinion about the LGBT community and she first firmly said it was wrong. I asked her, "If you liked a boy, loved him with all your heart and even want to get married to him, have children with him, live with him, be by his side- Just... be his source of love and support- then someone tells you you can't because it's wrong and they don't give any other reason. How would you like it?" For a minute, she contemplated it adn said that it would break her heart and I asked her, "What if the same thing happened to a girl who thought of the same thing with her lover who was also a girl? How about her feelings?" My friend did agree to my point, but she also said this, "I do understand what you're saying, but I read the Bible and I believe in it a lot. So when you suddenly tell me this view, I can't just change my religious belief, you know?" and unfortunately I couldn't argue with her. But as long as she understands the human rights part in this whole thing, I think it's okay. Don't you think?
Moreover, I recognize a trend going on in my college which I actually thought was outdated. The urge to call anything that defies a gender stereotype as 'gay' or 'lesbo'. First of all, just because a guy likes pink doesn't mean he's necessarily gay nor is a woman a lesbian because she prefers wearing caps and having short hair. Second of all, there's abosultely nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian or biual or transgender or literally anyone else. It doesn't have to be degoratory. We're human too and a lot of people fail to realize that.
And then there's our goverment coming up with Section 377 (which was actually made in 1861 which was before the first aeroplane was discovered btw). Like, they tell us that unless the public changes it's opinion they wouldn't scrap the law. (A law that says that conseual between homoual couples is illegal and has a prison time of 10 years which is higher than the time for which is 7 years). Why is it such a crime? Why is being our own individual selves a crime? Why is having an identity in a stereotypical society a crime higher than ? Unless politicians stop doing stupid things like this, the people wouldn't change. The discrimination stings and it's only the tip of the iceberg that I experience because I haven't told too many people about my uality and I only hear it indirectly. Imagine the people who could possibly be trying to just survive because they are who they are.
So yes, this is my huge rant and I hope y'all stayed till the end (I wouldn't blame if you couldn't because this was long orz) It's just that I'm sick of hiding. Sick of pretending I don't see girls the way I see guys. But I can't come out to even the people who are supposed to be the closest to me. I did tell my sister though and even if she supports me, she still wishes for a boy to like me. However, I'm in love with a girl. A wonderful woman. She's litreally my everything and... I can't come out for the sole purpose of not being able to lose her because she means the world to me. There will be a solution somewhere along the road as with every problem. We just need to hope. This rant wasn't to make anyone feel sorry for the LGBT community. It was more to make people realize that there are people living in these conditions and that they're very strong. It's more of a rant to show how close-minded my society is. I can't speak for other societies or countries but my own.
This was just me venting out because I have had enough of not speaking up on the topic.
So yeah- that felt good orz
But yeah, that's all for now ^^ Bye I guess? ;; <3